阅读第四篇是beetle的那个,这篇没时间做了,实在是啥都没看清,不好意思了。。。就记得问题有主旨题,一个细节题问beetle为什么比pollen更靠谱,这题我确定我选错了,原文中有contaminated by long-distant wind-啥的 pollen,应该是选花粉被污染那个选项,LZ悲剧地不认识contaminate,纠结了很久。。。
Fossil beetle analysis has a number of advantages over other biological proxies such as pollen. Beetles are the most diverse group of organisms filling a large range of ecological roles and habitats from deserts to rainforests to the littoral(海滨的) zone. Beetles, and insects in general, respond rapidly to environmental change by dispersal(分散), rather than undergoing speciation, and fossils are generally identifiable to species level in contrast to New Zealand palynological studies where some genera contain species with different ecological requirements, but with indistinguishable pollen.
Predatory and scavenging beetles are able to take advantage of recently modified areas (along with pioneer plant species) before the trees and shrubs with similar climatic requirements. Trees and shrubs can therefore lag behind the actual period of climatic change and the resultant spread of beetles. This ability to rapidly respond to climatic change has also revealed short-term climate fluctuations that are not observed in the pollen record. Beetles fossils also avoid the problem of contamination of the local pollen rain (and hence local climate signal) by long-distance wind dispersed pollen作者: 兔子求考好 时间: 2013-8-16 17:42
大神求附体!!!作者: wsywsywsy 时间: 2013-8-16 17:48
V1: rock art,一屏多一点。主要讲一个地方有很多史前人类留下的岩画,但是有的位置很深,有的却是open的。主要列了两种观点
第一段:Olyna(部落名,以O开头,拼写蒙的)部落是vertical culture(垂直文化)拥有有一种岩石艺术,就是古人画一些符号,古人画它们是竖着画的而得名(所以叫vertical rock art,脑子太直了,看到这差点笑喷)。然后说有一个考古学家MM研究这些画,得出这些画的内容是一种communication,而不仅仅表达声音和语言。(有题:这些画作用是什么?答:....communication.....)这个考古MM还说,这种岩石画艺术只属于O部落,依据是发现的2个地方都是o部落统治,而且岩石画有similarity (Sundstrom argues vertical series rock art is sole affiliated with Lakota and other Olyna communities)。第二段:转折。尽管第一个人说的对,但是,新的研究发现这种岩石画并不只有O部落有,因为有一个O部落领域之外的从没呆过的地方也有这种风格相同的岩石画,后来果然,这是另一个部落画的。后来就说,又发现了很多部落有这种类似风格岩石艺术,什么H部落啦,C部落啦..... 包括这些动物是不是当时hunting的主要对象啊,人们是不是靠这个来学习打猎啊。
V3第一段是说这种古代艺术很mysterious,intriguing之类的,接着提到一个学者(Gun开头)认为这种艺术源于L以及其它O的部落,给出了几个理由。其中这一段讲到为什么叫vertical series art,因为这些圆圈,crescents (新月)一样的图形是竖着排列的。还说好像作为文字系统怎么样怎么样的。第二段先说这个假设有一些证据支持,不能完全否认,但是说这个艺术仅起源于这个部落太绝对了,给了四点理由(首先说要证明一个地方是属于L的很难,历史这么长,谁知道这地方有没有别的部落来过呢,也就是部分否定了前段说的这个艺术仅仅来自于L生活过的地方,所以证明solely属于L不一定对呢;一个是说类似的符号也在L以外的地方出现过;一个是说作为communication system还是作为文字系统什么的),其中furthermore这个词之后有考点。
V4.P1 a kind of carving on the cliff in northwestern US regions where an Indian group lived is called vertical something.P2. Because a female researcher found this kind of art in Lakota people's territory and the territory of other oyata culture (oyata includes lakota), she attributed the kind of art exclusively to oyata people. she also found this kind of art to be a communication system.
P3. the author thinks the existing archaeological evidences are not strong enough to support the female researcher's conclusion that the kind of art on the cliff only belongs to oyata culture. the author thinks this kind of art belongs to many culture of a certain time. his evidence is that in some place in Canada, there is also this kind of art.