
标题: 大全32(32/63) [打印本页]

作者: greeley    时间: 2005-1-1 12:27
标题: 大全32(32/63)

* Increasingly, historians are blaming diseases imported from the Old World for the staggering disparity between the indigenous population of America in 1492
new esti- mates of which soar as high as 100 million, or approxi-
mately one-sixth of the human race at that time
and the few million full-blooded Native Americans alive at the end of the nineteenth century. There is no doubt that chronic disease was an important factor in the precipi- tous decline, and it is highly probable that the greatest
killer was epidemic disease, especially as manifested in virgin-soil epidemics.
* Virgin-soil epidemics are those in which the popula- tions at risk have had no previous contact with the diseases that strike them and are therefore immunologi-
cally almost defenseless. That virgin-soil epidemics were important in American history is strongly indicated by evidence that a number of dangerous maladies
small- pox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, and undoubtedly several morewere unknown in the pre-Columbian
New World. The effects of their sudden introduction are demonstrated in the early chronicles of America, which contain reports of horrendous epidemics and steep population declines, confirmed in many cases by recent quantitative analyses of Spanish tribute records and
) other sources. The evidence provided by the documents of British and French colonies is not as definitive because the conquerors of those areas did not establish permanent settlements and begin to keep continuous records until the seventeenth century, by which time the
worst epidemics had probably already taken place. Furthermore, the British tended to drive the native populations away, rather than enslaving them as the Spaniards did, so that the epidemics of British America occurred beyond the range of colonists' direct
* Even so, the surviving records of North America do contain references to deadly epidemics among the indige- nous population. In 1616-1619 an epidemic, possibly of bubonic or pneumonic plague, swept coastal New
England, killing as many as nine out of ten. During the 1630's smallpox, the disease most fatal to the Native American people, eliminated half the population of the Huron and Iroquois confederations. In the 1820's fever devastated the people of the Columbia River area,
killing eight out of ten of them.
* Unfortunately, the documentation of these and other epidemics is slight and frequently unreliable, and it is ecessary to supplement what little we do know with evidence from recent epidemics among Native Ameri-
cans. For example, in 1952 an outbreak of measles among the Native American inhabitants of Ungava Bay. Quebec, affected 99 percent of the population and killed 7 percent, even though some had the benefit of modern medicine. Cases such as this demonstrate that even
diseases that are not normally fatal can have devastating consequences when they strike an immunologically defenseless community.

7. The author mentions the 1952 measles outbreak mostprobably in order to
(A) demonstrate the impact of modern medicine onepidemic disease
(B) corroborate the documentary evidence of epidemicdisease in colonial America
(C) refute allegations of unreliability made against thehistorical record of colonial America
(D) advocate new research into the continuing problemof epidemic disease
(E) challenge assumptions about how the statisticalevidence of epidemics should be interpreted

所给答案是B。我选的是A,我认为文章中对应的话的意思是虽然有了现代的医药,但是这种DD还是要威胁到我们的。那也就是说modern medicine在这个方面也不咋管用的。所以就选A了。


作者: wangyu73cn    时间: 2005-1-9 00:11


前一句是例子要说明的问题:Unfortunately, the documentation of these and other epidemics is slight and frequently unreliable, and it is ecessary to supplement what little we do know with evidence from recent epidemics among Native Americans.

For example, in 1952 an outbreak of measles among the Native American inhabitants of Ungava Bay. Quebec, affected 99 percent of the population and killed 7 percent, even though some had the benefit of modern medicine.

后一句是例子所得出的一般现象总结,该总结也辅助说明例子前的论述:Cases such as this demonstrate that even diseases that are not normally fatal can have devastating consequences when they strike an immunologically defenseless community.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-1 9:14:45编辑过]

作者: greeley    时间: 2005-1-9 17:41
作者: greeley    时间: 2005-1-9 17:43
作者: lingling2005    时间: 2005-3-14 04:36

I am asking question 4. I do not know why C is correct. There are no place said that Spanish keep the record before 17 century. It said that british and frensh does not keep the record before 17. and said that british drive the native away, but spanish enslave them". But I can not infer that spanish keep the record before 17 century.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning Spanish tribute records?

(A) They mention only epidemics of smallpox.

(B) They were instituted in 1492.

(C) They were being kept prior to the seventeenth century.

(D) They provide quantitative and qualitative evidence about Native American populations.C

(E) They prove that certain diseases were unknown in the pre-Columbian New World.

作者: wangyu73cn    时间: 2005-3-14 12:23

The effects of their sudden introduction are demonstrated in the early chronicles of America, which contain reports of horrendous epidemics and steep population declines, confirmed in many cases by recent quantitative analyses of Spanish tribute records and other sources.

The evidence provided by the documents of British and French colonies is not as definitive because the conquerors of those areas did not establish permanent settlements and begin to keep continuous records until the seventeenth century, by which time the worst epidemics had probably already taken place.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-14 12:23:32编辑过]

作者: hirko    时间: 2005-6-24 17:22


The author implies which of the following about measles?

(A) It is not usually a fatal disease.

(B) It ceased to be a problem by the seventeenth century.

(C) It is the disease most commonly involved in virgin-soil epidemics.

(D) It was not a significant problem in Spanish colonies.A

(E) It affects only those who are immunologically defenseless against it.


That virgin-soil epidemics were important in American history is strongly indicated by evidence that a number of dangerous maladies—smallpox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, and undoubtedly several more—were unknown in the pre-Columbian New World.



作者: wangyu73cn    时间: 2005-6-24 17:44

For example, in 1952 an outbreak of measles among the Native American inhabitants of Ungava Bay. Quebec, affected 99 percent of the population and killed 7 percent, even though some had the benefit of modern medicine. Cases such as this demonstrate that even diseases that are not normally fatal can have devastating consequences when they strike an immunologically defenseless community.


(C) It is the disease most commonly involved in virgin-soil epidemics. 其中的most绝对化了。

作者: hirko    时间: 2005-6-24 17:46



作者: lydiali    时间: 2005-6-30 15:39


作者: wangyu73cn    时间: 2005-7-1 09:18
以下是引用lydiali在2005-6-30 15:39:00的发言:


我想,我所说的不是本段第一句,而是前一句。前一句是例子要说明的问题:Unfortunately, the documentation of these and other epidemics is slight and frequently unreliable, and it is necessary to supplement what little we do know with evidence from recent epidemics among Native Americans.

作者: lindazhou    时间: 2005-7-25 18:25
作者: snowjing    时间: 2005-9-10 00:19

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) refute a common misconception
(B) provide support for a hypothesis
(C) analyze an argument
(D) suggest a solution to a dilemma
(E) reconcile opposing viewpoints


...and it is highly probable that the greatest killer was epidemic disease, especially as manifested in viergin-soil epidemics.

probable代表可能性(不是100%肯定), 所以是hypothesis.

作者: kkdenounou1    时间: 2006-2-4 10:10


作者: xjlv128    时间: 2006-2-8 15:46
以下是引用kkdenounou1在2006-2-4 10:10:00的发言:


8.     Which of the following, if newly discovered, would most seriously weaken the author’s argument concerning the importance of virgin-soil epidemics in the depopulation of Native Americans?

(A) Evidence setting the pre-Columbian population of the New World at only 80 million

(B) Spanish tribute records showing periodic population fluctuations

(C) Documents detailing sophisticated Native American medical procedures

(D) Fossils indicating Native American contact with smallpox prior to 1492D

(E) Remains of French settlements dating back to the sixteenth century

原文有That virgin-soil epidemics were important in American history is strongly indicated by evidence that a number of dangerous maladies—smallpox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, and undoubtedly several more—were unknown in the pre-Columbian New World. 选项说1492(即pre-Columbian New World.)之前就有smallpox,不是削弱么?


作者: benpiao    时间: 2006-11-28 16:37


作者: hru    时间: 2007-2-21 13:58

For question 4, cannot decide the result out of option C and option D. What option C tries to convery is correct, but I am not comfortable with the syntax because it uses the tense as "were being kept", feel strange.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning Spanish tribute records?

(A) They mention only epidemics of smallpox.

(B) They were instituted in 1492.

(C) They were being kept prior to the seventeenth century.

(D) They provide quantitative and qualitative evidence about Native American populations.C

(E) They prove that certain diseases were unknown in the pre-Columbian New World

作者: 木棉    时间: 2008-5-4 17:16

hru, 刚查了字典,发现keep 有以下两个意思:

To maintain records in:
keep a yearly diary.
To enter (data) in a book:
keep financial records.

所以,spainards record当然记录早于16世纪罗。


作者: mars_cheung    时间: 2009-6-12 23:23

4.     Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning Spanish tribute records?

(A) They mention only epidemics of smallpox.

(B) They were instituted in 1492.

(C) They were being kept prior to the seventeenth century.

(D) They provide quantitative and qualitative evidence about Native American populations.C

(E) They prove that certain diseases were unknown in the pre-Columbian New World.

想再问一下NN第四题,我是选了E。第二段第二第三句: That virgin-soil epidemics were important in American history is strongly indicated by evidence that a number of dangerous maladies—smallpox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, and undoubtedly several more—were unknown in the pre-Columbian New World. The effects of their sudden introduction are demonstrated in the early chronicles of America, which contain reports of horrendous epidemics and steep population declines, confirmed in many cases by recent quantitative analyses of Spanish tribute records and other sources.  不就可以说是西班牙的记录就证实了这点吗?为什么错了?

C 的正确我理解了,不理解E怎么错?是不是错在 prove?还是说是记录的分析只确认疾病对人口减少的作用,而无法确认疾病的来源?好像有点牵强啊

作者: dldennis    时间: 2009-7-14 23:18
作者: 天蝎座1107    时间: 2009-7-29 10:10

Wangyu GG真是阅读达人

Big cong!

作者: hlp1222    时间: 2009-9-6 14:33


4.    Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning Spanish tribute records?

(A) They mention only epidemics of smallpox.

(B) They were instituted in 1492.

(C) They were being kept prior to the seventeenth century.

(D) They provide quantitative and qualitative evidence about Native American populations.C

(E) They prove that certain diseases were unknown in the pre-Columbian New World.

作者: ling55ling    时间: 2010-3-31 20:58
前一句的后半句,不是说it is necessary to supplement what little we do know with evidence from tecent epidemics .为何第七题   不选D呢?
作者: gracezz    时间: 2010-4-11 15:03
前一句的后半句,不是说it is necessary to supplement what little we do know with evidence from tecent epidemics .为何第七题   不选D呢?
-- by 会员 ling55ling (2010/3/31 20:58:36)

作者: AmyGMAT    时间: 2010-4-21 17:04
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4.     Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning Spanis ...

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