另第三题:CPT(Y一种节能灯)比日光灯好,貌似是日光灯,能的时间长,LED比CPT更好,但价格是CPT的五倍 问结论是什么。是不是og里面的这个:
Traverton’s city council wants to minimize the city’s average yearly expenditures on its traffic signal lights and so is considering replacing the incandescent bulbs currently in use with arrays of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as the incandescent bulbs burn out. Compared to incandescent bulbs, LED arrays consume significantly less energy and cost no more to purchase. Moreover, the costs associated with the conversion of existing fixtures so as to accept LED arrays would be minimal.
Which of the following would it be most useful to know in determining whether switching to LED arrays would be likely to help minimize Traverton’s yearly maintenance costs?作者: Hsu哇哇 时间: 2013-8-22 00:32
绝对支持!作者: pr423 时间: 2013-8-22 00:32
多谢楼主~~~作者: geyh163 时间: 2013-8-22 00:32
LZ强人!! 请看到我!!!
请问可以把数学的prep07传给我不呢。。。最近到处找都没找到。。还有一个星期就考了。。。谢谢楼主!!!!作者: yezi0122 时间: 2013-8-22 00:32
求经验 感谢楼主作者: 什么没被注册 时间: 2013-8-22 00:34
多谢楼主分享作者: redapplered 时间: 2013-8-22 00:34
恭喜恭喜lz!作者: 农妇3拳 时间: 2013-8-22 00:37
学习之,取经!作者: caijilei 时间: 2013-8-22 00:39
膜拜一下 作者: edlee1992 时间: 2013-8-22 00:46
thanks for sharing作者: wilsoncheng11 时间: 2013-8-22 00:58
厉害呀!!!作者: Leo冥 时间: 2013-8-22 01:07
谢谢楼主!作者: Univ 时间: 2013-8-22 01:36
Thanksssss作者: jeffwey 时间: 2013-8-22 01:46
congrats!!!! 作者: zjq407 时间: 2013-8-22 02:05
顶一下~~~~~~~~~~~~··作者: colleen108 时间: 2013-8-22 02:11
顶!!!!!!!!!作者: cruelangel 时间: 2013-8-22 02:16