不知道是否能让人代领啊,我不确定是不是必须是“总部”,我当时就是在南京出差,然后在当地找了个人行就去了。作者: ceey 时间: 2013-7-13 21:55
楼主,我确认是可以代领的。注意你把身份证复印件让委托人带好,同时让委托人自己把身份证带好,最好把复印件也带过来,否则当场复印比较贵。 上海的话是在人民银行上海分行位于陆家嘴,船舶大厦对面作者: guweiqi8816 时间: 2014-4-17 21:26
你好,我想问下提交申请之后prodigy是多久回复你的啊作者: Chaser2018 时间: 2018-5-18 21:24
After submitting your application with Prodigy Finance, you will receive your provisional offer instantly or in 48 hours! If you accept the offer, they will ask you to upload documents, such as credit report, passport, admission letter etc. The whole process from application to loan approval last two weeks to one month. Hope this helps, good luck