
标题: UMD 马里兰大学 的商学院,千万不要申!!!! [打印本页]

作者: wileo5    时间: 2013-9-25 04:15
标题: UMD 马里兰大学 的商学院,千万不要申!!!!
今年申请的同学们,千万不要申请umd,马里兰大学的商学院。career fair(招聘会)不让硕士生进。找工作上各种设置困难。不要来白白送钱了。

作者: VincentShu    时间: 2013-9-25 04:52
你是第几年,如果是新生,不让进去很正常。Career Fair是个很严肃的地方
作者: Northkey    时间: 2013-9-25 04:59
其实我想说就对大多数中国新生(包括我)来说,due to蹩脚的英语水平,career fair去不去其实没什么区别。。LZ放宽心,好好网申,学校还能拦着你找工作嘛。加油~
作者: wileo5    时间: 2013-9-25 05:00
我是second year的,马上毕业了。是新来的career service的director Angela太差了。
作者: wileo5    时间: 2013-9-25 08:02
Northkey 发表于 2013-9-25 04:59
其实我想说就对大多数中国新生(包括我)来说,due to蹩脚的英语水平,career fair去不去其实没什么区别。 ...

后来我们几个人argue了一下,进去了,career fair还是挺重要的,跟recruiter和manager们聊聊挺不错的。
上一届找工作情况非常理想,就是学长学姐们非常积极参加这些活动。今年这种情况就是学校从中作梗。交了同样甚至更贵的学费,却不能享受同样的career service,太不公平了。

作者: Freewill2012    时间: 2013-10-1 01:21
Not sure which major you're...I'm SCM student at UMD and I went to the career fair for all students last week, for three days. If the career fair is targeted on undergraduate students or MBAs, apparently we can't go there. But there's still plenty of career opportunities for graduate students here.
作者: 求求求offer    时间: 2013-10-1 13:22
同学,我也UMD  MSA 在读,你说的我比较有感触, 看了你的帖子以后我发了个帖子详细的解析了这个项目。 你有时间了看看我说的在理不。。 ... ;extra=#pid18780811
作者: tianwangzh    时间: 2013-10-2 18:26
Freewill2012 发表于 2013-10-1 01:21
Not sure which major you're...I'm SCM student at UMD and I went to the career fair for all students  ...

作者: Freewill2012    时间: 2013-10-2 21:31
tianwangzh 发表于 2013-10-2 18:26
同学,我非常想申请UMD的SCM专业,今天恰巧看到了你的回复,想借此地问问您UMD的SCM中国学生毕业后的去向 ...

There're 90 students of 2 tracks. Last year, 6 or 7 out of the 20 students who graduated in the one-year schedule found internships, 3 of them now have full-time jobs. The rest 70 will be graduated at the end of this year, so their position is uncertain now. This week there're 8 students passed the 2nd round interview of Walmart and I heard there's even more got interviews from other companies.

In my point of view, if you're seeking a school of fewer Chinese, UMD might be the worst choice. We've got only 8 foreigners ( US, French, Italian, Greece...) this year. But if you wanna pursue a degree with less pressure in school work and more time in job seeking, UMD will be a wise choice. The course scheduel is either 12-month or 16 month, and we'll only have one course per week at the end of 2014 semester. The course schedule provides engough time to look for internships and jobs.
作者: tianwangzh    时间: 2013-10-3 13:22
Freewill2012 发表于 2013-10-2 21:31
There're 90 students of 2 tracks. Last year, 6 or 7 out of the 20 students who graduated in the one ...

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