
标题: [help] 2道假设题 [打印本页]

作者: winonawu    时间: 2013-9-3 21:52
标题: [help] 2道假设题
1   A researcher discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend
to score much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high
immune-system activity. The researcher concluded from this experiment that the immune
system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease.

The researcher’s conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions?

A. High immune-system activity protects against mental illness better than normal
immune-system activity does.
B. Mental illness is similar to physical disease in its effects on body systems.
C. People with high immune-system activity cannot develop mental illness.
D. Mental illness does not cause people’s immune-system activity to decrease.
E. Psychological treatment of mental illness is not as effective as is medical treatment.


2   The percentage of people between the ages of 18 and 24 living with their parents increased form 48% in 1980 to 53% in 1986.
It can be concluded that in 1986 it was harder for people in this age group to afford to live by themselves.
The researcher’s conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions?
正确答案是" 在这个年龄的年轻人如果可以承担自己的生活,更愿意独自生活而不是和父母住"
D  the number of rental housing units suitable for single people dropped b/t 1980 to 1986
E  there are people in this age group who although they lived with their parents at the time of survey, had previously lived alone.


作者: vertex顶点    时间: 2013-9-3 23:18
首先,第一个问题,如果对C取非,那么就是can develop mental disease,不会削弱结论
结论是immune system可以保护人们from mental 以及phsical disease,但是并没有说不能产生这样的disease。一种可能就是产生这样的疾病,但是system会帮助你消除disease,减缓disease对身体的伤害。相比之下D一下就看出来是正确答案了,它给出了一个他因,取非之后他因成立。 即mental disease 会消弱人的system,这样以来system就发挥不出protect against 的作用了
作者: vertex顶点    时间: 2013-9-3 23:25
刚才打了第二题,打到一半关掉了,懒得打了朋友。 直接跟你说说假设体的方法吧
90%的假设题都是不完全假设,答案必须符合not weaken,即答案中有not的或者表示less、fewer这样weaken的词都是正确选项。 你可以看看你这两道题,都是不完全假设
作者: vertex顶点    时间: 2013-9-3 23:26
完全假设 就是搭桥题,这个解释起来太麻烦,你可以看SDCAR的逻辑基础里面有详细的解释
作者: winonawu    时间: 2013-9-4 00:11
vertex顶点 发表于 2013-9-3 23:26
完全假设 就是搭桥题,这个解释起来太麻烦,你可以看SDCAR的逻辑基础里面有详细的解释 ...

啊啊啊啊啊啊,看来我真的需要认真体会阿! 多谢指点!!
作者: skyemotion    时间: 2013-9-12 14:43
作者: lenastarz    时间: 2013-9-13 04:55
第一题:research表明免疫力低导致mental health低---->所以免疫系统保护你不受mental疾病困扰; 所以我们的思路是,如果你本来就有mental疾病,导致你免疫力低了, 进而导致你mental health low。那么research的数据就不能证明researcher的结论,不能说明免疫系统对mental疾病的prevent作用。C最多算是support了作者观点,而不是作者做出的假设


作者: winonawu    时间: 2013-9-15 15:44
lenastarz 发表于 2013-9-13 04:55
第一题:research表明免疫力低导致mental health低---->所以免 ...

many thanks!!

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