
标题: 求助OG13.16, as adj. as gmat语法常见的省略问题 [打印本页]

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-8-31 10:50
标题: 求助OG13.16, as adj. as gmat语法常见的省略问题
16. A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.
(A) claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought
(B) claims suggests that the economy might not be so weak as some analysts have previously thought
(C) claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as have been previously thought by some analysts
(D) claims, suggesting about the economy that it might not be so weak as previously thought by some analysts
(E) claims, suggesting the economy might not be as weak as previously thought to be by some analysts

economy might not be as weak as  some analysts preciously thought从句是对economy和analysts认为的经济情况比较,
故此句完整是:economy might not be as weak as what / the economy that some analysts preciously thought (was).

Even though more money was removed out of stock funds in July as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as an industry trade group had previously estimated.

A. as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as
B. as had been in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what
C. than there was in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as that which
D. than in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as
E. than in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what

as adj. as 比较中,省略be很常见,但省略what/the economy就相当于缺乏主语,不知是否也是习惯的省略用法?

一碰到省略就陷进去。。。。 谢谢各位啦!

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-8-31 11:02
自己顶一下,难道进行比较时后半部分都可直接省略比较对象只需要描述比较对象出现的情况?比如analysts thought。。。。。
作者: 448258130    时间: 2013-8-31 11:22
作者: 448258130    时间: 2013-8-31 11:27
至于后面gwd里面的那个E选项:sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what  an industry trade group had previously estimated。中what指代的是sales of fund shares,在从句中不是做主语,所以不能省略
作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-8-31 11:54
448258130 发表于 2013-8-31 11:27
至于后面gwd里面的那个E选项:sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what  an industry trade  ...


不过...单从句子结构来看,我咋觉得GWD和前面那个也类似,比如补全了就可以写成,sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what an industry trade group had previously estimated    (were)....
而其中 what在比较对象的从句中都做宾语  thought sth 和 estimated sth。
作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-8-31 12:50
作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-8-31 13:00
enkyklios 发表于 2013-8-31 12:50

作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-8-31 13:01
coconutmi 发表于 2013-8-31 13:00

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-8-31 13:14
enkyklios 发表于 2013-8-31 13:01

作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-8-31 14:26
coconutmi 发表于 2013-8-31 13:14

作者: 摇曳的叶子    时间: 2013-8-31 15:53
Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.
a. movies—less than those
b. movies—fewer than have been
c. movies, which is less than those
d. movies, a number lower than the people
e. movies, fewer than the ones

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-8-31 21:08
摇曳的叶子 发表于 2013-8-31 15:53
Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movie ...

恩纳,我今天好像喵到这个题了,说选B. 说这样可以突出比较的是被杀的方式,by bee和by shark,要是加了those就是强调被杀的人之间的比较了。

作者: 摇曳的叶子    时间: 2013-8-31 21:36
coconutmi 发表于 2013-8-31 21:08
恩纳,我今天好像喵到这个题了,说选B. 说这样可以突出比较的是被杀的方式,by bee和by shark,要是加了those ...

1、比较的是the number of people killed by two animals,所以less改成fewer;
2、those也错了,用those指代的是seven people,明显错误。
如果题干是people have been kiiled by.....用those就对了
作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-8-31 22:00
摇曳的叶子 发表于 2013-8-31 21:36
1、比较的是the number of people killed by two animals,所以less改 ...

阿, 弱弱的问一句, 我咋感觉those没有指代前面的那7个人,而是指代了被蚂蚁杀的人们。因为mahattan 介词那一章有讲,只有that 和those可以指代 new copies(与比较对象对比的,但又非同一个的东西).

这个解释是miazhang去年的帖子写的~ ... =%E7%9C%81%E7%95%A5

例2. Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—fewer than [have been killed by bee stings].


但是有理解说,这里比较的并不仅仅是only seven people,后面的have been killed也在比较范围之内。所以不能是fewer than those killed by bee stings,因为这样就变成了seven people 和“被蜜蜂杀死的人”的比较。



Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, fewer than [people have been killed by bee stings].但是这种说法是不符合语法规则的。Than后面不能在加上一个句子。


作者: 摇曳的叶子    时间: 2013-8-31 22:33
coconutmi 发表于 2013-8-31 22:00
阿, 弱弱的问一句, 我咋感觉those没有指代前面的那7个人,而是指代了被蚂蚁杀的人们。因为mahattan 介词 ...

Asked by a student:

Don't we need some demonstrative pronoun here to refer back to people, which is absent in B. Thus I chose E.

Would "fewer than those" be a correct answer? Please explain.

answered by RON


you can't use parallel constructions with "those"/"that"/etc, in separate clauses, unless they are EXACTLY PARALLEL to whatever shows up in the other part.

in this case:
you can't write "those killed by bee stings"
the other part contains "people killed by the great white shark" (with NOTHING IN BETWEEN).
it doesn't, so you can't.
seek link:
作者: 摇曳的叶子    时间: 2013-8-31 22:40
"THOSE (no verb) killed by bee stings" would have to correspond to "(THE) PEOPLE (no verb) killed by the shark".
this is not what the first part here says; the first part here says "ONLY SEVEN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN killed by the shark", which fails on two counts: (1) it has a verb (it's not supposed to); (2) you can't cherry-pick "people" from the construction "only seven people".
also quote Ron‘s words
作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-1 11:33
摇曳的叶子 发表于 2013-8-31 22:40
"THOSE (no verb) killed by bee stings" would have to correspond to "(THE) PEOPLE (no verb) killed by ...

亲,谢谢啦,明白明白。是说对比时两边结构,尤其是动词结构什么的要平行,省略的话也不能省一半留一半。  我之前貌似没理解对你的话,所以在说those,that的指代对象问题。

作者: yy20    时间: 2013-9-18 20:41
作者: qsjvicky    时间: 2013-9-18 22:20
1. 如果比较的是主语,那么as/thant后面可以就S,V+O可以省略,但是be动词/助动词尽量补齐,但是有一种情况,比如A LIKE B MORE THAN C这种情况会认为A相对于C更喜欢B,所以这样就要A like B more than C do.
2. 如果比较对象是谓语,那就直接谓语啦~
3.如果比较对象是介词短语,比如OG中有一道题,in no other historical...did it cause such a in its return in 19XX原句记不清了,这种情况,就可以直接在as/than后面写介词短语,但是我认为如果答案有as it did in 19XX也是可以的,也就是说加上主语也是可以的
4. 无论怎么省略,语义为王道!!还有就是所补助动词一定要是前面有的,比如不能前面是is likely to do后面变成than B do,要与前面对齐~
作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-18 23:30
yy20 发表于 2013-9-18 20:41
请问您现在搞清楚比较(尤其是as中的)了么?我还是不清楚,一遇到这种题就犯晕。。。能不能给我讲讲? ...


作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-18 23:39
qsjvicky 发表于 2013-9-18 22:20
1. 如果比较的是主语,那么as/thant后面可以就S,V+O可以省略 ...

作者: qsjvicky    时间: 2013-9-18 23:40
coconutmi 发表于 2013-9-18 23:39

多读多看多分析...看杨鹏吧~我总觉得看杨鹏比看OG句子改错的正确集合提高的快~每天背5~10个杨鹏 半个月以后就会提高的~
作者: yy20    时间: 2013-9-18 23:56
qsjvicky 发表于 2013-9-18 23:40
多读多看多分析...看杨鹏吧~我总觉得看杨鹏比看OG句子改错的正确集合提高的快~每天背5~10个杨鹏 半个月以 ...

作者: qsjvicky    时间: 2013-9-18 23:56
yy20 发表于 2013-9-18 23:56

作者: yy20    时间: 2013-9-18 23:57
coconutmi 发表于 2013-9-18 23:30
Hi,楼下的讲解可以吗?不知你还有哪里具体不明白吗,比如是比较对象看不出,还是省略规律掌握不好,或者 ...

省略规律掌握的不好 TAT。。。我总是搞不清,就是不熟悉这类题。。。。
作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-19 07:02
qsjvicky 发表于 2013-9-18 23:40
多读多看多分析...看杨鹏吧~我总觉得看杨鹏比看OG句子改错的正确集合提高的快~每天背5~10个杨鹏 半个月以 ...

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-19 23:43
yy20 发表于 2013-9-18 23:57
省略规律掌握的不好 TAT。。。我总是搞不清,就是不熟悉这类题。。。。


as……as用于同级比较,第一个as是副词,第二个as是介词(后接名词或代词)或连词(后接句子),其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as。根据英语承前省略的原则,对于比较结构中相同的部分,在不引起歧义的情况下可以省略,也就是说读者会默认省略部分与前句相同。

1.They are as hungry as you (are).
2.They are as hungry as you are.
3.They are as hungry as they were last night.
这里是比较They are hungry & You are hungry,既对2个人状态的比较。
看1&2句,因为都是一般现在, 所以可省系动词are;因为都是饥饿, 所以hungry更不能赘述。
而3句,一个是现在,一个是昨晚,所以不能省were (last night), 因为省这个标志词后读者无法判断they饥饿的时间。而按此原则,我估计3省略they应该也没问题。

She is as clever as (she is) beautiful。她既聪明又漂亮。

此外,如果句子是S V O结构,也是一样,只是比较词不局限于as……as, 还可以是 such……as 等等

In no other historical sighting did Halley's Comet cause such a worldwide sensation as in its return of 1910-1911.

                                          H's Comet caused such a world wide sensation in no other historical .....
再看比较对象的完整结构:as H's Comet caused        a world wide sensation in its return of 1910-1911.

作者: yy20    时间: 2013-9-20 11:58
coconutmi 发表于 2013-9-19 23:43

as……as用于同级比较,第一个as是副词,第二个as是介词(后接名词或代 ...

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-20 14:56
yy20 发表于 2013-9-20 11:58
你这样一说好清晰!!!!突然有点感觉了!!!!我一会在整理整理题,不懂的再问你!谢谢谢谢谢谢!!! ...


作者: yy20    时间: 2013-9-20 15:11
coconutmi 发表于 2013-9-20 14:56

都加油啦~! ...

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-21 23:55
yy20 发表于 2013-9-20 15:11
很受用!我觉得你的思路很赞,所以能不能在请教一下你独立主格的用法?如果你有时间的话麻烦简单说说。我 ...

独立主格,是一种修饰语,Manhattan P242管这个叫 Absolute phrases, 说它由noun+ noun modifier 组成,一般不必须挨着所修饰的内容,而是用来修饰整个主句。

比如:  His head held high, Owen walked out of the store.
独立主格就是 noun-his head      +     noun modifier-held high(过去分词+副词high)


首先,句子至少要包括1套 主、谓结构 才完整(除了主语谓语以外,有的句子也需要接宾语。)


Teird from chasing mice,the cat took a nap.(Manhattan P83)  
这里teird from xxx 是一个过去分词,修饰句子主语the cat。 句子是说,cat 累了,睡了一觉。
注意这里只有一套主谓结构: 主语-cat, 谓语-took 宾语-a nap,  tired fromxxx 是修饰语。

最基本的表达就是2个独立的句子, The mice was tired. The cat took a sleep.
如果想表明这2个事情是并列关系,那么可+and 合成1句话, The mice was tired and the cat took a sleep.
如果想表明这2个事情是因果关系,那么可+so 合成1句话,  The mice was tired so the cat took a sleep.
而这时你不能说,Tired from being chased by cat, the cat took a sleep. 因为这样就是cat累而不是老鼠累了。
于是你可以写成,The mice tired from being chased by cat, the cat took a sleep. 对比原句,
                                       Teird from chasing mice,    the cat took a nap.
最大的不同除了意思上把猫累改写成老鼠累以外,就是前面的的修饰部分多了一个主语,修饰部分由过去分词变成了 noun+过去分词,这其实就是独立主格- 当修饰部分逻辑主语无法用被修饰部分清晰表达的时候,就在修饰部分前添加一个主语,成了一个不成句的"独立片断"。

作者: yy20    时间: 2013-9-21 23:58
coconutmi 发表于 2013-9-21 23:55
独立主格,是一种修饰语,Manhattan P242管这个叫 Absolute phrases, 说它由noun+ noun modifier 组成, ...

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-9-22 00:03
yy20 发表于 2013-9-21 23:58

谢谢了呀, 因为我语法从初中就晕晕的,所以这次看gmat就重头学了一遍

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