Me:Good morning sir, here's my materials
VO:Ok, how old are U
Me: I'm 23、(空白时间)I'm admitted by Loyola University Chicago, majored in Accounting、、、( majored、、其实还没怎么说完就被打断了、、)
VO:Oh Loyola, It's a good university
Me:(笑)Yes, Thank U
VO: What's your major?
Me: My major is Accounting
VO: Oh, Accounting is a very good major、what's your major before?
Me: my bacherlor degree is Accounting too、(vo开始敲键盘,大段空白时间,为了避免尴尬我开始扯之前准备过的问题为什么要学会计,结果刚开始bulabula就被VO打断了,他笑着说他知道了不用重复了,我就只好笑着悻悻地闭嘴了、、囧~可见有时也不是说越多越好~~)
VO: OK (这时他就开始收拾材料和拿小蓝条给我,看到小蓝条我心里都乐开花了~材料都递给我了,vo又想说什么~)(VO趴到窗口前的麦前面,作聊天状) where would you live?
Me: I will live off-campus
VO: who will you live with?
Me: I think I will live with one of my classmates
Vo: Ok, congratulations!
me: Thank U very much!!
Vo: besides, Chicago is a fantastic city!!!
Me: I think so~ Thank U!! Have a nice day~