
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-11】经管 Blackberry! [打印本页]

作者: 小鱼上树    时间: 2013-9-25 23:45
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-11】经管 Blackberry!
Official Weibo:

Part I: Speaker

Article 1:

The End Of Buttons: The New Gesture-Control Era

[Rephrase 1]
[Dialog, 2:31]

Part II: Speed
Article 2:
BlackBerry layoffs could portend a sale

[Time 2]

SAN FRANCISCO — Massive layoffs of thousands at BlackBerry, reported in the works, move forward the likelihood of a company sale.

BlackBerry is planning layoffs of up to 40% of its workforce by year's end, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter. The move is said to affect thousands of workers across all departments.

USA TODAY could not confirm the report.

BlackBerry has failed to rejuvenate its business despite relaunching its smartphone line and software in January. The company's downward spiral last month led it to explore strategic options that include a sale. Those prospects grow more likely in the wake of whopping employee cutbacks, say analysts.

BlackBerry shares slipped 1.5% to $10.40 in trading Wednesday.

"All the signs are that the company is making itself attractive to a buyer," says Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi.

Troubled BlackBerry had 12,700 employees in its most recent reporting period. The smartphone maker slashed 5,000 jobs last year.

BlackBerry had no comment.

BlackBerry's accelerated sale prospects — expected as soon as November, according to the Journal — underscores an industry turned upside-down. Just ask Nokia. Microsoft snatched up Nokia for $7.2 billion this month after both had failed to jump-start their mobile businesses.

The moves highlight consolidation around Google's Android and Apple's iOS software.

BlackBerry has struggled to woo consumers with it BlackBerry 10 software that underpins its new Z10 — which sports a full touch-screen — and the Q10, with its physical keyboard.

The company recently slipped below Microsoft in worldwide sales. Fourth-ranked BlackBerry holds just 2.7% of the smartphone market compared with Microsoft Windows at 3.3%, Apple iOS at 14.2% and Google's Android with 79%, according to researcher Gartner.

"They (BlackBerry) were overtaken by Windows," says Milanesi.

[285 words]

Article 3:
Why BlackBerry Needs a Sale Sooner, Not Later

[Time 3]

There are 4,500 soon-to-be-unemployed BlackBerry staffers who know better than anyone the pain the Canadian mobile maker is going through. For the approximately 7,000 who will still be working there, the big question is how much longer the company can sustain itself.

There are different ways to look at that question, but here’s one particularly urgent factor: How much cash does it have left to burn through before simply running out of money to pay the bills?

The answer is about 16 months worth, if the way it lost money in the last three months continues. When it reported results for the quarter ending on June 1, the company said it had $3.1 billion in cash and investments. By the end of August, according to the announcement today, that had been whittled down to $2.6 billion.

That implies the company is burning through half a billion dollars of cash every three months. If it keeps going at that pace, it has until sometime around November 2014 until the $2.6 billion it has left runs out completely.

[176 words]

[Time 4]

Obviously a big part of what BlackBerry announced it would do today is aimed at slowing down the pace of that cash burn: Drastic employee cuts, reducing the number of devices it is selling, and aiming for an overall 50% reduction in operating costs by next June. The company also said it is moving away from the consumer market to focus on business customers, which presumably means lower marketing and advertising expenses.

At the same time, that kind of cutting can itself contribute to dwindling cash, because firing 4,500 people will involve short-term costs, and trimming back the business can also mean trimming back the revenues it generates. It’s not called a death spiral for nothing.

But even in the gloomiest scenarios, BlackBerry has no debt, and some assets worth real money. On top of $2.6 billion in cash, the company has a patent portfolio that Scotiabank estimates is worth at least $2.25 billion, based on a conservative valuation method. BlackBerry has been one of the busiest patent filers in the mobile business over the last decade:


Someone’s going to want to buy those patents. And BlackBerry still has 70 million subscribers around the world, and a huge base of large corporations running its enterprise-grade software to power their mobile email systems. That’s not something you can build overnight, and should be able to attract some eager bidders.

The question is when. And looking at the cash burn rate revealed today, it needs to be soon.

[248 words]


Article 4:
BlackBerry plans to go private

[Time 5]

BlackBerry's largest shareholder, Canadian insurance company Fairfax Financial, hopes to buy the smartphone maker for $9 per share.

That's an extremely low premium for a once-dominant company. Prior to the announcement on Monday, BlackBerry was trading at $8.24 per share. As recently as Friday, BlackBerry shares were trading at more than $10.

But shareholders were skeptical that Fairfax's deal could even go through: Shares of BlackBerry traded slightly below the amount that Fairfax was offering on Monday.

The proposed deal comes just three days after BlackBerry announced a brutal preliminary quarterly financial report, including a $1 billion loss for last quarter and plans to lay off about 4,500 staffers.

And so Fairfax, which already owns about a 10% stake in BlackBerry, is a possible white knight for a company that sorely needs one. Fairfax CEO Prem Watsa said the deal "will open an exciting new private chapter for BlackBerry," and that it will "deliver immediate value to shareholders."

Given BlackBerry's struggles, the go-private offer came along rather quickly. It's been just one month since BlackBerry said its board of directors had formed a special committee to look into "strategic alternatives" for the company -- including a possible sale. (As part of that announcement, Watsa stepped down from his board position to avoid "potential conflicts.")

The Fairfax offer isn't a done deal, however. BlackBerry chairwoman Barbara Stymiest said the company would consider "superior" deals, and the company has until Nov. 4 to find a better offer before proposing Fairfax's plan to shareholders.

[251 words]

[Time 6]

If BlackBerry does receive multiple offers, a bidding war could break out. Late Friday, the New York Times posted a report saying BlackBerry co-founder and former co-CEO Mike Lazaridis had approached private-equity firms about making an offer for the company.

If the Fairfax deal goes through, it will likely be a big relief for BlackBerry -- and a big challenge for Fairfax.

BlackBerry said on Friday that it would give up on consumers and redouble its efforts on winning over corporate customers -- a sentiment that Watsa echoed on Monday. But BlackBerry has recently struggled in corporate market too.

Companies have been increasingly willing to let employees work on phones they choose -- a phenomenon known as Bring Your Own Device. Those employees are overwhelmingly selecting iPhones and Android smartphones.

Meanwhile, BlackBerry rivals Apple, Google and Microsoft have worked hard to improve their security and e-mail delivery capabilities. As a result, corporate IT departments have opened their once-restrictive gates to non-BlackBerry devices.

Blackberry 10, the operating system that was meant to save the company, was delayed several times. So were the phones built around the new platform, which left BlackBerry customers with no new phones to buy. BlackBerry 10 finally launched in January, but sales of the new phones running on the platform have sorely disappointed.

[216 words]

Part III: Obstacle

Article 5:

The End of RIM: How BlackBerry Crumbled

[Paraphrase 7]


This is what a company circling the drain looks like: Research in Motion (RIMM) has officially hired JP Morgan Securities and RBC Capital to advise it on its previously announced “strategic review” of its business. While the company’s CEO, Thorsten Heins, described the role of these advisors in a jargon-laden statement yesterday as evaluating “the relative merits and feasibility of various financial strategies, including opportunities to leverage the BlackBerry platform through partnerships, licensing opportunities and strategic business model alternatives," the market-speak really translates as “we’re in dire straits and may end up selling part of the business.”

That would be a depressing conclusion to RIM’s saga, which saw a tiny Canadian startup become an icon of the Internet age – its Blackberry phone/e-mail devices were so ubiquitous that they were dubbed “Crackberries.” In the pre-Twitter era, one BlackBerry owner gave the world a taste of what was to come when he carried his device into the delivery room when his pregnant wife was about to give birth, and sent out e-mail updates every few minutes. In the year or two after the 1999 launch of the BlackBerry, long before the advent of the smartphones, possession of the device was a hallmark of status within the corporate world. And the BlackBerry network was secure enough for government use.

But as e-mail has given way to texts and tweets, so the Blackberry lost that cachet – or rather, it forfeited it to the iPhone, Android phones and tablets. After all, the Blackberry wasn’t a multi-purpose device of the same scope as a smartphone. You couldn’t use it to read a book; watch a movie; play Angry Birds.

And as with so many other once-pioneering technology firms, RIM failed to anticipate the advent of Apple’s (AAPL) iPad and, once the latter was launched, failed to respond promptly enough with a competitive product. By the time it introduced its PlayBook tablet to the market a year ago, it was too little, too late; reviews were underwhelming and sales ho-hum, at best. Within months, signs of distress at RIM were evident, as the company axed more than 10 percent of its workforce. A massive outage last October was simply the icing on the cake for many Blackberry customers; RIM’s new smartphones weren’t fashion-forward enough to compensate for being without service. Its market share has plunged from more than 40 percent to about 10 percent of all smartphones, by some calculations. Last year, it took a big writedown on the value of unsold PlayBooks; it wrote down the value of a large stockpile of unsold Blackberry devices last quarter.

Admittedly, the release issued yesterday – which also included a warning that the company expects to report an operating loss for its current fiscal quarter – didn’t state specifically that RIM, with its vast portfolio of alluring patents, is up for sale. But that’s the gist of the company’s pronouncement: It has served formal notice to its shareholders that it can’t complete a strategic turnaround on its own. The declaration that RIM has hired bankers is a de facto invitation for interested bidders to step forward. Once bids – solicited or unsolicited – are made to the board, it will be hard for directors to argue that shareholders should reject them. What’s the alternative scenario? What other option can they point to?

So what lies ahead for RIM? Odds are that it’s the patents, rather than the company’s operations, that will be of most interest to any bidders. The company’s market capitalization today stands at about $6 billion; last summer, analysts at investment bank Jefferies & Co. calculated the company had invested about $5 billion in patents that might fetch at least double that if a bidder like Apple saw an opportunity to pick them up cheaply, or quadruple that in a competitive bidding situation or one where a company decides to fork over the same kind of premium that Google (GOOG) did when it agreed to acquire Motorola Mobility last year for $12.5 billion.

RIM’s slow progress toward the brink of disaster is yet another reminder that the pace of technological change leaves no room for sentiment. Sony’s (SNE) iconic Walkman of the 1980s was replaced by the Discman, as compact discs replaced LPs and cassette tapes; the advent of downloadable digital audio quickly banished both to the same realm inhabited by the 8-track music tape player, video cassette recorders and rotary dial telephones. There is no reason why the Blackberry, long since displaced by the iPhone and other smartphones, shouldn’t join them in oblivion given RIM’s unsuccessful struggle to win back its status as an industry pioneer.

In after-hours trading, RIM’s shares dropped 7 percent; those losses have grown larger today. True, the company trades at a mere 5.2 times its trailing 12-month earnings, but for investors to see it as a deep value buy, they have to be convinced that there is some value in the company itself, and not just its patent portfolio.

[824 words]

作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2013-9-25 23:47

- smartphone, shift, away.
- blackberry, iphone, end of button, micro, gesture control,
- voice control, more underway, voice and facial, missing button,
- not easy, still a long way to the compeletely buttonless era,
- feel something new is old again. gesture tech is like a device a decade ago.

作者: 晓野的野    时间: 2013-9-25 23:53
占到了座儿 开始还想提醒你去补昨天的作业呐,一刷新就看到你做了呢,真巧
掌管 5 00:01:24.26 00:07:18.23
掌管 4 00:01:40.08 00:05:53.97
掌管 3 00:01:09.42 00:04:13.89
掌管 2 00:01:12.09 00:03:04.47
掌管 1 00:01:52.37 00:01:52.37

作者: 小鱼上树    时间: 2013-9-25 23:56

1 2min30
Blackberry’s fall is the end of button era. BB is famous andattractive for those buttons. As the new technique comes out, we use lessbuttons on cars, computers and phones. But it is hard to change people’s habit.It may take decades for the buttons to totally fade out.
2 285 1min27
All signs indicate blackberry is making itself moreattractive to buyers.
3 176 54s
**peope will get laid off and ** peope will still workingfor bb- what’s the stayed people’s concern- burn half billion every 3 months-how much does the company have
4 248 1min23
BB’s strategies to save expense by cutting employee’s andrefocusing on business market- bb’s strengths
5 251 1min17
6 216 1min07
7 824 3min54
How things started- how the iphone, ipad, angry bird beat bb’sass- what the company do to survive- up for sale- don’t be too sad to lose bbbecause it’s normal as we get more advanced technique

作者: 疏离无罪    时间: 2013-9-25 23:57

The blackberry is facing a decline in sale and wants to find a buyer.The sale of blackberry has been overtaken by that of Microsoft.

BlackBerry needs a buyer sooner because the company is losing money.The company have lost half a billion dollars in the last three month.

BlackBerry has take several actions to slow down the burn of money.Fortunately,BlackBeey has no debt and has lots of patents and subscribers.BlackBerry still has something attractive to buyers.

BlackBerry's largest shareholder, Canadian insurance company Fairfax Financial,who has already hold 10% stock in BlackBerry wants to buy BlackBerry for 9 dollars per share and makes BlackBerry a private company.
The deal may not be accepted unitl Nov. 4  by BlackBerry because they are still finding buyers.

If there are many buyers for BlackBerry,the bid will be intense.
But the buyer may face dilemma.The company is facing a hot competition and does not perform well.

BlackBerry will sell parts of its business.
BlackBerry become a top company in smartphone market at pre-Twitter era for its unique e-mail services.
But the single function of its smartphone and slow respondence to the new technologu make the company lose its position.
BlackBerry have to seek advices form bankers about the sale of itself.Although the company is losing money,Many buyers will interested in BlackBerry's patents.Buyers can buy those patents in a low price.
The pace of technology change leave no room for sentiment.BlackBerry is a good example.

作者: change17251    时间: 2013-9-25 23:59
怒抢首页、、、、、 辛苦小鱼了!!!

Speaker: the sale of blackberry seems to represent the end of the button era. The button means too much to our society and tech. Now, more new technologies come to the world, but changing people's habits is not easy.

layoff: 裁员 rejuvenate: 恢复,使年轻,使更新   slash:削减,猛砍 snatch:抢夺 consolidation:巩固,合并,团结
2,21   the blackberry's layoff makes the likelihood of the sale of its company move forward.
1,13   how long the Blackberry can sustain itself. if it lost money continue as it suffered latest, the money will soon run out.
1,51   the value of the Blackberry is still high because of its patents, but it shrinking fast.  
2,03   the fairfax's offer is not good enough, the Blackberry try to find "strategic alternative"
1,47   Blackberry lose its competitiveness on several aspect, if the Fairfax deal goes through, it will likely be a big relief for BlackBerry -- and a big challenge for Fairfax

Obstacle:  7,20
ubiquitous:普遍存在的    cachet:优良品质,公务印章the blackberry is planning to sale
In pre-twitter era, Blackgberry is the icon of the internet age, but it not show competitiveness and invent attracting products when iphone and Android phone ocuppied the markhet.
People who interested in buying Blackberry are care much about its patent, but the value of patent is decreasing.
The slow progress of Blackberry is a disaster.

作者: ttlovej    时间: 2013-9-26 00:18


TIME 2  2‘50
TIME 3  1’46
TIME 4  2‘20
TIME 5  1’56
TIME 6  3’27
TIME 7  5‘18
作者: 张茹ava    时间: 2013-9-26 06:33
02.42 blackberry finds ways such as laying off staff to solve great decrease in sales and market
01.07 compared with the cash burning rate, the future sustaining time of the blackberry
01.54 the benefits of cutting staff and patents of the blackberry are still worthy
03.08  fairfax company considers buying shares of blackberry with low premium but blackberry is waiting its  superior deals
01.48 a big bidding war competing for blackberry will break out, and the disappointed result of the blackberry’s latest new smartphone
09.04  several ways for blackberry to make up for its declining sales and the unpromising future of it.

作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2013-9-26 06:40

Theblackberry laysoff predict to be attractive to a buyer for a sale.
Time2: 56s
At thisloss pace blackberry will go bankrupt in 2014.
Time3: 1m27s
Although it’s dwinlding cash trend, blackberrystill has a lot of ranked real estate and patent to entice many bidders.
Time4: 1m40s
Thelargest shareholder of blackberry plan to be white knights to private , but theCeo of Blackberry will find a better offer before F’s plan.
Time5: 1m21s
If blackberryreceive multiply offers, There will be a bidding challenge for F.
  RIMlook forward a financial stateges to leverage the blackberry platforms.
  Onece,Blackberry ‘s security email made it popular ,but now the email is replaced bytext and twit.  
Blackberry ignore the advent new smartphone, and new publication didn’tcatch the trend.
  Ifthe bidding come to the directors, they would’t  know how to reject .
  the patent not the operation will be mostinterest for bidders.
  The blackberry brink of disaster revealtechonology changes leaves no room for sentiment ,only replaced by other newtechonology.
Now, blackberry should focus on it’s operation not just its patent to attractbuyers.   

作者: frauschirm    时间: 2013-9-26 06:54
1. BB makes prospect conditions to attract potential investors to buy it.
2. ONly 16 months for the BB to spend over all its money.
3. slow down the pace of burning money
   estimate BB's value and advantage
   BB is still attractive to eager buyers, but time for BB is limited
4. BB is waiting for a better chance to sell, and its canadian shareholder is not the optical choice by now.

作者: sherlock1992    时间: 2013-9-26 07:14
作者: irvan    时间: 2013-9-26 07:28

The reasons that lead the RIM to its end
作者: 竹迹    时间: 2013-9-26 08:09
Time 2      1:11.50
BlackBerry is planning layoffs of up to 40% of its workforce to accelerated sale prospects.
Time 3      0:42.71
BlackBerry should solve the big question that how much longer the company can sustain itself, or it will run out of money to pay the bills.
Time 4      1:06.62
Something about the present situation of the company and it should need to be soon to have a sale with the looking at the cash burn rate revealed today.
Time 5      1:10.97
The Fairfax offer isn't a done deal and the company has to find a better offer before proposing Fairfax's plan to shareholders.
Time 6      1:02.57
If the Fairfax deal goes through, it will likely be a big relief for BlackBerry. And some efforts have been made to improve its sales despite of the disappointed result.
Time 7      3:02.44
Its Blackberry phone/e-mail devices were so ubiquitous that they were dubbed “Crackberries. It forfeited it to the iPhone, Android phones and tablets and failed to respond promptly enough with a competitive product. So what lies ahead for RIM? Odds are that it’s the patents, rather than the company’s operations, that will be of most interest to any bidders. The inveators have to be convinced that there is some value in the company itself, and not just its patent portfolio.
作者: ufoufo1102    时间: 2013-9-26 08:20

reports not confirmed by USA TODAY that Blackberry will layoff 40% of its workers and try to pack themselves to attractive to buyers.
Although relaunched smartphone sales, company still cannot flourish its business. Blackberry did not comment on above.
The likewise move with Nokia, Blackberry will advance its sales prospect. Struggled to the consolidation of IOS and Andriod.
Their sales slipped below Microsoft recently. Became the 4th market sharer.

the rest workers who still in the company should know the pain better than anyone else and worry most about the company itself.
How much case it still has decide how long it can sustain.
However analyst said 16 months is the number.
From its self report on cash on hand can know how much it burns quarterly, which help to cacualte the exact number for burning out all money they have if the sales kept slipping and lost like now does.

B is cutting costs such as laidoffs, cut cusumer markets into focus on business cosumers only etc, to slow down its death.
They still have valuable patent to sell and 7 million subscribers in the world will both attractive to eagerly bidders.
The problem is when, and from data, it will be soon .

the largest shareholder propose a deal at $9/share to buy blackburry. It is a low premium happened three days after B announced its 1 billion lost.  The price is up and down. So B still has time to seek for a better offer before Nov to consider the offer by F. Go private is on the way.

if B receives multiple offers, the war for bidding will be fierce. Co-founder and co-CEO are seeking for PE’s offer to go private.
At its sales part, it also lost shares on coporate mkt as IOS/Android also do advance their tech on security, and some companies began preferring employee to use the phones they chose, these caused shares by B down.
And the delay of launch of new B system caused loyal clients no phone to buy.

作者: pennyz    时间: 2013-9-26 08:38
the blackberry is considering receiving subsidy from the outer investors and even sell parts of the company.
the status of blackberry in the past,and the situation after the emerge of tweet,iphone and other smart phones
the investors may be interested in RIM's patent other than its corporation,and they also have anxiety that the RIM can not
keep up with the technology development and discarded by the customers
so in order to be saved by the outer investment, RIM has to occupy expectional value of its own company.

作者: cherry6891    时间: 2013-9-26 08:42
作者: wljwendycyu    时间: 2013-9-26 09:11
掌管 6        00:06:49.47       
掌管 5        00:02:04.10       
掌管 4        00:02:07.29       
掌管 3        00:02:13.15       
掌管 2        00:01:11.34       
掌管 1        00:02:35.94       
The hardship of the former giant blackberry, whose button design, used to be intriguing and dominant the market, just before the emergence of Iphone with its touching screen in 2007. Apart from that, there are also more eye-catching products and tech, including voice control and facial control. On the other hand, because of the long-owned habit, it is hard for button to die away.   
Despite its adjustment, Blackberry is estimated to lay off more employees and look for buyer, owing to its failure in competition with the touch screen of Google and Apple.
Blackberry is burning up its shares rapidly.
The consuming reduction of Blackberry is short-sighted movement for lowering the cash input. But because of its advantages, such as patens and commercial partners, it is still attractive for buyers.
The evaluation of Fairfax’s bid for Blackberry. Despite doubts, CEO of Fairfax thought the bid is helpful. However, Blackberry is looking for a better alternative.
Blackberry switches to competitive corporate business. Nevertheless, more employees prefer ISO and Android and its competitors update its services.
Main idea: the tech change waits for no one.
Structure: look back the previous prosperity of Blackberry and its rapid wane as the advent of touch screen for its slow response toward new tech.
Nowadays, patens become its attractiveness and it is waiting for suitable buyer.
Come to conclusion: grasp the change or lose the game.

作者: shen315hu727    时间: 2013-9-26 09:17
Speaker: The reason why Blackberries' booming era is gone, the button which is little old-fashion been replaced by the touch screen advanced by Apple would be one of the answers learned from the dialogue.
1.30' Time 2: Blackberry is suffering from the sharp decline in its sale, now it is planning to lay off 40% of its employee. While, despite of several new mobilphone design and sofeware, seems Blackberry is overtaken by Windows.
0.41' Time 3: It is curious about how long Blackberry is going to sustain itself after laying off many of its employee, probably another 16 months, it will run out all of the money.
1.03' Time 4: Even with the cut in its workforce cost and other cost such as advertising, Blackberry is in an urge of increasing its withhold money and dwindle the rate of cash burnt. Since it obtains many valuable patents, it might finance itself through selling the patents, while, the question is when the bidder is up.
1.11' Time 5: One of its shareholder proposes to buy Blackbeery's share at $9 per share, and promises to pay all the shareholder their espective share off immediately, now the concern is if there is another better offer, so CEO of Blackberry decided to wait until Nov.
1.07' Time 6: Buying blackberry would be either a big relief for Blackberry or a big challenge for Fairfax.
3.31' Obstacle: Blackberry,dubbed as "crack blackberry", the previous charm is gone. Now it is struggling to sell its patent and share, even worse, the share price is still dropping off. while, a big issue for Blackberry is to convince the share buyer for the value of the company, not mere the patents.
作者: Cri倩    时间: 2013-9-26 09:18
1'29“ the massive layoffs of blackberry and its performance related to the downward
37“ pops up the question that how long blackberry can sustain itself and the answer of the question
1'07“ the problem of blackberry and the the good points of blackberry: no debt,great system and patents
1'06" the fairfax financial's offer for blackberry a low price compared with trade price and blackberry will seek other buyers
1'04“ what will happen if blackberry take multiple offers and the problem of blackberry's corporate customer strategy
3'40" blackberry asked jp morgan to advise on its strategy
            the disappointing strategy of blackberry
            how blackberry ended up with the current situation
            the odds of blackberry and the similar historical cases
作者: Dora7    时间: 2013-9-26 09:46
TIME2: 2'08''23
SAN F report that blackberry plans layoffs of up to 40% workforce.
blackberry recent imformation
compared with windows, IOS,android....
TIME3: 58''89
the company can sustain itself only 16 months.and will go bankrupt in 2014
TIME4: 1'45''38
cutting ost in employee cuts,devices,operate,market and advertising expense
method : patent (2.25billion)and 70million subscribers can attrcative buyers but when is a question
TIME5: 1'46''93
FF hope to buy blackbeery for $9 per share,and go private .but blackberry is looking for a better alternative before NOV.4
TIME6: 1'35''71
the deal will be a big relief for blackberry and a big challenge foe FF
emplyees will choose iphones and android phones.

作者: pgjason    时间: 2013-9-26 10:42


Black berry hired JP morgan and some capital company to announce its stragetic review, seeking for potential buyers.

BB used to be a very secure and helpful palteform, but the emerging smartphone companies make BB not attractive to end-users.

BB is hoping bidders to find BB's values other than its patent portfolio.  

作者: 君君爱TS    时间: 2013-9-26 11:21
obstacle00:05:20.28        00:13:45.89
6        00:01:41.29        00:08:25.61
5        00:01:29.40        00:06:44.31
4        00:01:43.00        00:05:14.90
3        00:01:15.18        00:03:31.90
2        00:02:16.71        00:02:16.71
the decline of the RIM
blackberry is very popular once because it can send emails quickly and represented coolness and status.
However, peole stopped to use the blackberry because it do not allow customers to enjoy tweeter, facebook, games and books.
The company may have to sell its parts in order to survive and the most valuable content of the company is the patent department.
作者: zxppx    时间: 2013-9-26 12:01
iamyingjie 发表于 2013-9-26 00:02


1. 2-08
Following a large amount of layoffs, Blackberry may show us that it will be sold at hand. It has 12,700 employees, and last year it cut 5000. Because of the rapid development of other smartphone companies and the slowdown of of improving technology in Blackberry, Blackberry lose its famous status as the industry pioneer and now only has less than 3 percent of the smartphone market.   
2. 1-01
There are thousands of people will lose their jobs, because Blackberry is losing its market share. The question is how long the company can last to support the rest employees under the present situation. Maybe just sixteen months.
In a bid to countervail the rapid cash-burning speed, Blackberry makes some strategies, such as reducing the operation fees and aiming at business customers. Even though large layoffs will cause short term costs, Blackberry need to do right now. Luckily, Blackberry still has no debt, can attract potential investors with its patent production in the share market, and owns a large base of business customers, needing a long time to build.
Blackberry's biggest shareholders, Fairfax, is going to buy Blackberry at a price of $9 per share, after Blackberry showed its report of lost revenue and large layoffs in the last quarter. The price is really low for a once predominant company, and the deal is not done, because Blackberry is searching a superior offer from others.
If the deal was made, it would be a relief for Blackberry and a difficulty for Fairfix, suggested by some people. Even though Blackberry changes its mind to business customers, the transformation doesn't make sure that Blackberry will gain more opportunities, not only because other smartphone companies are working hard to improve the corporate email system, but also because corporations are eager to give their employees more freedom to choose their phones.
Blackberry, used to be a famous phone made by RIM, is now losing its popularity in the morden market, because other smartphones, such as Iphone and Sansung, are growing so quickly that many customers are interested in them. The bad news for RIM is that its share price is decreasing, even though its core patent that attract Apple, Google or other smartphone companies so much is worthwhile to invest for some bankers. As we know, now RIM is changing its strategy to attract some bankers, but the real core competence shouldn't just be the patent.

作者: ttiinnaa    时间: 2013-9-26 12:49

part1 speaker
1st listening
BB's XXX implies that BB's most attractive character,button keyboard is now challenged by many techs like touch screen of iphone,google glass etc.People tend to use voice, gesture, facial expression to interact with computers&phones.
However,it's not easy for all people to change their habbits so quickly,so BB may not be out of mkt so soon.
Gesture was people's habbit and now it's back.

2nd listening
1.BB had some bad news and it's up for sale.
2.Why? Because a new area started by iphone occured. People tend to use gesture to  interact with machines rather than buttons or keyboards, BB's most attractive character.
3.Facial and voice interaction are also getting popular.
4.However,BB still holds out for it's not easy for people to change their habbits so quickly.
5.Decades ago,XXX is an original form of gesture interaction.And gesture now is back.

still unclear: clapper?
problem: hard to express effectively and quickly.

part 2:Speed
1. [2'42]A signal for a sale of BB is released by the information from different media  a layoff of 40% of BB's employees,coupled with worrying statistics like dropping mkt figures and stock price.

2.[1'14]BB will run out of money in about 16 months if it keeps losing money as did in the past three months.

3.[2'15]BB is cutting off employees and focus only on the business customers to slow down the cash burning.The author doubts whether the first measure will be helpful for it will result in a short-term increasing of cost to pay fired people. BB's still worth a lot for its valuabe assets, especally patent,which attract lots of buyers.

4.[2'47]Fax Company offer to buy BB at $9 per share, which is very low price just after BB's seasonal fiscal report issued and showed a terrible performance for BB.BB is  still considering, looking for a superior buying offer.

5.[1'48]News implies that BB is looking for bidders. But the author points out that the purchase will be a burden for its buyer for 3 reasons.First,some corporate make their staff to choose their phone. Secondly, the compititors are now paying more attention to this mkt.Thirdly, BB's latest phone, whose issue delayed several times thus losing customers, finally launched but didn't sell well.

part 3 obstacle
1.It can be implied that BB is up to sell part of its biz
2.history of BB's development.
3.iphone,tablets etc. occured with mutiple fuction beat BB.
4.Why RIM failed?Because it didn't foresee and what's worse,didn't repsond quickly to the Apple products.
5.Although BB didn't directly anounce its plan to be sold, RIM is to sell at least part of BB for it has no other option.
6.What attract buyers most is not BB's operation,but its patent.
7.BB's story teach a lesson:slow progress  in the extremely changing tech field will definitely end up like BB.
8.BB's stock price keeps going down, and BB should show its value in operation rather than its patent to bidders.
作者: 淡淡罗    时间: 2013-9-26 13:05
T2:  285  1'33  B is expericing a same sircunstance as N and A.
T3: 176 43  How much does B still left?
T4:  248  1'06 B‘s plan for slowing down the pace of cash burning.
T5:   1'16 F underestimate the value of B.
T6:  216  1'01 It seemed that B has run out of it's energy.
T7:  824  4'02
作者: 饼干小熊    时间: 2013-9-26 13:54
T1 3'16
T2  58'
T3 1'59
T4 1'43
T5 1'15
T6 6'18
作者: peby1223    时间: 2013-9-26 14:38
time3 1:19
time4 1:56
time5 1:59
time6 1:26
obstacle  6:45
作者: lyrsilvia    时间: 2013-9-26 14:50
Tech. consider
a year decline;
mini button-->touch screen
voice& facial expression; gesture control

Time 2:  1'41
blackberry are laying off employees to be more attractive to customers
the competition in this field is so intense. blackberry are suffering from decline
sb. said blackberry will finally replace by windows
Time 3: 51'
estimate how long it will take for blackberry to fun out of money
maybe Nov. 2014
Time 4: 1'27
blackberry slow down, cut employees, reduce cost in order to stay beeter in the field
patients of blackberry will attract bidder
Time 5: 1'23
Fairfax want to buy blackberry for 9 a share
the stock price just run below 9 slightly
the boards are deciding to act
but the buy is not conformed
Time 6: 1'11
if there will be more bidders, it will be better for blackberry, but not for Fairfax
blackberry's current situation is not good.
Bring Your Own Device; intense competition in security
new product did not save the company as expected
Obstacle: 4'38
the outdated RIM: first really advanced, but after twitter replace email, it just out of style
patents for sale
slow improvement
should convince investor their value but not just patent value

I really enjoy today's topic~Thx a lot~~
作者: haiyanrosa    时间: 2013-9-26 15:14
作者: fnlucky    时间: 2013-9-26 15:35
Time1 1min10  Blackberry laid off 40% workers and accelerated sale.
Time2 1min12  how much longer the company can sustain itself  is depend on how much cash can burn   the answer is 15month burn
Time3 1min 20 the company took some measures to reduce the pace of cash burn.
 2min Blackberry’s largest shareholders,cadian insurance company Fairfax financial, who has owned 10% shares in blackberry want to buy the blackberry’ shares and turn it into a private company, but Blackberry still wait for a better offer.
1min 45 the black berry had received multiple offers and black berry faced many rivals change which decided to give up coporate customers and struggled in corporate markets, blackberry 10 lanched in Janary which still took us a bad news.
6min blackberry maybe end up by selling part of its business. Blackberry email is ubiquitous before the smartphones, but the device of blackberry is not as multiple-funtion as other smartphones. Then the company didn’t response to the rivals  immedialy and slow progress which lead it to end. The buyers of the company were only interested in Its patents.

作者: 一小拉Maple    时间: 2013-9-26 16:03
2:30 blackbery is going to break down because its system and smart phone line cannot compete with iphone and android. Its sales slipped heavily. if the company break down, a bulk of people will lost jobs.
1:37 many people will lost their jobs. the remained staffs'working time depends on how many cash the company has. From their report, we participate that the tome would be around november
1:47 blackberry has take many stratages to cut operate cost. and the corporation don't have debt so the eqquipment worth realmoney. what;s more, blackberry has many patent which is .
2:45 blackberry' biggest shareholder wants to buy the samrt line.and to price climb high. after its preliminated quarterly report come out, the corporation get into a greater trouble. then the biggest shareholder decide to act as whiteknight. Eventhough, the board director said blackberry would choose the prior deal.
2:03 another comoany wants to buy blackberry.
作者: sissiyu    时间: 2013-9-26 16:14
Time 2   2’34
-        Blackberry is taking measures to make itself attractive to a buyer

Time 3   1’13
-        If Blackberry keeps burning through half a billion dollars of cash every three months, it will left runs out completely by November 2014

Time 4   1’59
-        Blackberry is trying to slow down the pace of cash burn, and it is also trying to trimming back revenues through focusing on business customers

Time 5   2’08
-        Blackberry’s plan to go private

Time 6   1’47
-        Analysis on Blackberry’s going private

Time 7   5’49
-        How Blackberry crumbled:
The Blackberry wasn’t a multi-purpose device of the same scope as a smartphone
The pace of technological changes leaves no room for sentiment

作者: m1a2i3l    时间: 2013-9-26 16:21
Part I Speaker
Main Idea: BB reclently is seeking to sell its business. the reasons why BB crumbles are that new gesture control, new voice control,...etc take the place of conventional button press. however, people's habit do not easily be changed.


Part II Speed

Time 2:258/0:01:56.55
Main Idea: Blackberry plans a layoff of up to 40% of its employees. Some analysts say that this action is a signal for Blackberry's sale.

Time 3:176/0:01:03.89
Main Idea: Blackberry have to make a sale sooner or later because according to the current speed of burning cash, Blackberry cannot sustain itself for the next 16 months.

Time 4:248/0:01:51.27
Main Idea: Blackberry takes a spate of action in order to lower its speed of cash burn. However, Blackberry has lots of patent (world rank no.3). These patents can help BB sell itself at a good price.

Time 5:251/0:01:55.01
Main Idea: The biggest stock holder F company plans to buy all the BB's stock at $9 per share (low premium) in order to privatilize BB. But the shareholders are skeptical about it. The F company's offer isn't a done deal. BB is stilling finding some more superior deal.

Time 6:216/0:01:42.00
Main Idea: If BB receives a lot of offers, a bidding war will breakout. Today more companies allow employees to bring their own devices. Most of them choose iphone and android. BB is losing its email/information security advantage now. in addition, the sales of BB's new phone are far from satisfactory


Part III Obstacle
Time 7:824/06:06.05
Main Idea: First introduce the fact that BB is going to be sold. Second, Present the reasons why BB & rim crumble. 1. Text/tweet take place of email. 2.BB cannot be used to play games, watch vedios. 3. BB's new product which is aim at responsing the advent of iphone and android lacks of competitiveness. BB's patent is good for Apple/google to buy, however, BB has to prove that there is some value in the company itself not just patent.
作者: 0412501    时间: 2013-9-26 16:56
Black Berry lay off about 40% of its employees, and plan to sell the company as soon as November.

Black Berry will burn billions of dollar by November next year.

To slower the rate of burning cash, BlackBerry massively lay off 40% of its employees and shifts its focus from private consumer to business user. BlackBerry needs a buyer. Patent and no debt statues are attractive to its potential buyers.

Fairfax offer $8 per share to buy BlackBerry, a low price for smart phone maker. BlackBerry can seek better deal before November 4.

BlackBerry is actively seeking potential buyers. It’s corporate consumer market is down. BlackBerry 10, an operating system aimed at saving the company, delayed several times to launch. Sales of BlackBerry 10 in this January were disappointed.

BlackBerry was once a pioneer of smart phone market. It fails to diversify its function and to provide more services, its market share dropping from 40% to 10%. BlackBerry invested more expensively in patent than other technology companies do. BlackBerry needs to value its company, not just its patent portfolio.

作者: more酱    时间: 2013-9-26 17:12

blackberry is to layoff according to the wall street journal.
It seems that blackberry is prone to dismiss some employees and
make its products more attractive.Apple and Google's products are fast developing.
How long can Blackberry sustain itself?
3.1m(Jun)2.6m(Aug) It will run out an Nov.2014 at the pace.
Blackberrry has taken some steps to slow down the pace of
cash burn.Now Bb still has been a busy patent filter,and maybe it will be bought soon.
If FF or other one buys bb's share, Blackberry will go private.
According the NYT,another firm will make an offer for bb.The employees don't know to choose which mobilephone. bb10 delayed several times.
Bb's glory e-mail-update age has been replaced by tests and tweets.
So did its playbook, let alone it was introduced too late.The company is uo to sale.
The replacement happend in is not for the first time.Bb should convince others its value.

作者: billylau    时间: 2013-9-26 17:18
2 2"17
analysts points out that Blackberry will sale it company for BlackBerry has failed to rejuvenate its business despite relaunching its smartphone line and software in January.

3 1"08
the passage gives us an explanation that why the company need to sale itself so urgent. The reason is that the company, holding about 3.3 billion cashs, can sustain itself no more than about 16 months.

4 1"51
But even in the gloomiest scenarios, BlackBerry has no debt, and some assets worth real money.So it can sell its equipment and patent,which is attracting.The question is when. And looking at the cash burn rate revealed today, it needs to be soon.

5 2"04
BlackBerry's largest shareholder, Canadian insurance company Fairfax Financial, hopes to buy the smartphone maker for $9 per share.However, even though the price is very low, the plan seems reasonable for the bad performance of BB. Fairfax want to open an exciting new private chapter for BlackBerry.

6 1"26
the company not only lose its customers, but also have worked hard to improve their security and e-mail delivery capabilities. As a result, corporate IT departments have opened their once-restrictive gates to non-BlackBerry devices.What is worse, the new products'sale is disappointed.

7 6"26
作者: 云游    时间: 2013-9-26 18:06
Time 1: 1’47’’ Massive lay-off, failed to rejuvenate and slipped in the stock market, troubled Back-berry might face the fate of an acquisition, a very similar case as recent conducted Google VS Apple and Nokia VS Microsoft consolidation.

Time 2: 57’’ Cash evaporating from the deposit day by day, a sale for Black Berry is in an urgent need.

Time 3: 2’00’’ Black Berry’s speed of running of money seems to be unavoidable, but the lucky thing is Black Berry has no debt and holds an enormous amount of patent. Given this situation, a buyout can be expected to appear soon.

Time 4: 1’50’’ One alternative strategy for Black Berry is to go private—to be acquired by Fairfax, one of its largest shareholders.

Time 5: 1’53’’ With more opportunities offered, a bidding war would be likely to instigated; Black Berry’s new policy giving their employee more freedom to choose rival companies products; Black Berry’s lagging listing product also did a bad job on the market.

Reading Obstacle: 5'07''  Failed to catch up with innovation, lagging in response to change and lack of light spots of the new listed products, the once pioneering hi-tech giant crumbled step by step. Probably, the only remaining value of Black Berry is its patent! From the demise of Black Berry, other hi-tech companies should pay close attention to its technology renovating pace.

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-9-26 18:20
the sale of blackberry: button control=>gesture control and voice control


作者: myisabella    时间: 2013-9-26 19:11
BB is going downward, and it is trying to make itself attractive to sale.
Spiral n. 螺旋;旋涡;螺旋形之物 adj. 螺旋形的;盘旋的 vt. 使成螺旋形;使作螺旋形上升 vi. 盘旋;成螺旋形;螺旋形上升(过去式spiraled/spiralled,过去分词
Whop vi. 打;抽出;征服 vt. 打;抽出;征服;使突然摔倒 n. 重击;打击声;突然摔倒
Slash  vt. 猛砍;鞭打;严厉批评;大幅度裁减或削减  vi. 猛砍;严厉批评 n. 削减;斜线;猛砍;砍痕;沼泽低地
Snatch n. 抢夺;抓举;小量 vt. 夺得;抽空做;及时救助 vi. 抢走;很快接受
Woo  vt. 追求;招致;向…求爱;恳求 vi. 求爱;恳求
struggled to woo consumers with
我觉得 Woo 这个词用的很棒!

BB is running out of its cash.  
Whittle vt. 削;削减;切;削弱 vi. 削;削木头;弄坏身体 n. 屠刀


BB is doing a series of things to slow down the pace of cash burn.  Although BB’s some assets are valuable, the time for BB is limited.
Dwindle  vi. 减少;变小 vt. 使缩小,使减少

F offers a cheap price but BB is waiting for a better offer.

brutal  adj. 残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的
preliminary  n. 准备;预赛;初步措施 adj. 初步的;开始的;预备的
white knight  n.白衣骑士;救星
sorely  adv. 疼痛地;非常;剧烈地

作者: winnie加油!    时间: 2013-9-26 20:20
掌管 6        00:04:07.13       
掌管 5        00:01:19.34       
掌管 4        00:01:23.34        
掌管 3        00:01:43.37        
掌管 2        00:01:02.88       
掌管 1        00:01:35.03
作者: hgi1012    时间: 2013-9-26 20:32
检讨一下啊,都木有坚持    我又来了
作者: 断章    时间: 2013-9-26 20:48
speaker: in this era machines which use buttons are replaced by those which are controlled by voice and gesture.

掌管 6        00:04:55.43       
theme: reasons why balckberry suffered from loss in both market share and money although it was a dominant company before.
After e-mail gave way to text and tweets, smartphones have more advantages compared with Blackberry. With changes in technology and life style, RIM failed to anticipate and respond quickly to its competitor. although Blackberry has numerous losses, the patents of it have real value, so the company itself do. So there are bidders who are waiting for pick this company up cheaply.
conclusion:the pace of technological change leaves no room for sentiment.
掌管 5        00:01:37.85        00:07:00.95
掌管 4        00:01:25.81        00:05:23.09
掌管 3        00:01:13.73        00:03:57.28
掌管 2        00:00:55.18        00:02:43.54
掌管 1        00:01:48.36        00:01:48.36

作者: Doris800    时间: 2013-9-26 20:49
掌管 6        00:05:56.81        00:14:04.48
掌管 5        00:01:34.47        00:08:07.66
掌管 4        00:01:41.66        00:06:33.19
掌管 3        00:01:39.97        00:04:51.52
掌管 2        00:01:02.05        00:03:11.55
掌管 1        00:02:09.49        00:02:09.49

作者: qinqinyu    时间: 2013-9-26 21:14
掌管 6        00:11:08.79        掌管 5        00:02:08.97        掌管 4        00:02:47.27       
掌管 3        00:01:55.36        掌管 2        00:01:18.67        掌管 1        00:03:14.12The blackberry that once dominated the smartphone market failed to develop its product into mutil-purpose device , thus was generally replaced by apple, micrsoft and Google.
Selling blackberry may be a good choice to save the company rather than struggling to win back its status
Many bidders are most interested in  the valuable patents of blackberry and aim to pick them cheaply.
作者: 铁板吗啡    时间: 2013-9-26 21:59

作者: guoxinyuan520    时间: 2013-9-26 22:55
1'30  Blackbarry faces great danger, many employees lost the
jobs. The company even give an touching product to attract the customers.

0'51  The company has 16 months to last as the current decreasing rate goes.

1'22 The company does many things to decrease the burning cash rate, it seems works. What is more, the company has many patent and some other precious assets.

1'20  The fairfox wants to buy the maker of the Blackberry.
The deal has not been done, B still keep looking for a better deal.

1'14 The ex CEI seems have already find the buyer, if it is
success, B will success and F will face a challenge. B have already announced that they give up on the customers, but they even have trouble in dealing with the corporation. The sales of the newest phone is disappointing, too.

作者: cmmht2    时间: 2013-9-26 23:02
listen: button change to touch tech

1.285 words 2:50  
blackberry layoffs show the sigh of sale,although the company try to rejuvenate,but it does’t work,and its worldwide sale below Microsoft

2.176 words 1:00
because the lost money continue,its cash will burn out,and thousands of employees will lost their job,so BlackBerry needs a sale sooner

3.248 words 2:06
try to cut costs in many ways,but it will lead some bad effects.The company has many assets,include patent and tech,that’s why attract bidders.

largest shareholder wants to buy per share at $9,but other shareholder wonder because the trade below.And the company seek to superior deals

co-CEO proposed a private-equity company making an offer for the company
the company struggle:1)in corporate,2)its own staff choose other phone,3)security,4)sales of its new phone q10 was disappointed

The company has hired banker to evaluate,blackberry’s history and how it declined.
And it’s value

作者: chibomen    时间: 2013-9-26 23:18
Main point
Black berry is looking for a better solution to solve the problem
author attitude:
-RIMM hired insurance companies  to evaluate black berry
-BB's current situation,
-What cause BB to become today
-BB's value

作者: ELLENGONG2012    时间: 2013-9-26 23:30
T2   2`06
Someinformation reveals that blackberry will cutoff its workers. However, there isnot an official fail to convince this surprised news. Bb also faces a bigchallenge from other companies.
T3 1`03 176
Bb is facinga problem of deficit money to pay the bill. So it has to have a sale soon, notlater.
T4 1`37 284                                    
Bb  is facing monery and staff problems. Becauseof its technique , thereare many people want to buy the patent. Snd it is achance to survive.
T5   1`54
F want tobuy  bb with 9ds per share. However, theshare has already higher than this price. So the CEO of bb disagree with thisplan.
T6   1`35
If the f buythe bb, there is a big challenge. Because more smartphone and  security of e-mail have occurred.
Obstacle 7`59  849
Bb has afantastic history. It has its own advantage. However, facing too many challengesfrom Andriod/ apple, bb`s state declined. The worst result is bb has beensold.
Main idea:the progress of bb`s beginning and ending.

作者: 123erin    时间: 2013-9-27 00:07
        Blackberry was once very popular for its buttons. However, when iPhone came out in 2007, the telephone and tablets shifted to touch screen. Now, Google glass uses gestures to make control. More and more new technologies will come out and the button era is fading out.

1.        0:2:40.09
Blackberry is planning to lay off 40% of its workforce. Besides, its stock price is declining quickly. All those phenomena are signs that interested buyers. However, Blackberry did not make any comments so far. Another large handset company Nokia has been bought by Microsoft, indicating the consolidated system of Google Android and Apple IOS. Blackberry only accounts for a very small percentage of market shares.

2.        0:1:24.69
The 4500 soon-to-be lay off staffs know the pain of Blackberry better. However, the remaining 7000 employees wonder how long the company can sustain itself. The answer is 16 month if it still lost money at the speed of last three month. The corporation lost half a billion in the past three month.

3.        0:2:3.18
The Blackberry said they will focus on business customers rather than consumer market, which means that they will lower marketing and advertising cost. Besides, 40% lay off will also trim the cost. Although the company just has 2.6 billion, they did not have any debt. Moreover, asset in the company is worth about 2.25 billion. In addition, Blackberry is one of the companies who own the most patterns, over 70 million.

4.        0:2:36.58
One of Blackberry’s largest shareholders, Fairfox, an insurance company, wants to buy the company at 9 dollar a share. The news came out three days after Blackberry announced to lay off 40% of labor force. However, the deal is not done yet, Blackberry will wait until Nov. 4 to make a further decision.

5.        0:1:57.73
The founder and former CEO of Blackberry is contacting a firm to buy the corporation. However, if the deal of Fairfox is done, it would be a relief for Blackberry but a real challenge for Fairfox. Although Blackberry decided to focus on business customers, employees allowed to choose their own devices are selecting Android and Apple phones. Besides, Apple, Google and Microsoft are working to enhance their phone security. Blackberry 10 is considered the new system to change Blackberry’s fate. However, it does not work out smoothly.

        Blackberry hire analyst from JP Morgan to evaluate their company and got a depressed answer that they may need to sell part of their business. Blackberry was once an icon of the Internet devices, it provided quick email service, and security enough to be used by the government. However, it underestimated Apple’s devices and lost the best time to orient their products. What attractive to other companies is their patterns, Apple is one of those companies who wants to buy its patterns in low price. The stock price of Blackberry kept going down, which makes it more disappointed.

作者: tkl    时间: 2013-9-27 08:07
2’28(难以相信,我我竟然看了这么久  这篇应该是1’30的速度啊!!!!!)
Blackberry fail in smart phone business and have to slash a large number of employees
The news that blackberry is trying adding attractiveness for sales spread across
The condition of blackberry now (whether it have enough cash to support the deal)
All that blackberry did is slowing cash away
Blackberry have no debt and its patent is valuable and that would make blackberry attractive, only if the time is right.
The largest shareholder of blackberry try to private it at a low premium
If the faxfair dear go through ,  it may save blackberry now but there are still many challenges that blackberry need to face

作者: 750750    时间: 2013-9-27 10:34

作者: 雪满山中8899    时间: 2013-9-27 21:17
    Blackberry faced a crucial situation including the shrink of share and loss of market share. It is said that the company is about to carry out layoff and sale.
2、1-31  The company need a sooner sale other than a later one to sustain itself.
3、1-44 Blackberry announced the news amid mainly to reduce its fare, tax ,as well as operating costs
4、2-28 After BlackBerry announced a brutal financial report, its shareholder hopes acquiring the company .
5、1-58 it will likely be a great relief for Blackberry if the acquisition could be carried out. But there still are a variety of challenge the company will face.  


作者: Talitha    时间: 2013-9-27 23:38
time1: blackberry declined for a year. Blackberry faced strong competition from Iphone. The trend was going towards buttonless.

time2:2'20: Due to decline in the sales, Blackberry forced to layoff thousands of workers. Blackberry struggled to woo consumers for their new products.

time3:1'25: Blackberry is losing money rapidly. The money it has only able to sustain until November this year.

time4:1:56: Although the cash burn rate is fast, Blackberry still has 2 billions worth of patent to sell.

time5:1:55 Fairfax, a insurance company planed to buy Blackberry's stock $9 per share. This is lower than what it worthy in the market. Fairfax planed to transfer Blackberry to a private hold company after it takes over.

time6:1'38 If Fairfax buys over Blackberry, it will face challenge but it is a relieve for Blackberry. Many companies allow employees to bring their own phone.

Introduction: Blackberry may have to sell some parts to other companies in order to overcome the current problem

Bodies: Blackberry was once a phone that could do multiple things. However, as Apple, Googles and other competitors started to have new products, Blackberry became useless.

Conclusion: Blackberry should focus more on its operation thank its patents.
作者: 旧未来    时间: 2013-9-28 08:03
1 B 01:42
2 A 00:58
3 A 01:26
4 C 01:32
5 A 01:25
6 A 05:37
Having the glorious achievement in the last decade, the Blackbeery have to solve the problem by selling some parts of busineess.
Blackebeery lead a fashion --accepted as a signal of the status--by its email/phone device before.Unfortunately, it seemed less likely to respond to the technological changes triggered from the Apple, such as movie,music service.
What the most charming part of Blackberry is its patent rather than operation of the company,however, the patent is not enough for the bidders pursing a deep
The reminder we can get tecenological changes will leave no room for the sentiment.
作者: jokerking    时间: 2013-9-28 08:05
speed:     1:2.08      2:0.56     3:1.33     4:1.36     5:1.22
obstacle:  5.45
作者: gyb192483    时间: 2013-9-28 17:07

TIME2: 01'27'' Blackberry laid off 40% of its employees, an indication of the company sale. The company doesn't confirm the sale. Its smartphone market share is only 2.7% which is low compared with that of Android and IPHONE. Windows may be the potential acquirer
TIME3: 00'47'' 4,500 People will be sacked and 7000 will be remained. The problem is that how long can the company sustain these 7000 stuffs. It is said that the money the company has can only sustain the company for another 18 months
TIME4: 01'09'' The unemployment is the one of the way to lower the speed of burning cash. But as the cost of the salary is down, the avenue of the company also decreaes. Blackberry company doesn't have a debt and its patients are worth money. As a result, eager buyers indeed exist. The only problem is when the action is going to taken
TIME5: 01'23'' the largest shareholder of the blackberry company, Canadian insurance company, wants to buy it with the price of 9 dollors per share. The CEO of Canadian insurance company said that it will trigger the new private era and wil befenit the shareholder immediately. But Blackberry company has his own opinion and tries to find other solution before 04/11 when the Canadian insurance is going to offer the proposal
TIME6: 01'00'' The former co-founder wants to buy the company too. Then the Canadian insurance company will face a challenge. Multi bidders means a battle will break out. Blackyberry intends to save the company by issuing system 10. But the result is disspointed

Obstacle: 04'50''
Main idea: blackberry company may be sold, the reaosn to be sold and the potential buyer
Attitude: neutral
==> Blackberry hire the financial organization to calculate the financial status. It is an indication of sale
==> Blackberry used to a giant in the smartphone market, even the government relies on it
==> It failed to compete with Apple and other smartphone supplier, especially after the IPHONE bring about the ipad
==> The same story ever happend to SONY walkman
==> The company is worth 6 billion while its patent is worth 5 billion.  The patent is most attractive part for the bidder. It is a good chance for apple or google to buy the patent. That is also the reason why googles bought MOTOROLA last year
==>  The sotck of blackberry drops and they need to convince the investor that they have other advantages except for patent

作者: tanklance    时间: 2013-9-28 22:53
01:25/285 words
Time2: Blackberry
The Blackberry is facing a difficult situation to sold the company at a price of 47 billion dollars. Meanwhile, it have to lay off almost 40% employee to reduce the labor cost. The market has a negative view to the future of Blackberry, as a result, the share price of it experienced a small jump after the new release. The current situation of this famous mobile device company is expected to be the consequence of a unsuccessful new products launch recently. People believe that it will be a good news for Microsoft, another company facing difficulties in mobile device industry.

01:21/176 words
Time3: The cash-flow of Blackberry
The market concern about the current and future cash-flow of Blackberry, in order to evaluate how long will the company sustain himself. If they spend money at the speed of 0.5 billion dollars per month, consider the 2.6 billion dollar in hand, the company will be out of cash in 16 months, almost around the November in 2014.

02:00/248 words
Time4: The solution of Blackberry
The Blackberry has to slow down the money-burning speed. They may consider reducing the labor cost and decrease the operation cost. While at the same time, they are better to change reallocate their resource from consumer market to business market, where the expenditure of marketing will be greatly saved.
As Blacckberry currently has no debt and no cash-equivalent  asset, some bank value the company 2.25 billion dollars.
Another point has to be taken into consideration is the patents it holds. The sold of patents will attract many bidders.
The company needs to take the action immediately.

01:40/251 words
Time5: Blackberry goes to private
The current biggest shareholder of Blackberry, Fairfax Financial, are planning to purchase the remain share at a price of 9 dollars per share. But the board of the company are still seeking a better offering to maximize the shareholder's benefit.

01:02/ 216 words
Time6: The potential bid war
The potential bid war is coming. Some PEs are interested in this target, while the FairFax is still seeking a totally control over the company. So if the FairFax becomes the winner of the war, how to save Blackberry will be a great challenge. In addition to negative financial disclosure, the company is also facing the decline in the share of corporate market, where Apple and Android-based device manufactuers are carnibilize its share. More corporate IT departments are applying security tools based in iOS and Android system.

03:16/824 words
Time7: What's up with RIM
Rim is facing a difficult situation nowadays. It used to be a shining start-up from Canada and then got famous in the global market for its expertise in e-mail and security, especially in the corporate market. But with the development of Internet and emergence of Twitter, sending mail has been regarded as a no-longer cool behavior. So the RIM lost its former advantage. The failure of Playbook is another bad try in mobile device, and it led to the stockpile in its warehouse.
Many bidders are interested in RIM's patent, not the company itself. The potential price may be 10 billion dollars.
RIM is a good case for technology company to learn how to position themselves in dynamic market. Change does not change, or you will die.
作者: kaye523    时间: 2013-9-29 09:17
有事粗门 两天没做了。。。。

speaker: 触屏打败按键
t2 <285> 2' 19
t3 <176> 1' 07
t4 <248> 1' 49
t5 <251> 1' 45
t6 <216> 1' 36
obstacle <824> 6' 06
作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2013-9-29 20:07

According to Wall Street Journal,Blackberry may consider sale this year.
Blackberry had new products in January but failed to attract more customers.The company cut some jobs and may tend to sale these days.
Its stock prices fell and was overtaken by Microsoft.
The news did not be confirmed yet.
How long can Blackberry sustain?
The cash situation of Blackberry.
The company may run out of cash in November 2014.
Blackberry decided to reduce costs in many aspects to slow the speed the company spending the cash at.(but these actions can also cost much)
Blackberry has patents and many big corporations are using its software to run the internal-company email systems.These all are worth real money.Blackberry need to find their bidders soon.
Blackberry's largest stockholder,F,considers to buy Blackberry for $9 per share.
Analysts were skeptical whether this deal can be done,because the price is lower than the trading price.
Blackberry decided to consider an alternative strategy,including sale.And it is considering a supirior buyer.Before it run out of cash,it will keep looking for a better buyer than make deal with F for its stockholders.
The bidding conflicts.The private equity choice.
The running situation of Blackberry in recent years.
It gave up consumers and focused on corporate consumers.But this plan failed becasue"Bring Your Own Device"--when employees of companies choose Apple and Android,Blackberry failed.
Also,IT removed its restriction on non-blackberry phones.
Blackberry delayed its new products.When coming to the new paltform,the sales were disappointed.
Blackberry's anouncement:may be a signal that they're looking for sale.
Blackberry used to be very successful.(examples and discriptions)
The reason why Blackberry were not successful in recent years:
Blackberry went out of fashion becasue it could not be used like a smartphone.
The company failed to make alternative strategies to chase Apple and Goolge.
The influence of sale:Blackberry need other bidders or corporators to get out of the trouble;will stockholders leave blackberry?
Buyers will fouces on Blackberry's patents.Is patents can really mean real money and its value may double or even quadruple if Apple or Google or these kind of companies plan to buy.
What can we get from this thing:techonology advance--competition without sentiment.
The advice to Blackberry:consider whether there are other values of the company,rather than only its patents.

作者: nancyren    时间: 2013-9-29 21:50
作者: 啦啦噜啦啦    时间: 2013-9-30 15:07
[2:02]Blackberry is going to lay off 40% of their employees in all departments. Analyst says that Blackberry may make new strategy including a sale.
[1:12]Blackberry is going through a very difficult period. It runs out half billion every three months which means it may run out its 2.6 millon until the end of 2014 November.
[1:36]To slow the speed of its money burning, Blackberry has to cut its costs. Therefore, it lays off its employees and move its focus from consumer market to business market. However, less business means less revenues. It also has some attractive points. It has some thing that worth real money. Its potent worths 2.25million. Plus, its huge subscribbers systems is attractive to its bidders.
death spiral : 死亡陷阱。
[1:35]A Canada company is going to buy Blackberry at 9 per share which is a low price. The conpany announces the deal will benefit shareholders. However, Blackberry is waiting for a superior deal.
[1:20]If Blackberrey does receive mutiple offers, a bidding war would come out. A person announces he will consider to buy Blackberry. If that is true, it will be a big relief to Blackberry. Because Blackberry does face a big challenge. It loses its market share on corporation market. Its new phones do not sell well.
a brief summary of its history.
explain why it begins to lose market share.
the most attractive part to its bidders.
作者: 344531519    时间: 2013-10-4 12:22
1'24 [204WPM] The BB is lay off its employee, some think this action is a indication that BB prepare itself to be sold.

BB's performance in mobile market is poor in recent years depite its effort to win customer from APP and GOO.

0'50 [212WPM] The Canadian mobile maker is in great pain losing the market share.The BB is about to use up its money


1'18 [191WPM] BB tries to slow down the speed of burning money by laying off employees and switching to business

customers.So to cut expense. But BB have no debt and own some really valuable assets which proved to be attractive to


1'28 [171WPM] One of BB's shareholder provides an offer to buy BB, and a special commitees is set up to consider the

offer. The commitee has not yet made a decision.

1'01 [214WPM] It is reported that the founder of the BB is communicating with a PE company to get an offer,which would

be a relief for BB and a challenge for FairFax. BB announced to focus more on business customers but the business market

is also highly competitive. Companies nowadays allow their employees to chose their preferred device because the APP and

GOO device improved a lot.

4'31 [182WPM]
Main idea: BB's fall
Author's attitude: Neutral
1.BB hire IB to eveluate its strtegy
2.BB was once the icon of the internet era
3.BB's device fall behind the time
4.BB is considering to sell itself.
作者: 几米的世界9    时间: 2013-10-4 20:11

掌管 6        00:08:07.90        00:21:15.72
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掌管 2        00:02:05.15        00:05:07.70
掌管 1        00:03:02.54        00:03:02.54
Blackberry has a recession recently and it slipped below Microsoft in worldwide sales, so that it has to layoff its employees, even though Blackberry has tried to do something to save itself and to attract more customers.

There are many employees are going to lost jobs in BlackBerry. BlackBerry even cannot sustain itself because it is burning through half a billion every three months. If this trend continues, BlackBerry will breakdown soon.

Big parts of what BlackBerry can do now are to reduce cost as large as possible and to limit its market to the business customer, a market needed less advertisement expense. Consequently, BlackBerry has many patent that can bring lots of cash for it.

BlackBerry's largest shareholder, Canadian insurance company Fairfax Financial, hopes to buy the smartphone maker for $9 per share, namely that BlackBerry has the option to go pricate. However, BlackBerry will not take the option, because BlackBerry is looking for a better choice for its stockholders.

BlackBerry has recently struggled in corporate market, but when Blackberry 10 put into the market, its sales are disappointed.

The pace of technical change is so quick that any sentiment is not allowed. Take BlackBerry as an example, it was so popular because of its email function for its users. However, as an once-pioneers of technology, BlackBerry fails to anticipate its competitors Apple will launch iPad and other advanced devices and fails to put a competitive product to compete those advanced products. Now, BlackBerry continues losing money, so it needs to do something to recover or wait for a good chance to save.

作者: 鸢尾yuanwei    时间: 2013-10-8 11:38
Thx 小鱼~~~~
作者: silkagelx    时间: 2013-10-11 09:22
main idea:
the blackberry crumbled beacause it fall behinde the time.Compared to the smartphone like iphone or android,it lacks a majority of functions that the comsumer would.
作者: WindyMM    时间: 2013-10-11 21:04
Rephrase 1:
Blackberry loses the competition from new technology of touch screen, gesture and voice control devices.
TIME2: 01:59
Blackberry faces to big economic problem and will layout 40%, and the market share of its latest operation system is far below the Microsoft Windows, Apple and Android worldwide.
TIME3: 01:12
Blackberry is assumed will run off till Nov 2014 according to its continuous lost.
TIME4: 01:50
Blackberry tries to release its decline through lay off, decrease the numbers of phone types, cut down the operation cost and change to business customers which can help decline the marketing expenses. However, blackberry still has lots of patent which can make it survive for a while.
TIME5: 01:53
Fairfax is interested in blackberry, and wants to make it a private company, but blackberry is waiting a better sales price till Nov 4th.
TIME6: 01:33
There are several offers to blackberry, but it is big challenge for buyer. They want to change the key sales channel to companies which will provide different choices to their employees, but major employees will choose Apple and Windows systems. Also, more and more companies open the e-mail system to other operating system due to employees’ requirement. Finally, blackberry delayed its new operating system launch, and also did not get the good sales performance.
Paraphrase7: 05:03
Blackberry will be sold out finally. Several buyers are interested in the acquisition.
Blackberry is successful due to its excellent e-mail function which made it popular in government use. However, when the smart phone shows up. more types of information sharing, such as twitter, overcome the e-mail and make blackberry lost its advantages.
Blackberry did not move forward when Apple and Windows is rising, and just as the disappearance progress of SONY walkman.
Blackberry attracts the acquisition due to its fruitful patents which is valued more than 2.6 billion USD. Actually, blackberry has other values to its future buyer.
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2013-10-18 12:27
hgi1012 发表于 2013-9-26 20:32
检讨一下啊,都木有坚持    我又来了

后来坚持了么 加油啊~~
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2013-10-18 12:30
kaye523 发表于 2013-9-29 09:17
有事粗门 两天没做了。。。。

speaker: 触屏打败按键

拿下LSE!加油 ==+
作者: kaye523    时间: 2013-10-18 15:58
铁板神猴 发表于 2013-10-18 12:30
拿下LSE!加油 ==+

作者: hgi1012    时间: 2013-10-19 13:46
铁板神猴 发表于 2013-10-18 12:27
后来坚持了么 加油啊~~

作者: wensd1111    时间: 2014-7-12 07:59
1 A 01:53
2 A 00:55
3 A 01:41
4 A 01:43
5 A 01:36
6 A 05:37
rim hire banks to evaluate its business strategy, finance situation and everything related.
1,from a startup, rim grwo to be a dominant firm by its email servicing company and individual users.
2,fail to predict the advent of text and tweet, rim fall behind quickly, and it did not try to catch up apple and other competitors.
3,it's cash will run out in the future, and the patent it hold might be attractive to apple ans so on, just like motot to goolge.
4,to the potential investor, other strenght except potent value is important in considering a deal.
作者: SukeyZhou    时间: 2016-8-31 08:40
Time 2  00:02:02
Time 3  00:01:02
Time 4  00:01:29
Time 5  00:01:16
Time 6  00:01:34
Paraphrase 7  00:06:53
作者: Amanda.Zhang    时间: 2016-9-1 22:53
T2: 2:07
T3: 0:45
T4:  1:4
T5:  1:38
T6: 1:35
OB: 5:12
作者: antoao208    时间: 2016-9-2 06:49
2 1‘53 according to the wall street journal, blackberry is planning to layoffs of up to 40% of its workforce by year's end. although the company has lunched a new smart phone, it's market is still decline, which is only 2.7%, while google android is 76%
3-4 2'41 for employees of blackberry, the concern is how long could the company sustain. although the company has a quite bit money could last for about 6 month, also it has patent that could exchange for money, and it has big base of customers, the problem is how soon can it be sold?
5-6 2'33 BlackBerry's largest shareholder, Canadian insurance company Fairfax Financial is considering to buy blackberry at a low price. blackberry is still waiting for good deals. if there are multiple deals, a bidding war could break out.
作者: Mein    时间: 2016-9-3 11:22

作者: cynthia02    时间: 2016-9-3 23:26

作者: 南邊的藍葉子蘇    时间: 2016-9-5 00:49
T2 2'18"
T3 2'11"
T4 3'06"
T5 4'12"
T6 3'15"
T7 7'26"
作者: AnnieFFish    时间: 2016-9-5 08:20
作者: MMWang    时间: 2016-9-6 10:03
Time 2 2:16
The massive layoff in Blackberry suggests that it is attracting for buyers.

Time 3 1:03
Blackberry not only layoffs a lot of employees ,but also burns its money.

Time 4 1:49
Blackberry has some valuable property.

Time 5 1:55
Blackberry 's largest shareholder wants to buy Blackberry in low premium.

Time 6 1:40
There are some other firms want to buy Blackberry as well. And the difficulties that Blackberry faces.

Time 7 6:17
The development road or Blackberry. And the author takes other examples to compare with Blackberry.

作者: 南邊的藍葉子蘇    时间: 2016-9-13 00:26
T2 3'09
T3 4'05
T4 4'17
T5 3'14
T6 3'07
T7 11'26
作者: sbr3037429    时间: 2020-3-29 02:20
Obstacle: 4”55 [824]
作者: 国王阿吖    时间: 2020-3-31 23:24
[Time 2] 2'26   
[Time 3]2'32
[Time 4]1'10
[Time 5]1'30
[Time 6]2'30
ob 8'30

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