
标题: USC MBA新鲜火辣面经with Grace Kim [2013-11-19] [打印本页]

作者: fantasyXWT    时间: 2013-11-19 07:50
标题: USC MBA新鲜火辣面经with Grace Kim [2013-11-19]
刚刚紧张兮兮的完成了USC的skype面,面试我的是Grace Kim,人非常nice,我们在上海MBA Tour的时候见过面,所以又见故人还是有点亲切感的,顿时面试压力就降低了不少。不瞎扯,来上些面经:

总体:没有outside the box的问题

1。Go through your resume. Why did you have the job changed?
2. Why MBA?
3. What's you biggest challenge at work?
4. Your leadership style?
5. What's your strength and what's your weakness in leadership style?
6. What's the misconception other people have on you?
7. Why Marshall?
8. Other questions for me.

面试时长半小时,我最后问她什么时候能知道消息,她说他们不会email通知,12月15日会在网上申请页面里放榜。然后我又问了她一些有的没的,啥你觉得MBA最challenge的地方在哪里,how do you like your experiences in Marshall,顺便夸了一下他们campus麻雀虽小五脏俱全⋯⋯anyways, fingers crossed!

作者: EMMALIULIU    时间: 2013-11-20 13:10
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scorpio08 发表于 2013-11-20 14:40

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