
标题: OG13 CR76 [打印本页]

作者: jinkeyyy    时间: 2013-7-24 21:31
标题: OG13 CR76
"Although the earliest surviving Greek inscriptions written in an alphabet date from the eighth century B.C., the fact that the text of these Greek inscriptions sometimes runs from right to left and sometimes from left to right indicates that the Greeks adopted alphabetic writing at least two centuries before the so inscriptions were produced. After all, the Greeks learned alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and presumably, along with the alphabet, they also adopted the then-current Phoenician practice with respect to the direction of text. And although Phoenician writing was originally inconsistent in direction, by the eighth century B.C. Phoenician was consistently written from right to left and had been for about two centuries.

In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

(A) The first and the second each describe evidence that has been used to challenge the position that the argument seeks to establish.
(B) The first is evidence that forms the basis for an objection to the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is that position.
(C) The first is evidence that forms the basis for an objection to the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is a consideration that is introduced to counter the force of that evidence.
(D) The first and the second each provide evidence in support of the position that the argument seeks to establish.
(E) The first provides evidence in support of the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is that position."

Boldface 1 说道被发现的最早的Greek inscriptions写于公元前8世纪,然后文字是从左往右从右往左随便写。
Boldface 2 说道Phoenician原来写字左右顺序是很随意的,但在公元前10世纪(8+2)已经稳定在从右往左了( 公元前8世纪的时候已经固定2个世纪了)

Conclusion 说inscriptions indicate了Greek已经在公元前10世纪(8+2)继承了Phoenician的文字以及写字顺序

选项D正确 -- 说boldface支持了conclusion。


疑惑点在于:conclusion说Greek继承Phoenician习惯的时候,在10th century BC, 这个时候P已经将文字顺序稳定下来不随性了,但是Greek在8th century BC ( 2个世纪后)写出来的还是左右随便窜(P已经固定了)....这和conclusion有悖啊

作者: jinkeyyy    时间: 2013-7-25 07:20
作者: jinkeyyy    时间: 2013-7-25 20:01
再次默默爬过来,高声呼啸一下: 有大牛看见我么?还是问题太小儿科了...
作者: Jessica晶小晶    时间: 2013-8-17 16:19
作者: jinkeyyy    时间: 2013-8-17 19:58
Jessica晶小晶 发表于 2013-8-17 16:19
应该是这样的,如果希腊人的是在公元前8世纪才采用腓尼基人的文字的话,那么希腊的文字方向就不应该变来变 ...

作者: Jessica晶小晶    时间: 2013-8-19 10:57
jinkeyyy 发表于 2013-8-17 19:58

作者: zPatrick    时间: 2014-7-27 18:06
厉害 感谢
作者: zPatrick    时间: 2014-7-27 18:19

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