标题: 大大们,蓝皮书里面有一题不懂啊~~~ [打印本页] 作者: 空格空格 时间: 2013-7-15 17:50 标题: 大大们,蓝皮书里面有一题不懂啊~~~ Statement of a United States copper mining company:
Import quotas should be imposed on the less expensive copper mined outside the country to maintain the price of copper in this country; otherwise, our companies will not be able to
stay in business.
Response of a United States copper wire manufacturer: United States wire and cable manufacturers purchase about 70 percent of the copper mined in the United States. If the copper prices we pay are not at the international level, our sales will drop, and then the demand for United States copper will go down.
If the factual information presented by both companies is
accurate, the best assessment of the logical relationship between the two
arguments is that the wire manufacturer’s argument
(A) is self-serving and irrelevant to the proposal of the mining company
(B) is circular, presupposing what it seeks to prove about the proposal of the mining company
(C) shows that the proposal of the mining company would have a negative effect on the mining company’s own business
(D) fails to give a reason why the proposal of the mining company should not be put into effect to alleviate the concern of the mining company for staying in business
(E) establishes that even the mining company’s business will prosper if the mining company’s proposal is rejected
Import quotas should be imposed on the less expensive copper mined outside the country to maintain the price of copper in this country. 这一句的意思是进口廉价的copper来保持国内copper的价钱。 那么哪里说了mining公司的proposal啊? otherwise不是否则的意思吗? mining那一段不是说进口廉价的货物,否则公司无法存活?作者: 苏木苏木 时间: 2013-7-16 00:04
空格空格 发表于 2013-7-15 23:50
Import quotas should be imposed on the less expensive copper mined outside the country to maintain ...
啊那我跟lz的理解差别估计就出在“Import quotas should be imposed on”这个上面了,我的理解是“给进口的数量加上一个定额”,也就是限制进口(因为在没有给定额之前肯定是不限数量,比如爱进1000吨或2000吨都行,但要是给了定额500吨那就是限制了进口);lz是认为意思是给定额之前根本没有进口,给了定额之后才按定额的数量来进口,也就是增加了进口是吧?
我能给两个理由:一个是quota这个词本身的意思就有“限额”的意思,从给的各种例句和用法都表明的quota隐含了限制数量也就是quota后的数量是一定比较少的;再一个就是这么解释从实际上才说得通mining的意见,呃。。这一条理由可能太主观lz也可以先无视。。作者: 空格空格 时间: 2013-7-16 15:44
苏木苏木 发表于 2013-7-16 00:04
啊那我跟lz的理解差别估计就出在“Import quotas should be imposed on”这个上面了,我的理解是“给进口 ...