标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-08】文史哲 [打印本页]
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-22 21:44
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-08】文史哲
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Hello guys~
Here is today's exercise~
In the whole picture, it's about the philosophy, but don't panic, this time, the words and ideas concerning philosophy are much more understandable than my first shot about philosophy topic, the Hegel's philosophy of right.
Specifically speaking, there are three passages in all. First one is about the philosophy of firendship and the others are both discussing the pursit of happiness in life, but from two different great philosophers, Zhuangzi and Aristotle. By the way, the obstacle, the ideas from Aristotle's true happiness, includes 1738 words(much more than average)
Here we go~
Part 1 Speaker
[dialog: 6:06]
[Transcript] [attach]129034[/attach]
Part 2 Speed
Article 1(Check the title later)
The Science and Philosophy of Friendship: Lessons from Aristotle on the Art of Connecting
by Maria Popova
"Friends hold a mirror up to each other; through that mirror they can see each other in ways that would not otherwise be accessible to them, and it is this mirroring that helps them improve themselves as persons."
"A principal fruit of friendship," Francis Bacon wrote in his timeless meditation on the subject, "is the ease and discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart, which passions of all kinds do cause and induce." For Thoreau, friendship was one of life's great rewards. But in today's cultural landscape of muddled relationships scattered across various platforms for connecting, amidst constant debates about whether our Facebook "friendships" are making us more or less happy, it pays to consider what friendship actually is. That's precisely what CUNY philosophy professor Massimo Pigliucci explores in Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to A More Meaningful Life (public library), which also gave us this provocative read on the science of what we call "intuition."
Philosophers and cognitive scientists agree that friendship is an essential ingredient of human happiness. But beyond the dry academic definitions – like, say, "voluntary interdependence between two persons over time, which is intended to facilitate socio-emotional goals of the participants, and may involve varying types and degrees of companionship, intimacy, affection and mutual assistance" – lies a body of compelling research that sheds light on how, precisely, friendship augments happiness. Pigliucci writes:
Happiness is influenced, as one might expect, by all of the “big five” personality traits: agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness. … As research conducted by Meliksah Demir and Lesley Weitekamp also clearly shows, however, friendship augments happiness above and beyond the basic effect of personality.
[words: 293]
The way friendship enhances well-being, it turns out, has nothing to do with quantity and everything to do with quality – researchers confirm that it isn't the number of friends (or, in the case of Facebook, "friends") we have, but the nature of those relationships:
In particular, what makes for a good happiness-enhancing friendship is the degree of companionship (when you do things together with your friends) and of self-validation (when your friends reassure you that you are a good, worthy individual).
This is where Aristotle comes in: He recognized three types of love – agape, eros, and philia – which endure as an insightful model for illuminating the nature of our relationships. Pigliucci describes the taxonomy:
Agape is a broad kind of love, the kind that religious people feel that God has for us, or that a secular person may have for humanity at large. Eros, naturally, is more concerned with the type of love we have for sexual partners, though the Greeks meant it more broadly than we do. Philia is the type of love that concerns us here because it includes the sort of feelings we have for friends, family, and even business partners.
But this poses the obvious question of what separates love, or eros (itself a complex phenomenon nearly impossible to define, despite history's ample attempts) from friendship, or philia – a conundrum young E. B. White and James Thurber famously considered and Sartre ultimately failed at resolving. Pigliucci explains:
The obvious answer is that typically (though certainly not necessarily) you have sex with your eros partner but not with your philia friends. More subtly, however, philosophers have pointed out that love is an evaluative attitude, while friendship is a relational one. It makes perfect sense that you could be in love with someone who doesn’t reciprocate your feeling, but it is incoherent to say that one has a nonreciprocal friendship.
[words: 312]
Aristotle further classified friendships into three distinct categories: of pleasure, of utility, and of virtue:
In friendships of pleasure, you and another person are friends because of the direct pleasure your friendship brings – for instance, you like and befriend people who are good conversationalists, or with whom you can go to concerts, and so on. Friendships of utility are those in which you gain a tangible benefit, either economic or political, from the relationship. Exploitation of other people is not necessarily implied by the idea of utility friendships – first, because the advantage can be reciprocal, and second, because a business or political relation doesn’t preclude having genuine feelings of affection for each other. For Aristotle, however, the highest kind of friendship was one of virtue: you are friends with someone because of the kind of person he is, that is, because of his virtues (understood in the ancient Greek sense of virtue ethics [and] not in the much more narrow modern sense, which is largely derived from the influence of Christianity.)
But what it really boils down to is that friendship affords us a more dimensional way of looking at ourselves and at the world, thus enhancing our understanding of the meaning of life. Once again, Pigliucci takes us back to Aristotle:
Aristotle’s opinion was that friends hold a mirror up to each other; through that mirror they can see each other in ways that would not otherwise be accessible to them, and it is this (reciprocal) mirroring that helps them improve themselves as persons. Friends, then, share a similar concept of eudaimonia [Greek for “having a good demon,” often translated as “happiness”] and help each other achieve it. So it is not just that friends are instrumentally good because they enrich our lives, but that they are an integral part of what it means to live the good life, according to Aristotle and other ancient Greek philosophers (like Epicurus). Of course, another reason to value the idea of friendship is its social dimension. In the words of philosopher Elizabeth Telfer, friendship provides “a degree and kind of consideration for others’ welfare which cannot exist outside
Answers for Aristotle is excellent in its entirety. Complement it with some heartening famous friendships, like those between Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan, Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Julia Child and Avis DeVoto, Ursula Nordstrom and Maurice Sendak, and Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini.
[words: 402]
Source: Brain Pickings
Article 2(Check the title later)
Pursuit of Happiness (theories about Zhuangzi)
A Pioneer of Happiness
“Instead of running around pointing fingers, why not laugh? Better than laughing, why not go along with things? Then you can experience the mysterious oneness of the Dao. ” Zhuangzi would probably have laughed himself silly, watching the frenzy with which we compete for personal profit in the post-industrial era. He highly prized a good sense of humor. If only for a moment, laughter releases us from the rationality which dominates our calculating lives. Once we are released from the dictatorship of rationality, we are free to “go along with things.” Whereas Confucius places emphasis on human relationships, the Daoists rejoice in nature, and particularly the mysterious Dao, which is manifested through our natural surroundings. For Mencius, Buddha and Aristotle, the role of the mind is critical in the quest for happiness. The Daoists on the other hand, argue that we think too much, for it is our rational mind that has led us away from the intuitive Dao.
Zhuangzi, who was born about 2,300 years ago, during the tumultuous Warring States Period of ancient China, probably wrote the first piece of work in history devoted to happiness. This essay, which is called “Ultimate Happiness,” is now a chapter of the book named Zhuangzi, after the author.
Ultimate Happiness is Wu Wei
For Zhuangzi, a humorous and self-deprecating follower of Laozi, the Old Master, ultimate happiness is nothing but wuwei, the skill of doing nothing against the “Way” (Dao). Zhuangzi draws a clear distinction between two kinds of happiness. Most people value wealth, fame, and physical comfort, through delicious tastes, beautiful colors, attractive clothing and music. Once they dip their toes in these fleeting joys, they try to obtain more, and become uneasy if they cannot do so. Yet the Dao, a mysterious power which fills the cosmos and is reflected in the workings of nature, is the source of a much deeper form of happiness. We humans, who dwell in the midst of nature and are part of the Dao itself, only need to harness this power. This is similar to sitting in a car with a powerful engine running, while the gear is locked in neutral. We need to know how to get the car in gear. This is done through the practise of wuwei, which Zhuangzi often refers to as the skill of “going along with things,” or as we say nowadays, “going with the flow.”
[words: 402]
Flow and the Dao
Talking about “flow,” Zhuangzi compares the wise person or sage to an expert swimmer, who can survive a powerful torrent by freely swimming with it. In the Dao of Pooh Benjamin Hoff compares the Daoist sage to Winnie the Pooh, who doesn’t know how to calculate profit and loss, but lives in the moment and finds contentment in simple things. Pooh doesn’t like meddling and “monkeying around,” and things simply seem to work out. And yet many of Zhuangzi’s sages are not born with this sort of virtue, but achieve it through a great deal of focused effort in the exercise of their unique skills. Butcher Ding, for example, achieves happiness by perfecting the skill of chopping up ox carcasses. This was one of the most despised professions in ancient China, and yet Ding goes about his work with great pride and pleasure, claiming that the more skillful he gets at chopping meat, the more skillful he gets at “going along with things” and harmonizing with the Dao. Sages like Ding and the cart maker P’ien have no interest in academic learning, as they think words are not a very efficient way to discover the Dao and obtain genuine happiness. By following the practise of wuwei and drawing closer to the Dao, blue-collar sages like Ding and P’ien obtain De or virtue, which is itself a sort of indescribable power, and is clearly quite different from the virtues of the Confucians or Platonists.
Daoist Techniques
An equally popular way of obtaining peace of mind among Daoists, and especially religious Daoists, is through special breathing techniques. These techniques are probably the origin of qigong practices in Taiji, which focus on the cultivation of qi, a vital energy that fills the body. It is quite possible that Daoist breathing techniques emerged from Indian yoga, which uses them in combination with various postures for the attainment of bliss
[words: 319]
Part 3 Obstacle
Article 3(Check the title later)
Pursuit of Happiness (theories about Aristotle)
Happiness as the Ultimate Purpose of Human Existence
One of Aristotle’s most influential works is the Nicomachean Ethics, where he presents a theory of happiness that is still relevant today, over 2300 years later. The key question Aristotle seeks to answer in these lectures is: what is the ultimate purpose of human existence? What is that end or goal for which we should direct all of our activities? Everywhere we see people seeking pleasure, wealth, and a good reputation. But while each of these has some value, none of them can occupy the place of the chief good for which humanity should aim. To be an ultimate end, an act must be self-sufficient and final, “that which is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else,” and it must be attainable by man. Aristotle claims that nearly everyone would agree that happiness is the end which meets all these requirements. It is easy enough to see that we desire money, pleasure, and honor only because we believe that these goods will make us happy. It seems that all other goods are a means towards obtaining happiness, while happiness is always an end in itself.
The Greek word that usually gets translated as “happiness” is eudaimonia, and like most translations from ancient languages, this can be misleading. The main trouble is that happiness (especially in modern America) is often conceived of as a subjective state of mind, as when one says one is happy when one is enjoying a cool beer on a hot day, or is out “having fun” with one’s friends. For Aristotle, however, happiness is a final end or goal that encompasses the totality of one’s life. It is not something that can be gained or lost in a few hours, like pleasurable sensations. It is more like the ultimate value of your life as lived up to this moment, measuring how well you have lived up to your full potential as a human being. For this reason, one cannot really make any pronouncements about whether one has lived a happy life until it is over, just as we would not say of a football game that it was a “great game” at halftime (indeed we know of many such games that turn out to be blowouts or duds). For the same reason we cannot say that children are happy, anymore than we can say that an acorn is a tree, for the potential for a flourishing human life has not yet been realized. As Aristotle says, “for as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy.” ( Nichomachean Ethics,1098a18)
The Hierarchical View of Nature
In order to explain human happiness, Aristotle draws on a view of nature he derived from his biological investigations. If we look at nature, we notice that there are four different kinds of things that exist in the world, each one defined by a different purpose:
Mineral: rocks, metals and other lifeless things. The only goal which these things seek is to come to a rest. They are “beyond stupid” since they are inanimate objects with no soul
Vegetative: plants and other wildlife. Here we see a new kind of thing emerge,something which is alive. Because plants seek nourishment and growth, they have souls and can be even said to be satisfied when they attain these goals
Animal: all the creatures we study as belonging to the animal kingdom. Here we see a higher level of life emerge: animals seek pleasure and reproduction, and we can talk about a happy or sad dog, for example, to the extent that they are healthy and lead a pleasant life
Human: what is it that makes human beings different from the rest of the animal kingdom? Aristotle answers: Reason(key word, which means the ability to think, understand, and form judgments that are based on facts [Longman]). Only humans are capable of acting according to principles, and in so doing taking responsibility for their choices. We can blame Johnny for stealing the candy since he knows it is wrong,” but we wouldn’t blame an animal since it doesn’t know any better.
It seems that our unique function is to reason: by reasoning things out we attain our ends, solve our problems, and hence live a life that is qualitatively different in kind from plants or animals. The good for a human is different from the good for an animal because we have different capacities or potentialities. We have a rational capacity and the exercising of this capacity is thus the perfecting of our natures as human beings. For this reason, pleasure alone cannot constitute human happiness, for pleasure is what animals seek and human beings have higher capacities than animals. The goal is not to annihilate our physical urges, however, but rather to channel them in ways that are appropriate to our natures as rational animals.
Thus Aristotle gives us his definition of happiness:
…the function of man is to live a certain kind of life, and this activity implies a rational principle, and the function of a good man is the good and noble performance of these, and if any action is well performed it is performed in accord with the appropriate excellence: if this is the case, then happiness turns out to be an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. (Nichomachean Ethics,1098a13)
The Pursuit of Happiness as the Exercise of Virtue
In this last quote we can see another important feature of Aristotle’s theory: the link between the concepts of happiness and virtue. Aristotle tells us that the most important factor in the effort to achieve happiness is to have a good moral character — what he calls “complete virtue.” But being virtuous is not a passive state: one must act in accordance with virtue. Nor is it enough to have a few virtues; rather one must strive to possess all of them. As Aristotle writes:
He is happy who lives in accordance with complete virtue and is sufficiently equipped with external goods, not for some chance period but throughout a complete life. (Nichomachean Ethics,1101a10)
According to Aristotle, happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime all the goods — health, wealth, knowledge, friends, etc., that lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. This requires us to make choices, some of which may be very difficult. Often the lesser good promises immediate pleasure and is more tempting, while the greater good is painful and requires some sort of sacrifice. For example, it may be easier and more enjoyable to spend the night watching television, but you know that you will be better off if you spend it researching for your term paper. Developing a good character requires a strong effort of will to do the right thing, even in difficult situations.
Another example which is becoming more and more of a problem in our society today is the taking of drugs. For a fairly small price, one can immediately take one’s mind off of one’s troubles and experience deep euphoria by popping an oxycontin pill or snorting some cocaine. Yet, inevitably, this short-term pleasure will lead to longer term pain. A few hours later you may feel miserable and so need to take the drug again, which leads to a never ending spiral of need and relief. Addiction inevitably drains your funds and provides a burden to your friends and family. All of those virtues—generosity, temperance, friendship, courage, etc, that make up the good life appear to be conspicuously absent in a life of drug use.
Aristotle would be strongly critical of the culture of “instant gratification” which seems to predominate in our society today. In order to achieve the life of complete virtue, we need to make the right choices, and this involves keeping our eye on the future, on the ultimate result we want for our lives as a whole. We will not achieve happiness simply by enjoying the pleasures of the moment. Unfortunately, this is something most people are not able to overcome in themselves. As he laments, “the mass of mankind are evidently quite slavish in their tastes, preferring a life suitable to beasts (Nichomachean Ethics, 1095b 20) Later in the Ethics Aristotle will draw attention to the concept of akrasia, or weakness of the will. In many cases the overwhelming prospect of some great pleasure obscures one’s perception of what is truly good. Fortunately, this natural disposition is curable through training, which for Aristotle meant education and the constant aim to perfect virtue. As he puts it, a clumsy archer may indeed get better with practice, so long as he keeps aiming for the target.
Note also that it is not enough to think about doing the right thing, or even intend to do the right thing: we have to actually do it. Thus, it is one thing to think of writing the great American novel, another to actually write it. When we impose a form and order upon all those letters to actually produce a compelling story or essay, we are manifesting our rational potential, and the result of that is a sense of deep fulfillment. Or to take another example, when we exercise our citizenship by voting, we are manifesting our rational potential in yet another way, by taking responsibility for our community. There are myriad ways in which we can exercise our latent virtue in this way, and it would seem that the fullest attainment of human happiness would be one which brought all these ways together in a comprehensive rational life-plan.
There is yet another activity few people engage in which is required to live a truly happy life, according to Aristotle: intellectual contemplation. Since our nature is to be rational, the ultimate perfection of our natures is rational reflection. This means having an intellectual curiosity which perpetuates that natural wonder to know which begins in childhood but seems to be stamped out soon thereafter. For Aristotle, education should be about the cultivation of character, and this involves a practical and a theoretical component. The practical component is the acquisition of a moral character, as discussed above. The theoretical component is the making of a philosopher. Here there is no tangible reward, but the critical questioning of things raises our minds above the realm of nature and closer to the abode of the gods.
[words: 1738]
Source: Pursuit of Hapiness
作者: irvan 时间: 2013-9-22 21:59
越障真的……好长= =
The ultimate purpose of human existence
The essence of happiness and how to realize it
作者: lytymay 时间: 2013-9-22 22:25
speaking 很棒耶
when people will feel home sick
feel lonely
smell landscape ……
比较简单啦,就没怎么记 - -
英英也是可以驾驭的 嘿嘿
1. 2:09
friendship is a mirror
the FACEBOOk friendship
2. 2:05
what measure the friendship is the quality other than quantity
the three type of love
the difference
the pilla is the one we concern
3. 2:58
亚里士多德‘s opinion
friendship has three categories
of pleasure
of utility
of virtue the one most。。。
friendship is a mirror
show who you are
4. 3:02
庄子 introduction
无为 the theory
5. 2:08
how to be wuwei
the technique:太极,气功。。。。印度瑜伽→ →??
作者: 小鱼上树 时间: 2013-9-22 23:03
1 6min
Homesickness, isolated, 70% of students are suffering fromtypical homesick when they start college. Several tips to help- social media,meet new friends, get involved in local people, talk to a friend or aprofession for help. Knowing I am homesick is the first step to get better.
2 293 1min49
What friendship do to us- new book- definition offriendship, happiness and therelationship between them.
3 312 1min40
It’s all about quality, not quantity.- 3 categories of love-god love, sex love and friendship- not really a perfect theory.
4 402 1min50
Classified friendship to 3 kinds- define what good friend isagain… omg, I quit…
5 402 2min04
Ultimate happiness- go with the flow- we think too much
6 319 1min39
Paoding was happy because he followed the natural rule ofdao. Taiji is another example.
作者: kimwang53 时间: 2013-9-22 23:07
小鱼上树 发表于 2013-9-22 23:03
作者: Changpoyu 时间: 2013-9-22 23:15
No matter where you are home is the only thing you miss for ever.
This listen talk about homesickness ,include the bad influence from homesickness ,it cause you feel stressful pain isolate lonely ,make you want to withdraw something and give up to go back home,exceedingly in the fresh man of university 70%student miss their home ,but thank for the technology we can see our family members with phone computer like FaceTime .And we it cause our sad we can talk to our friend(but most time when we get homesickness we do not have friend otherwise some people will not miss home),may be we can join in the local activities.
Get homesickness is a normal things and remember when you really need go back home your parents is waiting for you and home is your home of ever.
作者: 疏离无罪 时间: 2013-9-22 23:34
What friendship mean to up.The relationship between friendship and happiness.
Not the quantities of friends but the degree of companionship enhance the happiness.
Three kinds of love.
The difference between the love of friends and that of sexal partner.
Three kinds of friendship.
Friends are mirrors to us.
Other opinions of ancient greeks to the friendship.
Zhuangzi is the pioneer of the happiness.
Introduce the main idea about the ultimate happiness of zhuangzi.
How to flow the dao.庖丁解牛 都出来了。。
The techniques of Dao. 为什么说来自阿三的瑜伽。。坑爹
Aristotle thought that Ultimate purpose of human is happiness.
The happiness today is different from what Aristotle means.This word is mistransfered.
It should be more focus on moral level.In Aristotle's view,People can not say they are happy until the end of their life.
Aristotle used 4 kinds of thing in the nature to explain happiness.
Reason makes people different from animals.Pleasure is not enough to human's happiness.
Aristotle's defination of happiness is about the link between happiness and virtue.Good moral character and achieving.
Two examples are followed.
Aristotle blamed the people who just enjoy the moment.
作者: ttlovej 时间: 2013-9-22 23:38
抢位,补作业T T
TIME 2 3'03
TIME 3 2'10
TIME 4 2'56
TIME 5 3'30
TIME 6 2'18
作者: fiona二战要上7 时间: 2013-9-23 00:03
Time 2 2’35
Digging for the true meaning of friendship.
Time 3 2’23
Three kinds of feeling make for a good happiness-enhancing friendship.
Time 4 3’15
Aristotle further classified friendships into three distinct categories. Friends hold a mirror up to each other ,and it is this mirroring that helps them improve themselves as persons
Time 5 3’32
The introduction of Zhuangzi and his thought of wuwei.
Time 6 3’04
The application of Dao and its representatives.
作者: chasedream1122 时间: 2013-9-23 01:16
--The meaning of friendship and how philosophers view it, including Aristotle's 3 types of companionship and 3 distinct categories of friendship.
-- Laozi and Daoism's believes of happiness--Wuwei and go with the flow.
How Aristotle define happiness and how can we achieve it by fulfilling the exercise of virtue.
作者: sherlock1992 时间: 2013-9-23 07:27
作者: shen315hu727 时间: 2013-9-23 07:43
Speaker: Homesickness is very common and growing serious and serious, a finding indicates that over 70% students suffers from homesickenss in the first year of college. And homesickness could be appeared as lonely, stressful, panic, isolated, to withdraw with sth etc. To solve this problem, you could go to see the doctor and find out the problem, or you could use the latest technology such as facetime or skype, social
media, expert community in which the people speak the same language, or even meet the local people and make friends with them.
1.30'Time 2: In the begining of the article, a convertional definition of friendship is given: an essential ingredient of happiness. While, way more than that, friendship can enhance the happiness, and it
augments happiness above the basic effect of personality.
1.39'Time 3: Aristotle points out 3 types of love: Agape, Eros and Philia. But it failes to illustrate what seperate love from friendship, or philia. Some researchers acclaim their understanding.
1.54'Time 4: Within friendship, people enjoy the joint benefits either from economic or political. Also, friendship mirror each other up. It is fulfilled with vitue. You may enjoy the friends'companionship, achieve the happiness and improve together. Friendship is also a social dimension.
1.49' Time 5: Most factions believe the pursuit of happiness is the central role of the mind, except Daoist, who hold the view that simple mind is the essence. Zhuangzi wrote a book named" Ultimate happiness" devoted to happiness. Different from Daoists'belief that is: the power is from the working of nature, Zhuangzi proposed that people like to try the thing further which makes them joyful, in other words: going along with things.
1.29' Time 6: Further introduce the difference between Zhuangzi and Daoist. Zhuangzi suggests along with things, with the practice, the skill will be obtained, whereas Daoist claims that obtaining peaceful mind is fairly crutical, one famous technique it uses is the deep breath--qigong practice of Taiji, somewhat close to the Yogi from Indo.
6.23' Obstacle Happiness is the end, while the pursuit of money, physical contented and fame is the way to happiness. Aristotle distinguish the differences between human being and plants, vegetation and animals.
作者: Mint静默 时间: 2013-9-23 08:05
Homesickness: sad and want to go back home/common
Percentage of students who feel homesick in the first year they come to the school --- 70%
Tips to combat homesickness:
Use social communication
Expat community/local community
Talk to the doctor/friends
T2 2’03’’
T3 1’42’’
T4 1’57’’
T5 2’37’’
T6 1’56’’
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-23 08:24
小鱼上树 发表于 2013-9-22 23:03
作者: 二丫丫 时间: 2013-9-23 09:24
talks about the importance of friendship to people.
some researchers point out that it's the nature of friendship not the number of friends that decides whether you can gain happiness from friendship.moreover, some researchers shows that there are three types of friendship:A,E,and P.A means the love of God;E means sexual relationship means friends and so on.Finally, the arthor argues about what seperate the A from E,and from P.
A points out that friendship can be typed into A,U and V and describes the menaing of each type in detail.Then this paper explores the two functions of friendship: a mirror of ourselves and social demension.
talks about some famous views about happiness, shch as C,Dao,and Zhuangzi.and then the article specifies the meaning of happiness in Zhaungzi's view.
talks about some ways to practice Dao theory,for example,you can focus on your breath to cultivate your qi and so on.
the paper mainly talks about the issue of happiness.1\the definition of happiness.Generlly,happiness can be devided into two types:temporary happiness and long-term happiness,in this research, the researcher points out what we mean here is the latter one.Also, the arthor shows that we can not say that we are happy or not until we reach the end of our life,since happiness is a whole phrase, not a stage.2\the levels of happiness.hapiness can be types into material,vegetation, animal and human being.3\the more strict that we obey the moral rules, the happier we are.But here obeying the moral rule does not mean to negtively obey the rule, but positively.4\we form our characteristic through education and learn about moral rules through action.
作者: billylau 时间: 2013-9-23 09:28
2 1"52
the author mentions a lot of defines about friendship. what is more, friendship is based on some elements such as happiness. In turn, it augments happiness beyond personality.
3 2"26
a good friendship is not so much about the quantity, but about the quality. There are several kinds of loves.
4 2"51
Aristotle points out that there are three kinds of friendships and gives us some example.However, friendship can bring us some thing really that makes us happay and that we can not attain outside.
5 3"24
Zhuangzi shows us what is the real happiness and explains it.
6 2"34
the passage shows us some characters about Dao,which holds different idea from other schools.what is more, it also shows us what is Daoist Techniques.
7 12"00
作者: tkl 时间: 2013-9-23 09:42
SMILING CAN MAKE YOU ‘go out of things”
Described the “wuwei” of DAO
作者: tkl 时间: 2013-9-23 09:43
SMILING CAN MAKE YOU ‘go out of things”
Described the “wuwei” of DAO
作者: lifesmile1991 时间: 2013-9-23 10:56
1.the meaning of homesickness and how to deal with homesickness
3'24'' 293 Modern conmunication tools lead people to think over the relationship between friendship and happiness.
Differernt opinions about how friendship augments happiness.
3'53'' 312 The way friendship enhances well-being is related to quality,and has nothing to do with quantity.
Anestode recognized love to three types, and defined their meanings.
How to separate love and friendship, and their differences.
3'24'' 402 Anestode categoried love to three types and explained them.
Friendship can help people live a better life, enhancing our understanding of the meaning of life and have a wellfare in the feeling.
3'31'' 402 Zhuangzi persuit happiness in the way of going with the flows.
This point is different from other minders.
Zhuangzi viewed the ultimate happiness as "Wuwei", and categories
happiness to two types---the ordenary and the ultimate happiness.
4'30'' 319 Different people can have different way to flow with blue colar sages.
the same to obtain the mind: soga and taiji.
17'39'' 1738 A's opionion about happiness
1. happiness is a state of mind ,there is existing mistakes explain happiness, begin with 4 types of natures
the unique traits of people:reason and potencials
Conclusion: the happiness is an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue
3.happiness and virtue:
1)choice eg1:TV vs paper
eg2: drugs
2)keep going ,not instant content
3)do>think eg1:write articles
eg2: vote
4. rational think---education needs rational and practical things.
作者: 小鱼上树 时间: 2013-9-23 10:57
jay871750293 发表于 2013-9-23 08:24
作者: haiyanrosa 时间: 2013-9-23 11:29
The effects of friendship
friendship augments happiness above and beyond the basic effect of personality.
Friendship is the nature of relationship.
follow your nature, go along with things
Happiness is final end and activity of soul.
we are rational things different from other three things in the world.
The Pursuit of Happiness as the Exercise of Virtue
In order to achieve the life of complete virtue, we need to make the right choices, this involves keeping eyes on the future, on the ultimate result we want for our lives as a whole.
作者: Cri倩 时间: 2013-9-23 11:42
1'14“ what francis bacon thinks about friendship and the discussion about what friendship is in the modern world
1'25“ talks about the insight of friendship and mentions what aristotle recognised three types of love and distinguish eros partner and philia friends
1'50" the three kinds of friendship and what friendship mean in aristotle's opinion and the answers for aristotle help solve the question of the passage
1'47" introduces the happiness philosophy of dao and its extension
1'10“ flow of zhuangzi and the daoist techniques
8'10“ what happiness means to human existence
how aristotle defines happiness to different creatures or stuff in the world
aristotle's definition of happiness
what pursuit of happiness is and the involved activities
作者: 饼干小熊 时间: 2013-9-23 11:46
T1 2'24
T2 2'35
T3 2'44
T4 4'03
T5 2'17
T6 9'08
作者: 君君爱TS 时间: 2013-9-23 11:54
Great articles! Learned so much about the meaning of life and important ideas of well-esteemed philosophers.
obstacle00:08:02.93 00:18:20.34
6 00:01:42.44 00:10:17.41
5 00:02:29.24 00:08:34.97
4 00:02:12.08 00:06:05.73
3 00:02:11.05 00:03:53.64
2 00:01:42.59 00:01:42.59
the essence of Aristotle's theory: what is the utimalte goal of human existence?
Happiness is not a state of mind but a summary of one's whole life as he/she died.
The relationship between happiness and virture. Only acting according to a complete set of moral standards or virtures, can one really be happy.
The problem of this society: people are seeking short-term pleasure and ignoring the bad effects.
作者: zhengyi5828790 时间: 2013-9-23 12:18
comments on the 16th floor are brilliant! except some logcial errors!
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-23 13:00
小鱼上树 发表于 2013-9-23 10:57
我是遁了一段时间,现在我回来啦继续我的抢首页!文章真有趣,我还第一次用英文读老子~ ...
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-23 13:07
lifesmile1991 发表于 2013-9-23 10:56
1.the meaning of homesickness and how to deal with homesickness
3'24'' 293 Modern conmunication too ...
hi~ lifesmile
I think the difficulty in grasping the logical structure of these passages is largely due to the special, profound, and abstract topic of philosophy, so, you have actually done a great job~
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-23 13:15
kimwang53 发表于 2013-9-22 23:07
呵呵,不客气哈~ kim~
如果有什么哲学话题或者是文章的话一定要告诉我哈~ 谢谢咯~~
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-23 13:20
君君爱TS 发表于 2013-9-23 11:54
Great articles! Learned so much about the meaning of life and important ideas of well-esteemed phil ...
hi~ 君君爱TS~
I am glad you've learned that much through this exercise and grateful for your support and praise~
作者: lifesmile1991 时间: 2013-9-23 14:09
jay871750293 发表于 2013-9-23 13:07
hi~ lifesmile
I think the difficulty in grasping the logical structure of these passages is largel ...
Thank you for your encouragement! I will keep it going.
作者: 竹迹 时间: 2013-9-23 14:23
Time 2 1:11.54
Friends are like a mirrio and help peple improve. And friendship is an essential ingredient of human happiness.
Time 3 1:20.68
It is the nature of those relationships rathe than the number of friends affect people more. And it provides three types of love.
Time 4 1:35.56
Talk about Aristotle's three categories of friendship. And go back to the beginning of the passage that friends hold a mirror up to each other.
Time 5 2:21.11
Something about the nature of Dao that chase the nature. And the ultimate happiness is Wuwei which means going along with things or flows.
Time 6 1:27.53
A person compares the Daoist sage to Winnie the Pooh and use an example of Ding to illustrate the Daoist sage. At last, the author says that the breathing technique the Dao uses to obtain peace of mind is something like yoga.
Time 7 8.03.52
What is the ultimate purpose of human? The answer is that the final end or goal of human life is the happiness. The nature is classified into four different kinds: mineral, vegetative, animal and human. Each of them has its own happiness. The most difference between human and other animal is that we can act according to principles and have responsibility of our choice. And the unique function is reason. And huam can think about what is right to do. But it is not enough. We should actually do the right thing rather than just think about it.
作者: fnlucky 时间: 2013-9-23 15:03
2min Friendship is important for human which can influence happiness above five personality traits.
Time 3
2min Friendship keeps well-being is associated with the nature of relationships, then take three types of love for example. Friendship is a rational one, but love is an valuable attitude.
Airstotle classified friendship into three categoriesf pleasure, of utility, of virture. The author thought the Airstole’ explaination was excellent.
1min5o Some pioneers thought the mind was crucial for happiness while Daoist didn’t agree with that. Zhangzi thought the happiness was WuWei who draw a clear distinction on two happiness, not against Dao.
Zhangzi compared the daoist’sages with Dao’sages.Dao’sages emphasized the practises of wuwei to obtain happiness. Daoist’techniques are the orign of qigong practices.
10min Aristrole’s research that happiness is the untimatle gole of human existence. In order to illustrate, he researches four different things in the world:Animal, mineral, vegetables, human, and compared the differeces. He thought the pursuit of happiness was the practices of virtues , at the same time, associated with intellutual contemplation
作者: 京晶露菁 时间: 2013-9-23 15:04
time2 4'38
friendship is mirror,help us see ourself
indigrient-facebook,more or less happy-whether?
big five-also happy-and beyound oneslf
time3 3'22
friendship isn't about quantity,but about quality.
friendship is sth about companition and valid
3 kind of love(123)
how seperate from each other?someone come up with
sex love VS friendship
time4 3'04
3 kinds(explain each )
give us one more dimension to look ourselves
happy, enrich life...
some famous friendship
time5 3'26
zhuangzi-laugh-Dao,and confucious's word happy,our mind to is critical to happiness
zhuangzi-book“ultimate happiness”
the book: wuwei:most people want to obtain more metirial things,but Dao didn't agree with.
time6 3'09
Dao's wuwei:two blue-workers:pooh and ding achieved their happiness,not go to academy,but learned Dao theirselves
techniques is breathing(taiji or yoga)
作者: lyrsilvia 时间: 2013-9-23 15:04
homesickness: away home and
common and a lot people suffer
what percent of student when start university: 70%
lonely, especially different language; stressful; pine to go home; miss places, sounds, foods
stay in touch with family members by video, social media
talk to the doctor
isolated; to pine for sth.; to withdraw; to stay in touch
Time 2: 1'50
the ancient people regard the friendship as a really treasure thing
The modern network like facebook may not make us happy
five characteristic of friendship; true friendship augment the happiness beyond the basic effect of personality.
Time 3: 1'56
friendship is more than some characteristic (nothing to do with quality)
there are three different love: for board love, for lover, and for friend
Time 4: 2'16
three categories of friendship: pleasure, utility and virtue
the highest one is virtue, just like the person because who he is
friendship means a lot in good life
several famous friendship between famous people
Time 5: 2'25
Some famous happiness saying about Zhuangzi
the ultimate happiness: the important of doing nothing.
Time 6: 2'06
the method of following the flow: Dao is an invisible and untouchable thing that cannot be expressed in words
Winne the Pooh: not care but content (Butcher Ding回看才懂原来是在说庖丁解牛的故事...)
Techniques to obtain peace: special breathing technique
Obstacle: 10'22(居然坚持读完了...)
happiness does not mean short-time pleasure. Aristotle believe happiness is achieve sth in the whole life
the difference between human and animal is reasoning
to pursue virtue, make good choice for life, rational life-plan
Education could help
作者: 断章 时间: 2013-9-23 15:13
掌管 6 00:08:18.03 00:17:18.06
掌管 5 00:01:38.17 00:09:00.03
掌管 4 00:02:05.65 00:07:21.85
掌管 3 00:01:50.75 00:05:16.20
掌管 2 00:01:43.39 00:03:25.45
掌管 1 00:01:42.06 00:01:42.06
friends hold mirrors through which we can see ourselves better.
happniess is not a feeling that can get at a certain moment but a fulfilment that can only be achieved when our lives come to the end. happiness means to have strong will and promises to our friends, family and society.
we can gain happiness through education.
the difference between animal and human is the ability to reason.
作者: 0412501 时间: 2013-9-23 15:34
Friendship makes people better and makes people happy.
A good happiness-enhancing friendship is the degree of companionship and self-validation. Three types of love are described.
Three kinds of bases of friendship: for pleasure, for utility and for virtue. Friendship can make people better.
Confusion focuses on human relationship, while Dao focuses on nature. Dao introduces two forms of happiness: happiness from satisfy our desires and happiness through nature. The happiness through the nature can be pursued from Wuwei.
Explanation of flow and the relationship between flow and Dao. Introduction of breath technology of Dao.
Happiness is from the value of our life. Four classes of objects are presented to explain happiness. People feel happy to pursue value of life.
作者: 云游 时间: 2013-9-23 16:25
Time 1: 1’41’’ Friendship has important effects on personal development—a notion that is agreed among many great writers. But will the emerging social media, say, Facebook, bring the effect on improving our social well-being? Scientists begin to probe into it.
Time2: 1’17’’
It is quality but not quantity determines the nature of a friendship!
Aristotle have recognized three types of love—agape, eros, and phila, which represent respectively love for public, love toward sexual partner, and love toward friends.
Eros differ with phila in that eros, love between sexual partners, require no reciprocal in feeling while phila, love between friends, are more relational.
Time 3: 2’00’’ Aristotle has further categorized friendship into three groups—pleasure, utility and virtue; he also pointed out friendship could mirror each other and hence enriching our life.
Time 4: 2’23’’
Time 5:2’06’’
Obstacle: 8’06’’
作者: kimwang53 时间: 2013-9-23 18:35
jay871750293 发表于 2013-9-23 13:15
呵呵,不客气哈~ kim~
如果有什么哲学话题或者是文章的话一定要告诉我哈~ 谢谢咯~~
每次找哲学都感觉好 ...
作者: pennyz 时间: 2013-9-23 20:46
A talk about the end aim of human existence.
the end aim of human existence is happiness
defination of happiness:
rational capacity
the relationship between virtue and hapiness
2 ways to attain happiness
1、training to be good all through the lifetime
2、be rational
作者: winnie加油! 时间: 2013-9-23 21:00
作者: guoxinyuan520 时间: 2013-9-23 22:26
1'15 friendship
1'53 The feeling of friendship is more about the quality,
the companionship and self-validation.There are three kinds
of love, A E and P.
1'54 Three categories: pleasure, utility and virtue.
Friend help each other, making us have a good life.
1'55 The mind is important for us to reach the happiness.
Then the author introduces the way, "wuwei" is the way to reach the happiness.
1'35 Ding and Pien who follow the dao become skillful and reach the happiness. Breathing is another important way to find peace and reach the "way".
作者: m1a2i3l 时间: 2013-9-23 22:38
Part I speaker
main idea: Introduce the definition of the word homesickness. Each of the presider talked about their experience about homesickness. A quiz is asked after that. 3 situation which will make someone feel homesick. 1. no familiar face 2. photo 3. smell of some food. 2 kinds of people who suffer from homesickness are introduced. (light/heavy) 2 tips are given to overcome homesickness. one is skype, facetime (social media). the other is joining an expart community.Finally, if you suffer a lot, you may have a talk with your best friend or go to see a doctor.
Part II speed
Time2: 0:02:21.96
main idea: (too complex for me to fully understand) friendship make people happy. and 5 other elements should be considered.
Time3: 0:02:10.18
main idea: It is frendship quality not quantity that decide the happiness you get from a relationship. Aristotle introduced 3 types of love. 1. for god 2. for man & women, have sex 3.friendship. Then, the difference bewteen 2 and 3.
Time4: 0:03:02.64
main idea: 3 different types of friendship is defined by Aris. 1. for pleasure 2. for utility <- two reasons for it 3. for vertue(highest). Pig. told us that friednship was like a mirror. (Friendship's advantageFriendship can help us improve ourselves. list many famous friendship.
Time5: 0:02:52.14
main idea: First paragraphy: introduce what's Dao. Then, compared with other theories, Dao is different. U can pursue ultimate happiness if you release yourself from rational, laugh, and go along with things (wu wei). Second: introduce Laozi & wu wei. U can practise wu wei by going along with things and releasing yourself from rational in order to be unlimately happy.
Time6: 0:02:32.50
main idea: First paragraphy: people can achieve genuine happiness by practising wu wei. Second para: Dao's breathing technique may come from indian yoga.
Part III obstacle
Time7: 0:09:50.87
main idea: First, Aris raise a question: what's our human's ultimate goal? why we human egists. He answered it by arguing that our ultimate goal is the pursuit of happiness. Then, the author clarified that the meaning of the word happiness at Aris's epic is different from today. It is not a kind of instant pleasure. It is a lifttime thing. Thirdly, introduce Aris's 4 difinition: 1.mineral 2.veg. 3.animal 4. human, and pointed out that we human are different because we can use our rational. Fourthiy, Aris gave his definition of happiness. Fifthly, Aris gave us the relationship between happiness and virtue. 1.Happiness is achiving 2. happiness can't be obtained by using drugs. We human should use our rational to overcome our emmotion to achieve virtues. Finally Aris mensioned other activities which can help us get a real happy life.
作者: nancyren 时间: 2013-9-23 22:39
作者: 淡淡罗 时间: 2013-9-23 23:13
Thanks ~~看这种文章很顺畅耶
T2:293 1'34 The character of friendship and factors influence it.
T3: 312 1'25 The nature of friendship,
T4: 402 1'49 F is distributed into three categories.They all play a rloe in people's life,wether independently or not.
T5:402 1‘53 How does Dao express the happiness which is differ form A's.
T6: 319 1'37 Techniques used as obtaining happiness.
T7: 1738 8'02 Process for A build a theory of happiness.
作者: chibomen 时间: 2013-9-23 23:27
Main idea: What is happiness.
Author attitude:
-What's happiness from A's perspective
-4 things,(rock, plant, animal, human)
-How to achieve happness.
作者: LUCY小可 时间: 2013-9-24 01:02
thank you Jay!
the situations when people face homesick, such as seeing food which is similar to the one in hometown
ways to conquer homesick: 1. use modern communication tech, like skype, facetime----better than only hearing voice
2. find firends who come from the same hometown
3. go outside and make new friends
4. accept homesick
2 2'26
3 2'29 classification of love--Agape, eros, philia
4 2'52 classification of friendship----pleasure, utility, virtue
5 2'57
6 2'03
7 13'52 what is happiness: ultimate goal of human being existence
the hierachical view of happiness: minaral, plant, animal, human> the specaility of human beings
means--exercise virtue
作者: 张茹ava 时间: 2013-9-24 06:59
04.41 friendship is an essential ingredient of human happiness
03.23the importance of the quality of friendship instead of the quantity and the three sort of love by Aristotle
03.36 the further categories of friendships classified by Aristotle and the importance of friendship
04.52the definition bout happiness by Zhuangzi and the ultimate happiness----wuwei
03.34 several comparisons and the breathing techniques of Daoist
作者: sissiyu 时间: 2013-9-24 07:21
Time 2 1’52
- The importance of friendship in our life, and the difference between real friendship and today’s online friendship
- What friendship actually is
Time 3 1’51
- Friendship has nothing to do with quantity, but the nature of those friendships
- Three types of love: agape, eros, and philia, and the difference between eros(separate love) and philia(friendship)
Time 4 2’21
- Three categories of friendship: pleasure, utility and virtue
- Friends hold a mirror up to each other:
Time 5 2’43
- A pioneer of happiness: Zhuangzi believes that happiness is manifested through out natural surroundings
- Ultimate happiness is Wu Wei: Zhuangzi draws a clear distinction between two kinds of happiness
Time 6 1’43
- Flow and the Dao: don’t follow the flow to calculate profit and loss,but lives in the moment and finds contentment in simple things
- Daoist techniques:
special breathing techniques: qigong or yoga
Time 7 9’42
- Main idea: definition of happiness
- The author’s attitude: positive
- Article construction:
Happiness is a final end or goal that encompasses the totality of one’s life
Examples to explain Aristotle’s definition of happiness: the pursuit of happiness as the exercise of virtue
Intellectual contemplation is required to live a truly happy life
- Conclusion: we will achieve happiness not simply by enjoying the pleasures of the moment, but by achieving the life of complete virtue.
作者: cherry6891 时间: 2013-9-24 08:31
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-24 09:28
竹迹 发表于 2013-9-23 14:23
Time 2 1:11.54
Friends are like a mirrio and help peple improve. And friendship is an essential ...
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-24 09:29
云游 发表于 2013-9-23 16:25
Time 1: 1’41’’ Friendship has important effects on personal development—a notion that is agreed ...
作者: 枣糕兔 时间: 2013-9-24 09:32
article 1
What does friendship mean in the philosophy way?
The view held by Dr. P is consistent with Aristotle's philosophy about frienship---they fall into three categories: of pleasure, of utility and of virtue, the last being the highest kind---and it works well as the same in the scope of three kinds of love.
article 2
A introduction on the master mind of Zhuangzi, the saint from the ancient China, about happiness---to "go along with things".
In the eyes of Dao, wuwei is supposed to be the ultimate way to happiness and there're clear examples that blue-collar men pursued happiness through this way and succeeded.
Another way of achieving happiness is special breathing technique.
Main idea: Aristotle's philosophy of happiness.
Attitude: Positive(+)
>>>What's the ultimate pursuit of human life: Happiness. People pursue wealth, good reputation, etc, but in the end it's about the ultimate good that is not for the sake of anything else.
And happiness, by its very definition, is not the same as pleasure/great mood, because it takes a lifetime to justify one's rightful cause and endeavor.
>>>The Aristotle philosophy in details:
>>>Four things in the world: minerals, plants, animals and human. And pleasure is not the ultimate good for animals pursue "pleasure" as well and human ought to live for something beyond that, which later found out to be "happiness".
>>>Tough choices: We ought to do the right things, which includes sacrifices and pain, in order to pursue happiness in one's lifetime. We will not achieve happiness simply by enjoying the pleasures of the moment.
>>>ACTIONS count, wishes don't.
>>>【Intellectual contemplation: Education plays an utterly critical role in cultivating one's character.】
文史哲的哲学话题很喜欢,而且难度也适中,辛苦了谢谢~! 被很多地方吸引住了结果边看边想,最后计时真捉急……
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-24 09:33
kimwang53 发表于 2013-9-23 18:35
可以找找哲学界几大最著名的理论,大体介绍一下。或者不同时代最著名的哲学家和他们的成就,比如上次的黑 ...
恩恩,好的呢,谢谢Kim的建议哈~ 这样基本思路就搞定了~
作者: kimwang53 时间: 2013-9-24 11:09
jay871750293 发表于 2013-9-24 09:33
恩恩,好的呢,谢谢Kim的建议哈~ 这样基本思路就搞定了~
至于难度,我还是想尽量控制一下,上次那个hegel ...
恩恩 难度适中就好 太难了可能都没那么多时间进一步研究了~~
哈哈 其实 可能也是有些情节 很想学学哲学 特别是黑格尔~~ 要是还有时间 Jay的那篇黑格尔一定是首选复习的
作者: jokerking 时间: 2013-9-24 11:51
speed: 1:1.49 2:1.49 3:2.08 4:2.21 5:1.50
obstacle:9.34 感谢楼主 最近正在异常的纠结与找工作和出国。。。 看到这样一篇关于HAPPINESS的文章 心里坦然多了~~
作者: kaye523 时间: 2013-9-24 15:30
喜欢BBC 6分钟
2.feelings: lonely,isolated; stressful,hard to make friends; miss homecooking
3.几类人:can deal with homesickness; extreme,nightmare, 不见人
4. tips to combat homesickness: video call(skype,facetime); phone; 交新友
T2: 2‘18
T3: 1'55
T4: 2'40
T5: 2'25
T6: 2'00
obstacle: 11'16
作者: CatherineH 时间: 2013-9-24 17:02
the feeling of homesick and how to overcome the homesick
1 2min30
What is friendship.
Why and how friendship can augment happiness.
2 1min59
Love can be divided to 3 types:A,S and P.
Friendship is reciprocal.
3 2min30
Friendships have 3 kinds: of happiness, of utility, and of virtue, which is the highest.
Why friendship is valuable: Friendship is a mirror; Friendship can remind people of social dimension.
4 1min58
The beliefs about happiness of Laozi.
Laozi think there are two happiness: one is happiness coming from material, which makes people look for more;
the other one is ultimate happiness: doing nothing .
5 2min03
Some examples of Dao.
The origin of a special breathing method which can obtain peace in the mind.
Obstacle 10min38
Aristotle regards happiness is a long process not a brief joyness.
All things can be divided into metal, vegetation, anminals and humans.Only humans have irational feelings so have happiness.
Getting happiness is like excercising virtue.
Some problems,such as pursuing brief happiness happened.
We should think about doing virtual things, and also do the virtue.
To achieve happiness, practical and theoratical measures should be taken.
作者: Dora7 时间: 2013-9-24 20:06
friends like a mirror;friendship &happiness
three types of love;the difference between the love of eros pathner and that of friendship
three CATEGORIES classified friendship (truth friendship is none buisness with economic and political )
friends like a mirror
friendship has many advanteages and can help to improve ourselves
talk about the pioneer of happiness zhuangzi and his theory "ultimate happiness is wuwei'
techniques origin of taiji“qi” and yoga
OBSTACLE :8'26''87
-happiness is the ending of meet these requirements
-the 'happiness'today is different from ancient which is be misleading.
-four different kinds of nature to explain happiness
-A对happiness的定义:act in accordance with virtue.做一些正确的事。examples balalala
作者: 旧未来 时间: 2013-9-25 08:09
1 01:56
2 01:59
3 02:10
4 02:38
5 01:53
6 09:32
According to Aristotle, what acutally is the happeniness?
To explain the question,he defined four kinds of the happiness in the world, what make the happiness from other kinds is "reason".Happiness iss an activity of the soul in accrodance with virtue.
The definaiton of virtue or good is far from the view many people hold today--instant gratification,such as the feeling result form drugs,which emphasize the feeling exsit in the whole life. Rather than just thinking,we should do to achieve it, in addition to the education.
作者: 750750 时间: 2013-9-25 09:31
9min08s 实在太长了,看到后面有种崩溃的赶脚
The author holds that happiness is the final goal of human,because happiness meets all requirements of “final thing
To better understand happiness,the author described goals of four kind of things- mineral,vegetative,animal,human.human differs from these things because human can reason. Thus,the happiness of human should be rational
The author introduced a definition of happiness which links the happiness with venture.The author holds that in order to get happiness,we must pay:
1.happiness is the final goal.we should look at future
2.discuss drugs and happiness
3.discuss eduction and happiness
作者: wljwendycyu 时间: 2013-9-25 10:33
Time1掌管 1 00:16:28.29
Sth about homesickness: a common phenomenon. First, it’s symptoms, including the feeling of loneliness, isolation and stressfulness, also being sensitive toward the familiar scenery, sound, or even home-made food. Secondly, how to smooth it? Thanks to modern tech, such as skype, wechat, especially video tele, it is easier for communication. Also you can resort to melting in local community to make more friends, what’s more, the help of a doctor for those heavy sickers.
Time2掌管 2 00:02:22.04
the article focus on the argument “whether friendship augments happiness ”.
time3掌管 3 00:02:45.91
it is companionship and self-validation that enhance your friendship. And there are three types of love according the Aristotle and the distinguish between love and friendship, which both are reciprocal passion.
Time4掌管 4 00:03:32.26
Aristotle’s three classifications of friendship, namely , happiness, benefit and virtue(the most noble and cherished one). And the two dimensions of it; for individual as a mirror to reflect and broad and also the social function.
Time5掌管 5 00:03:00.21
Different from other Chinese religious and western exploring mind for happiness, Daoism’s happiness philosophy is wuwei, component of nature, distinguishing from the superficial one.
Time6掌管 6 00:02:27.28
Embody wuwei by mentioning Winnie Pool as the example of simple happiness and butcher PaoDing as the example of gaining happiness via working. And also introduce breathing tech-qigong.
Time 7:Obstacle掌管 7 00:11:41.27
Main idea: philosophy of Aristotle about Authentic happiness, which differs from transient one and lies in pursuit of virtue and reason, or contemplate intellect.
Happiness is the ultimate goal of life and hard to be judged.
There are four types of existences, from the soul-lacked mineral to rational human-being to emphasizing that it is reason for judgement push the way for pleasure, thus leads to ultimate happiness.
作者: 铁板吗啡 时间: 2013-9-25 13:23
2,3,4 6'21
Friendship theory from Aistotal: mirrors to people ; life’s greant rewards vs nowday;technology; Facebook no.of friends increases
Evaluation: Human happiness ;No. The importance is quality of friend not quantity
1) the kinds of love from theories of Aistotal: god; sexual love; family and friends
2) identity of friend: a relationship one
3) Friendship: pleasure;utility;virtue Most important thing: virtue
Conclusion: Friends are mirrors that we can see better of ourselves.
作者: 啦啦噜啦啦 时间: 2013-9-26 09:37
[1:54]Friends are important to people. Researchers are studying how science and technology influence friendship.
[1:47]Friendship is about well-being. It has no relationship with quantity and auqlity but with the things you do with friends and the positive reaction about you from your friends. Then, A states three types of love and explain the relationship between agape and eros.
[2:20]There are two kinds of friendship: one is friendship for pleasure; the other one is friendship for utility. A says the highest friendship is being friend because you like the people who they are. To value the friendship because friends help you to know yourself; also,people take care of each other's well-being.
[2:50]Briefly introduce Laozi and campare it with other theories. Then, explain Zhuangzi's wuwei specifically.
[1:50]explain what is go with winds, give several examples to make it clear. Then, introduce Dao technique, which is about breath.
Happiness is the ultimate purpose that people do things.
People cannot say they get happiness untill their lives end.
People are different from other three things, because people can reason. Therefore, we get the definition of happiness.
To attain the happiness, people have to combine it with virtue. But that is not enough, people also have to apply it.
作者: 鸢尾yuanwei 时间: 2013-9-26 15:52
Thx Jay~~~~~~~`
作者: TaoRs92 时间: 2013-9-26 22:10
The discussion about friendship.Whether friendship is a kind of hapiness of human.
Philosopy tends to regard friendship as happiness of human.
Some philosophers said that this is related two five personalites.
Quality,or how many friends you have,is not important to friendship.
What's important is companionship and self-validation.
亚里士多德 divided love for three types:A,E and P.
A is the whole love for the human-beings.E is the love related to sex.P is the love for friends、families and even business corporators..
It is not easy to clearly distingish these three love.Other philosophers gave their own comprehension.
亚里士多德 further divided friendship into three types:for pleasure,for utility(don't need to know each other deeper),and for veture(best type)
Friendship have several positive influence.We can see ourselves better and live a good life.
The brief introduction of Dao.The differences between Dao and other philosophies.
(Humor,mysterious,don't think too much)
Wu Wei:
Two types of happiness:1 fame,wealth and so on.Once have,want to have more.2 Wu Wei,people are all have this feature,just need to go with it
More skillful you are,more closer you are to the core of Dao.(need to prctice in order to achieve Dao and this is different from Confusionism)
Breathing(may emerged from Indian Yoga,and led to Qigong in Taiji)
The theroy of happiness from Aristotle
Happiness is the ultimate goal of existence:all purchases of human end up to the purchase of happiness
The misconception of Aristotle's happiness:Aristotle's happiness means the final goal(not the pleasure now or something simple and easy)of the life
The hierachy view of nature:
Mineral:stupid,no soul
vegetative:plants and other wildlifes,can be satisfied by attaing goals
animals:know happiness
human:rational,reason(unique,this is why human is different from those three types of nature)
Aristotle's definition of happiness:human are rational animals.human should achieve happiness in accordance with virtue
The more details and explanation of Aristotle's happiness:
Should be in accordance with complete virtue
1 the is a life-long purchanse,not a pleasure at a moment,but a happiness for a final goal;the pleasure now and the happiness later(even now is painful)
examples:taking drugs
Aristotle's critical view of IG
2 do the right thing(not just think about it,do it)
3 intelluctual part
education is important for two functions:cultivate one's virtue and moral;become a philosopher,closer to god
作者: olivia瓜瓜 时间: 2013-9-28 07:26
Time1: 1m42s
bacon ‘s principal that friendship can as a mirrior improve us , and scientist predict that friendship can influence the happiness.
Time2: 1m40s
The nature of friendship includes three categories of love: agape, eros, and philia
Time3: 1m47s
Aristotle consider the friendship virtue kind ,which coincedence with the bacon’s principle of friendship is a mirror to each other then to improve us.
Time4: 2m19s
Daoies consider that we should not think to much ,and wuwei goes along with the flow.
Time 5: 1m50s
dao’ wuwei is different from the pooh who conten with littlle things ,but focus on a skill and along with the flow to improve.
Qigong is the techenics of dao and is similar to india yoga .
Obstacle: 8m34s
& the humans ultimate goal is happiness.
& the happiness is not an instant felling but throughout a person’s whole life.
& The 4 kinds of sunstance exicetence: mineral ,plants , animals, human.
& human is dinstinct from other animal ,that they have mind to think to make decision .
& The difinition of happiness.
& human to be happiness is became a compelete virtue person,
& The hard thing will take more harder effort to achieve, the example of taking drugs.
& The critique of the instant satiafication.
& The another state of happiness is contempting. Think reflect the intelligence,
running around pointing fingers 四处职责
sage 圣人
作者: cherry6891 时间: 2013-9-28 10:15
TINE2 1:49 friendship hold a mirror to each other and it is also the source of happiness
TIME3 1:48 the happiness we get from friendship does not depend on how many friend we have but what the relationship we have. Then introduce three relationship according to Aristotle
作者: jay871750293 时间: 2013-9-29 18:23
枣糕兔 发表于 2013-9-24 09:32
作者: cherry6891 时间: 2013-10-2 08:46
TINE2 1:49 friendship hold a mirror to each other and it is also the source of happiness
TIME3 1:48 the happiness we get from friendship does not depend on how many friend we have but what the relationship we have. Then introduce three relationship according to Aristotle
TIME4 2:38 the three different kind of friendship classified by A and the brief explaination of them
TIME5 3:00 the happiness pioneer in china and the main idea of him--wuwei
TIME6 2:02 a interesting compare with dao and winnie the pool who seldom to calculate the loss and profit, but enjoy the time now and find contentment in the simple thing
TIME7 9:45 happiness is the ultimate goal of life and then the hierarchical view of nature ,then compare the varies happiness --the fulfill of achieving, critical of the instant gratification,not just think of the good thing just do it
作者: 344531519 时间: 2013-10-3 10:19
1'27 [202WPM] Talks about firendship and happiness. How the science would strengthen our firendship and increase our
1'46 [176WPM] States that quality not quantity have more influence on the friendship.Describes Aristotle's three points
about firendship and explains the questions about the difference btween friendship and love under Aristotle's points.
2'03 [196WPM] Aristotle further point out three kind of value for making friends. Also demonstrates an scholar's view
that a friend is a mirror for a person and helps that person to improve.
2'24 [168WPM] Zhuangzi's essay points out that the ultimate happiness is Wuwei and going along things. This idea is
quite different from Aristotle's and Confucious's
2'04 [154WPM] Uses example to explain how people with less academic ability reach the ultimate happiness through
Wuwei.Also names an equally important method to hapiness.
9'39 [180WPM]
Main idea: Aritotle's definition of happiness.
Author's attitude: Neutral
1.Common points about the source of happiness.
2.Aristotle's points about the source of happiness.
3.Explains these points in detail.
作者: silkagelx 时间: 2013-10-5 09:08
the passage explains a theory that Nicomachean hold that happiness is the ultimate purpose of human existence.The happiness in current world doesn't have same meaning as that in old world.It's not a feeling some people get from an activity,such as a game,which lasts only for a whild. It's a lifelong thing, one cannot tell himself whether he is happy before he reaches the end of life. And there are four definitions of happiness that N defined. The happiness of human is different from that of animal,because human have Reason. Finally,the author says that the pursuit of happiness is the exercise of virtual.
friendship is one of sources of hapiness, but nowdays the friend in facebook can not be defined as a true friend.So the professor exploresin answers for Aristotle:How sciense and philosophy can lead us to a more meaningful life
there are 3 types of love-agape,eros and philia. Aristotle gives their definition.
Aristotle further classified friendships into three distinct categories: pleasure,utility,and virtue. He tells why a friend is important.
laozi zhuangzi happiness--wuwei
tell sth about the sages of zhuangzi
作者: 晓野的野 时间: 2013-10-6 08:46
掌管 5 00:02:30.08 00:12:40.25
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作者: 454362537 时间: 2013-10-7 12:39
Main idea:theories of Aristotle about Pursuit of Happiness
-Happiness as the Ultimate Purpose of Human Existence
-The Hierarchical View of Nature
-The Pursuit of Happiness as the Exercise of Virtue
-Friendship was a great reward for human but now it is making people more or less happy.
- friendship is an essential ingredient of human happiness
-Happiness is influenced by all of the “big five” personality traits.
-The degree of companionship and self-validation make a good happiness- enhancing friendship .
-three types of love – agape, eros, and philia
-what separates love, or eros from friendship, or philia
-Aristotle further classified friendships into three distinct categories: of pleasure, of utility, and of virtue
- friends hold a mirror up to each other
-an introduction of Zhuangzi
-Ultimate Happiness is Wu Wei
Examplesaoding and Taiji .
作者: comeonlady 时间: 2013-10-7 15:46
obstacle 18'
what is ultimate happiness?
how can we pursue the "Happiness"?
作者: puzzleintro 时间: 2013-10-7 15:46
掌管 3 00:13:03.76 00:18:44.11
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What's the ultimate goal for human beings.
What's happniess and how can you get it.
作者: AresMa 时间: 2013-10-26 16:33
Time 1 2'23" Famous saying about friendship emphazises the importance of friendship, but under the current circumstance where high-techs help us build friendship,
it is in question that whethor friendship can bring happiness. Happiness is also influenced by other big five factors.
Time 2 2'10" The quality of friendship does not depend on the number of friends, but depends on how long u spend together and how worthy they are.
Aristotle devided human love into three types, from which it is hard to distinguish by words but people can naturally behave differently.
Time 3 2'30" Arestotle devided the reasons that we make friends into tree types: virtue,pleasure and utility.
The true reason that we make friends might because friendship just like a mirror, which can watch ourselves to behave in good ways.
To prove this reason we may think about some great friendships in history.
Time 4 2'45" Zhuangzi emphasized to laugh and to get along with things, which were different from theories from Confusious and other philosopher in China.
He is the first one to write a book about happiness.
He seperated happiness about nature from the marterial happiness and said people should do nothing but go with flow.
Time 5 2'30" Some examples(blue collar Sage,Ding) talked about Dao is everywhere and existed in just simple things around us, u cannot find words to describe it and that's the difference from Confusious' theory.
Their technique about Dao is qigong, which is a little bit same to the yoga in India.
Obstacle 12'00" Main idea: In Aristotle's theory, what is happiness, and how to achive happiness.
(1) All of acitivities of human beings are related to one ultimate goal: happiness.
(2) Happiness is not a simple and temporaory thing, it's hard to achieve.
(3) Aristotle devided 4 types objects in our world: Mineral, Vegetable, Animals, human beings.
Then he concluded that why human beings are different from other objects is because they are rational and achieve happiness is their ultimate goal.
Then, he gave a ultimate definition of happiness.
(4) The persuit of happiness is the exercise of virtue: it requires a long-term commitment and fights against the temprorary pleasure e.g. drugs.
(5) We should practice to do what we think is the right things, especially the education.
何不go with the flows,我们需要追寻的,或许是与世界洪流并行时,一种相对静止的感觉的吧。那种感觉才是get along with things的快乐。
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