
标题: INSEAD推荐信的几个问题,求帮助 [打印本页]

作者: baochangzx    时间: 2013-7-24 22:25
标题: INSEAD推荐信的几个问题,求帮助
问个INSEAD推荐信的问题, 希望有申请经验的人能回答下:

1.    Comment on the candidate's career progress to date and his/her career focus.

我的问题:这里的his and her career focus是什么意思? 是要说我现在在具体做什么?还是说我将来的career goal?(比如在同一职位但工作的内容随着公司业务的发展发生变化, 那什么才叫his/her career focus?)

2.    What do you consider to be the candidate's major strengths? Comment on the factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level.

我的问题:推荐人列出3个优点+3个不同的case来回答第一个问题 . 但是就不明白第二个小问题 Comment on the factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level. 如果从这3个优点里面选择2个来说明是the main factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level的话,还要用额外的case吗来支持the main factors吗?

3. Describe the candidate as a person. Comment on his/her ability to establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc. Specifically comment on the candidate's behaviour or skills in a group setting/team environment.

我的问题:这里到底问几个小问题?是3个吗?(describe me as a person, ability to establish and maintain relationships XX, and my team work).

对于第二个问题Comment on his/her ability to establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc., 这里要把establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc 这几点都回答吗?还是可以选择几个重点回答?

作者: juliewang417    时间: 2013-7-30 15:55
作者: rosa8537    时间: 2013-8-27 15:03
作者: hemodata    时间: 2013-10-4 18:23
rosa8537 发表于 2013-8-27 15:03
楼上的同学也可以和我分享一下吗?我也在忙着这个申请。一样的问题。谢谢!  ...

作者: catherinezm    时间: 2014-2-10 18:33
juliewang417 发表于 2013-7-30 15:55

作者: LifeCreator    时间: 2014-2-12 20:29
作者: LifeCreator    时间: 2014-2-12 20:30
juliewang417 发表于 2013-7-30 15:55

朱丽叶同学能否转发一下私信 同感兴趣 谢谢
作者: juliewang417    时间: 2014-2-14 00:23
也没什么好私信的. 贴这里了. 都是我自己的理解,
另外最近GROUP PROJECT比较多, 真是累毙了, 关于ESSAY的个人问题就不一一回复了

Comment on the candidate's career progress to date and his/her career focus.

我的问题:这里的his and her career focus是什么意思? 是要说我现在在具体做什么?还是说我将来的career goal?(比如在同一职位但工作的内容随着公司业务的发展发生变化, 那什么才叫his/her career focus?)

---就是让你的推荐人说下你的CAREER GOAL,最好和你自己说的一致

2.    What do you consider to be the candidate's major strengths? Comment on the factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level.
我的问题:推荐人列出3个优点+3个不同的case来回答第一个问题 . 但是就不明白第二个小问题 Comment on the factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level. 如果从这3个优点里面选择2个来说明是the main factors thatdistinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level的话,还要用额外的case吗来支持the main factors吗?

---- 可以用之前用过的CASE

3. Describe the candidate as a person. Comment on his/her ability to establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc. Specifically comment on the candidate's behaviour or skills in a group setting/team environment.

我的问题:这里到底问几个小问题?是3个吗?(describe me as a person, ability to establish and maintain relationships XX, and my team work).

对于第二个问题Comment on his/her ability to establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc., 这里要把establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc 这几点都回答吗?还是可以选择几个重点回答?

----可以让推荐人挑几个重点来回答, 要反映团队合作精神 最好是跨国团队

作者: Aislingling    时间: 2014-6-28 23:59

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