102. Wind farms, which generate electricity using arrays of thousands of wind-powered turbines, require vast expanses of open land. County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y. Therefore, a wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in County Y rather than in County X. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the planner's argument? A. County X and County Y are adjacent to each other, and both are located in the windiest area of the state.B. The total population of County Y is substantially greater than that of County X.C. Some of the electricity generated by wind farms in County Y would be purchased by users outside the county.D. Wind farms require more land per unit of electricity generated than does any other type of electrical-generation facility.E. Nearly all of County X's population is concentrated in a small part of the county, while County Y's population is spread evenly throughout the county. 1. 由问题问法得知,此题是评估类的题目。
2. 找到前提和结论: 结论句应该是:A wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in County Y rather than in County X.。 3. 判断推理模式: 原文中看似说到了X和Y的不同点,无法让两者之间产生类比,但是我们也可以发现,文中的结论是基于X和Y除了人口密度上没有其他差别才得出的结论。所以该文段依然是一个类比推理模式。我们在判断推理模式的时候,请不要拘泥于词汇,而是注重结论所真正建立的核心。 CountryX CountryY
地形(相似点) 装风能涡轮机(相似点) 人口密度小-->安装在这里 |
地形(相似点) 装风能涡轮机(相似点) 人口密度大 |
由原文可知,只要我们能找到一个不相似点,或者另外一个乡村,就可以削弱当下这个推理,从而选出答案。 4. 找到答案方向:类比模式推理有两个CQ:CQ1:相似性问题CQ2:反案例问题 答案选项,要么同时涉及两个案例,要么就一个也不涉及,提出第三个案例才能成为答案。 选项分析: A. X和Y彼此毗邻,两者都是所属州风最大的地区。涉及X和Y的相似点,加强了类比推理。B. Y的人口数量要远远大于X的。涉及了两者的不相似点,可以留下。C. 有些Y由风力发出的电能被在Y之外的人买走。该选项只涉及Y。D. 产生单位电能的情况下,风力发电比其他种类发电需求更多的土地资源。该选项不涉及X和Y,也不是第三案例。E. 几乎所有的X的人都聚集在X很小的一个部分生活,而在Y,大家都是四散居住的。显然涉及了两个案例的不同点。可以留下 最后比较B和E,显然E的能削弱将涡轮机放在Y,答案为E。