[版本2] by dianewei525 v34
P1 taxicab drivers cannot provide good service without having good pay; however taxi drivers are under a management system called nadallion, and the service keeps the low wage of taxi drivers. so many people recommends business to disband the use of nadallion.
P2 however, research found that the taxi drivers who are not managed under nadallion are paid in low wage too. thus, disbanding nadallion system cannot resolve the issue in low wage or low service quality.
P3 another factor that cause low wage of tax drivers is the policy of taxicab leasing. the company only gives small percentage of earnings to cab drivers.
題目真的忘了 對不起>"< 不過這篇真的很簡單 白話又短
阅读 补充一下出租车司机的那一篇,我理解的是:一上来有人提出纽约出租车服务不好是因为存在一个管理系统N,这些人认为good service 源自good driver,good driver 源自good wages 但是,N管理系统的存在限制了出租车之间的竞争,使得司机工资降低,从而服务变坏。之后,作者说了N的存在并不是唯一的原因,还有另外一个原因leaing还是什么,也会导致服务不好。三个题目,一个是主旨题,我选提出人们质疑一个问题的原因,并call it into queation,同时补充了additional原因。一个是如何做提升服务,我选提工资。好像还有个细节题,实在抱歉,想了半天,想不起来了。 这篇不难。