港科大的MBA到底如何啊 又听说 港科大也不行啊作者: sundance1 时间: 2013-7-18 14:28
If you choose to return china mainland after graduate, better take mainland school for the accumulated network which will help ur job hunting.作者: CUHK_Admission 时间: 2013-7-18 16:31 [Official reply from CUHK MBA Program Office]
Dear reader,
LZ mentioned certain things about his experience as a CUHK MBA full time student. We guess most readers would probably want to gauge all facts and process related to this, our office would be happy to share some facts and history of this incident. Firstly it is a very fortunate case that LZ actually got an offer for a management leadership program in May from a highly reputable organization who is doing global recruiting from top schools, just 10 months after he started his MBA program at CUHK business school in Sep 2012, we think this is positive news and it does demonstrate our support to students. On the other hand, there is unfortunately a visa issue where we are still actively trying to sort out. The Hong Kong authority will not issue work visa as LZ is still technically a full time student staying in Hong Kong under student visa. Anybody will probably notice that pretty much all authorities will not allow somebody holding two different visas and staying in a location under two different identities if he/she remains his/her full-time student status. As far as we know LZ has NOT finished his studies in the MBA therefore we could not suggest the Hong Kong authorities to revoke his student visa and switch to work visa or else LZ will simply not able to finish his study and receive the MBA degree from the University. This is an unfortunately technical situation that we cannot change the law as a University even though we are still trying to communicate with all parties concerned to see if we can find the best solution to our student. Supporting and protecting the interest to our students are always our number one concern.
The MBA program office has nearly 25 people covering different functions such as marketing, admission, program management, career services, student development, exchange programs, etc. We believe we have the most mature and comprehensive team among all schools in Hong Kong and Singapore. This management team is the biggest among ALL postgraduate programs in our University. If the University is NOT paying attention, they will not have devoted so much resource in MBA program management.
The career services team has 7 full time staff, including director and managers dedicated to ONLY supporting MBA students. Once again this is a big commitment from the University and the Business School to support MBA students, and we believe the level of resources we put in is ahead of other schools in both Hong Kong and Singapore. As we have been saying this for many years, especially in mainland China, career management is students’ responsibility, we provide support, facilitation, tools and information, but we cannot spoon feed jobs to students and guarantee outcomes. We mentioned in our information session in Beijing last weekend that 2013 has not been an easy year for job hunting. We are always open and transparent to sharing information with our students, therefore, we do regularly update career report for FT MBA class, and we updated the Career Report for Class of 2012 in Sept last year. We expect to provide the latest career update for Class of 2013 in Sept this year. By now, as an interim update, 82% of our Class of 2013 are employed. LZ is studying an accelerated program so he is not included in this statistics. Again this is not an easy year for internship, and as we have explained numerous times in information sessions, internship opportunities are generally less abundant in Asia comparing to US, especially during an economic slowdown. Having said that, our students managed to join internship from the following organizations in summer 2013:
JP Morgan, Citi group, Goldman Sachs. Adidas, Sun Hung Kai Group, Google, PCCW, Standard Chartered, Cigna etc.
There is always room for improvement and we always welcome students to have direct dialogue with us. The world is not perfect and we also expect students to set a proper expectation about their MBA studies. We will be organizing MBA info session in Shanghai on the coming Saturday with details as follows:
Date: Jul 20, 2013 (Sat)
Time: 2:30pm – 4:00 pm (Registration starts at 2pm)
Venue: The Langham Xintiandi, 99 Madang Rd, Xintiandi, Shanghai, China
Registration: http://www.baf.cuhk.edu.hk/mba/20130720_SH_Info.html
We would welcome any interested students to come and we will be happy to answer any of your questions. We will visit Beijing and Shanghai again in August, we will be happy to provide personal consultation about MBA studies and career progression Please contact us at mba-admissions@cuhk.edu.hk / +852 3943 7782 to make a booking.
最后我想说的是,很多同学找到了intern,也是很好的公司,这都是事实。本人作为过来人想对要申请MBA的人说一声,之前有人说过,MBA是锦上添花,可以学东西拓展人脉增广见闻搭建平台,但重要的是通过MBA提高自己,找工作还是要自己有本事,大部分公司还是看之前背景的,仅仅靠MBA改变命运是不现实的。我并不后悔到中大读MBA,只是觉得如果都多上点心,按他们回复的把学生利益放在第一位,有些事是可以避免的。作者: sean8338 时间: 2013-7-19 00:21
稍微纠正学校一点,文中说到“LZ is studying an accelerated program so he is not included in this statistics.” 我确实是在上summer term,也没有参加实习。事实是我以为自己7月22号要上班,悲催的拒掉了香港Cigna给我提供的intern. 另外,帮MBA office补充一点,有之前纯IT背景的大陆同学找到了Bain的实习,算是励志了吧:)作者: mikechang829 时间: 2013-7-19 16:07
所以樓主現在的打算是.....先利用暑假把課修完嗎? 祝你之後求職順利嘍 作者: zzjj066 时间: 2013-7-19 16:19
I enquiried the loan issue in Feb. there is no response .
I called them , there is no any explanation .they said they will send me mail for details, but no response since now ... 作者: sean8338 时间: 2013-7-19 22:49
I think it must be IT system error. Don't think school will allow interview without reviewing essay nor reference letter.作者: mygoodfuture11 时间: 2014-1-7 16:32
http://mbacareer.bschool.cuhk.edu.hk/new/public/know_our_profile/employment_update.php 作者: haoc915 时间: 2014-1-18 11:46
cuhk 的就业率比hku 高一点,那找实习的情况怎样?有木有童鞋接受了cuhk 的offer?作者: tedchen 时间: 2014-1-25 11:54