标题: 求教关于指代的问题 [打印本页] 作者: babylindsey 时间: 2013-8-6 22:52 标题: 求教关于指代的问题 复习了那么久突然有种越做越蒙的无助感啊!从开始的看不出指代上的毛病到现在的看指代都有毛病,我要怎么办怎么办。。。。
The intricate structure of the compound insect eye, having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain why scientists have assumed that it evolved independently of the vertebrate eye.
B. having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, helps explain why scientists have assumed that they
C. with its hundreds of miniature eyes that are called ommatidia, helps explain scientists' assuming that they
D. with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain scientists' assuming that it
E. with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, helps explain why scientists have assumed that it
句子骨架是:structure helps explain...
大牛大虾大神们显灵吧! 作者: babylindsey 时间: 2013-8-6 23:14
In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair [due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so that salt from the stone was crystallizing] and fungus was growing on the walls.
B. due to moisture that tourists had exhaled, thereby raising its humidity to such levels that salt from the stone would crystallize
C. because tourists were exhaling moisture, which had raised the humidity within them to levels such that salt from the stone would crystallise
D. because of moisture that was exhaled by tourists raising the humidity within them to levels so high as to make the salt from the stone crystallize
E. because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallzing
C,D,E都用到了within 'them'但是og解释里面说C,D的them看起来像是在指tourists而正确答案E的解释又说them很清楚的指chambers...俺不会再爱了....作者: babylindsey 时间: 2013-8-7 10:22
没人理也都是泪啊作者: xiqiong 时间: 2013-8-7 11:47
with its hundreds of ... 修饰的是eye. 所以,同个句子中代词指代一致,那后面那个it evolved independently 也是指代eye 木有歧义的说~作者: babylindsey 时间: 2013-8-7 12:51
xiqiong 发表于 2013-8-7 11:47
with its hundreds of ... 修饰的是eye. 所以,同个句子中代词指代一致,那后面那个it evolved independen ...