
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障21系列】【21-16】科技 [打印本页]

作者: zxppx    时间: 2013-7-9 23:14
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障21系列】【21-16】科技
Part I:Speed

【Time 1】
Article 1
Mont Blanc growing with help from glaciers
Icy shield prevents mountain from eroding away.
Western Europe’s tallest mountain may be gaining height thanks to its glaciers, which protect the mountain from erosion, a new study suggests.
Straddling the Italian and French Alps, Mont Blanc’s familiar snowy cap has challenged the most skilled climbers — as well as scientists who aim to understand how the mountain is being shaped by its glacial covering.
Typically, glaciers are known to erode surfaces and transport sediment, carving out deep valleys in mountain ranges and wearing down summits as the ice slowly slides downhill. But in the past few years, research has suggested that glaciers have a role in protecting mountaintops located at high latitudes, far from the equator. The same now seems to be true for mid-latitude Mont Blanc, and could apply more generally to mountains in mid-to-low latitudes, says glacial geologist Jean-François Buoncristiani, co-author of a study that appeared late last month in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
“It’s interesting that the same processes are happening on mountains worldwide,” says Buoncristiani, who is at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France. Mont Blanc is growing by 1 millimetre per year because of tectonic uplift, but without the protective effect of glaciers that would not be fast enough to outpace erosion.


【Time 2】

The study team, led by glaciologist Cécile Godon at the University of Savoy in Le Bourget du Lac, France, measured erosion rates beneath one of Mont Blanc’s largest and least-spoiled glaciers, the Bossons Glacier, and compared them with erosion rates in ice-free areas adjacent to the glacier. By identifying distinctive rock types and by dating the mineral zircon in sediment samples taken from along the glacier’s length, they traced eroded sediments back to their sources.
Glacial pace
Near the summit, beneath the coldest ice of the glacier, erosion was at least 16 times less efficient than beneath the temperate ice of the glacier tongue, farther downslope. The most effective erosion was found to take place in the non-glaciated areas, suggesting that the weighty presence of ice — especially when frozen onto the mountain — tempers abrasion of the underlying bedrock.
But the findings do not necessarily mean that glaciers protect all mountains. Mark Brandon, a geophysicist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, says that glaciers with a wet base are very erosive. It remains to be seen how ice is shaping the world’s largest mountains, he says.
Buoncristiani adds that the role of glaciers could change as temperatures rise with global warming. An increase in ice melt would expose mountaintops to erosion, limiting their ability to reach ever greater heights.


【Time 3】
Article 2
Scientists Grow Human Livers in Mice

TOKYO—A Japanese group has generated functional human livers by creating liver precursor cells in the laboratory and then transplanting them into mice to complete the developmental process. Their ultimate goal is to transplant the precursor cells into humans and let them develop into replacements for diseased or damaged organs.
The achievement represents a new direction in the use of human pluripotent stem cells, which have the potential to develop into any of the tissues of the human body. So-called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, which are derived from adult human tissue, have the added advantage of producing tissues and organs genetically matched to a recipient, avoiding the problem of immune system rejection. But creating fully mature human tissue in a petri dish (in vitro) has proved a daunting challenge, especially when it comes to producing 3D organs.
Rather than do it all in a dish, the group decided to try starting the process in vitro but completing it in an animal (in vivo). They tried hundreds of different recipes; eventually they discovered that if they mixed liver precursor cells (derived from iPS cells) with two other types of standard human cell lines known to be important for embryonic liver development, then the cells would spontaneously form a 4 to 5-millimeter 3D structure called a liver bud. "This worked beyond our expectations, though the mechanism is not entirely clear," says group leader and stem cell scientist Takanori Takebe of Yokohama City University in Japan.
Next, they implanted these buds in mice with disabled immune systems to see if they would engraft, or attach to the blood vessels of the animal, and continue to mature. They did: The transplanted liver buds developed into what Takebe calls "miniature livers." The team then confirmed that these tiny organs produced proteins typically made by human livers, and they properly processed certain drugs that mouse livers cannot handle. This "proof of concept demonstration" provides a promising new approach to regenerative medicine, the team writes in a paper published online by Nature today.


【Time 4】

The experiment shows that precursor cells can develop into functional organs when placed within the body of an adult mammal, says Takebe, who hopes to use the technique to grow organs in nonhuman primates and eventually in humans. He believes it could be applied to other organs, such as kidneys or pancreases, as well.
Stem cell scientist Martin Pera of the University of Melbourne in Australia, calls it an "exciting study" that demonstrates that the environment within an adult body can help immature stem cells develop to an adult stage, something that has proven difficult to do in vitro. The report "provides hope that even primitive tissues made from stem cells will one day restore the function of dead or diseased organs in patients," he adds.
But there are significant hurdles to clear before the technique reaches the clinic. In addition to passing all the safety checks needed to gain approval for human use, there is a practical problem. Takebe says they will need to transplant huge numbers of liver buds, comprising billions or trillions of the human iPS-derived precursor cells to even partially replace a human liver. Producing cells in those numbers will require a breakthrough in automated cell proliferation. Because of that, Takebe says use in humans is at least a decade away.


【Time 5】
Article 3
Rockets Are Seeding the Skies With Clouds


An unexpected increase in the water content of certain thin, wispy clouds at high altitudes over polar regions in 2011 and 2012 may be the result of more rocket launches, a new study suggests. Polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) typically form over high latitudes during summer months at altitudes of about 82 kilometers. (They're also known as noctilucent, or "night-shining" clouds, because they're so lofty that they can catch sunlight even when the ground below remains dark, as seen in this image taken from the International Space Station.) Of the hundreds of PMCs spotted in July from 2008 through 2010, satellite data show that only 11 had unnaturally high concentrations of water. But 27 of the PMCs observed in July of 2011 and 2012 were unnaturally moist, the researchers report in Geophysical Research Letters. Moreover, in recent years the densest—and therefore the brightest—PMCs have contained even more water than normal: From 2008 through 2010, the densest PMCs had peak water content of 9 parts per million, whereas in 2011 and 2012 their peak water content often exceeded 12 ppm. Both trends are unexpected, because solar activity—which tends to boost emissions of ultraviolet radiation that heat and dry the upper atmosphere—was much higher in 2011 and 2012 than in the previous 3 years. The researchers suggest that a spate of rocket launches—including commercial rockets as well as Russian Soyuz missions to carry supplies to the International Space Station—may be behind the moister, more frequent clouds: In 2011 and 2012, they estimate exhaust from 17 different summertime rocket launches added more than 700 tons of water into the upper atmosphere. That's enough to explain the observed enhancement in PMCs, which typically form only at high latitudes and altitudes because that's the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere.


Part II: Obstacle

【Time 6】
Article 4

How Should We Respond When Humans and Sharks Collide?
As vacationers head to the beach this holiday weekend, an expert says communities are taking a variety of approaches to keep swimmers safe.

Would you go swimming where there's recently been a shark attack? It's a quandary that shark attack expert Christopher Neff, a doctoral researcher at the University of Sydney, strives to understand.
Neff has studied how the public and governments respond to shark bites in North America, Australia, and Africa. He says that with more and more people using the ocean, the way we talk about shark attacks and the methods governments use to reduce the risk of shark bites have evolved over time.
Following several shark attacks reported in the U.S. last month—off the coasts of Texas, Hawaii, California, and South Carolina—Neff spoke to National Geographic via email about how communities around the world are responding to similar incidents, and what the thousands of Americans heading to a beach this Fourth of July weekend can do to reduce their chances of encountering a shark.
How rare are fatal shark bites? How can people heading to the beach this holiday weekend stay safe?
The International Shark Attack File has noted that, based on their 2000 data, we have a 1 in 11.5 million chance of being bitten by a shark.
My position is not that sharks are cuddly and we should be friends, but that they can be dangerous and a healthy respect for them is important.
I have a "Three What's" rule that I use when I go to the beach because I want to remind myself that I am stepping into a dynamic and wild ecosystem.
First, I ask, "What's the weather?" because swimming while it's overcast or stormy isn't a good idea. Incoming storms can cause the tide to stir up baitfish, and we want to avoid getting in the way of sharks and their prey. It's recommended that bathers stay out of the water for 24 hours after a storm, not just [until] the next morning.
Second, "What's the time of day and the environmental conditions?" We all know to avoid swimming at dawn and dusk and when the water is cloudy. But we also want to be conscious of other marine life and the seasons.
Are there seals in the area? Did a whale migration just come through? Or, is someone fishing off a pier near the beach or pouring the fish guts in the water? In all of these situations the issue is keeping our distance so sharks do not think that we are their competition [for food].
And third, "What am I doing?" Tips that can help reduce risk include not swimming alone or far away from shore. Simply put, swim in a group and stay close in.
The issue is not depth of the water. You could be waist-deep and 500 feet out standing on a reef; that does not count! In fact, the drop-offs from reefs are a great place for sharks to hang out.
Also, people shouldn't enter the water with shiny jewelry or metal because it can look like a curious thing to check out. Lastly, try not to overdo your splashing around. There are a number of stories about the way playing "shark attack" in the water attracted a shark to the area.
Towns near Cape Cod, Massachusetts, are facing an increase in the great white shark population. How should local governments balance spending money to prevent the relatively remote risk of a shark attack with spending money on other important issues in their communities?
Cape Cod is facing a complicated issue and the balance between costs versus fear is an interesting one. I have actually passed on three recommendations to them from my experience. The emphasis here is on individuals looking at their level of risk before they get in the water.
I suggested conveying information to the public—like signs, texts, and radio ads—that explains the ocean is not a pool. Cape Town [in Africa] has been helped a great deal by issuing citywide press releases to tell people to be cautious during the summer season.
Second, encourage people to swim close to shore. If there is an incident, the closeness to shore makes a huge difference in whether the bite is life-threatening.
Finally, information on the weather and shark behavior can help. Some excellent research out of Western Australia and Cape Town suggests that great white sharks come into shore more frequently when the water temperature is between 64ᵒF and 68ᵒF.
In Chatham, Massachusetts, the average water temperature in the summer is about 70ᵒF. So if you know that there are white sharks in the area and that they are most likely to come inshore when the water temp is somewhere near 64 -70ᵒF, then each bather has information they can use in judging their level of risk.
Public education about sharks is not easy and communities around the world are still sorting out the right ways to talk with locals. Everyone uses the beach in a different way and for different reasons, so finding one message is difficult.
How have responses to shark bites changed over the years? What kind of action should a community take after shark bites like those in the U.S. in recent weeks?
Community responses have changed in a number of ways. The problem is that as more people go in the water, stay in for longer, and do more things—like kayak, surf-ski, bodyboard, or kiteboard—the chances of having shark bites increases.
[There can be] a lot of pressure on a local community that has had three, four, seven shark bites to "do something" about it.
The answer for most of these communities is having notice boards to let surfers know there are risks when going into the surf, good on-site treatment and a nearby hospital to assist with any injuries, and outreach to the public and media to tell the full story. In most cases, the outcome is not serious or not life-threatening, so conveying that is important.


作者: vicnan    时间: 2013-7-9 23:15
作者: 超级无敌小鹤鹤    时间: 2013-7-9 23:18
作者: yangzexin    时间: 2013-7-9 23:18


作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2013-7-9 23:24
   Without the protection of glacier, the Mont blanc cant growing well with the risk of erosion.
   The'protection ability of glacier will less useful  with the global warming growing,
    Japanese group transplant the humans organ liver to mice. (没咋看懂,开小差了)
time4: 1m09s
    there is hope to apply this to create human organs,but it will be ten years away.  
time5: 1m13s
    the more rocket launched in to sky, the more water taken into sky, which result that the more clouds.
obstacle: 4m49s
     many methods to avoid shark attack。

作者: michellecch    时间: 2013-7-9 23:25


1、Glaciers play a role to protectmountains in Europe from erosion.
2、The study shows that glaciers dohelp highest mountain avoid erosion, but glaciers are also very erosive with a wetbase. => an increase in ice melt with global warming will expose mountainsto erosion
3、The team from Tokyo does a research that they try to puthuman liver’s cells into mice, in order to develop a well liver for people whohave livers problem to substitute.
They mixed the precursor celland the liver cell into a mice, then a liver bud grew up. => already writtenin a paper published.
原文: a Japanesegroup has generated functional human livers by creating liver precursor cellsand then transplanting them into mice to complete developmental process. Theirultimate goal is to transplant the precursor cells into humans and let themdevelop into replacements for diseased or damaged organs.
4、This method could also be usedin other organs, such as kidneys or pancreases.
But a practical problem.=>need to transplant huge numbers of liver precursor cells => using in humansis at least a decade away.
5、Rockets can bring water intohigh altitudes and upper atmosphere.

How do we respond when people andsharks collide?
Sharks could not be our friends,but dangerous and a healthy respect for them is important.
1、Do not swim on a overcast or cloudy day.
2、Do not swim at dawn or dusk.
3、Swim near the shore or pier.
4、Do not enter the water with shiny jewelry or metal.
How do governments do?
1、show some signs, texts and radio ads to the public aboutshark thing
2、encourage people to swim near the shore
how to response after sharkbites
1、let surfers or swimmers know the risk
2、good on-site treatment
3、build hospital nearby

作者: CY新生活    时间: 2013-7-9 23:29
[Passage 1] 1:50
The ice glaciers help the mountain keep their latitude. The snowy top made the both the climber and the scientist difficult to climb. For the highest mountain in Europe, the ice glacier protect it from wind erosion or other shaping power. This mountain wili not grow such fast without the ice glacier.
[passage 2] 1:37
The team compare the erosion rate  of the mountain under the ice and non glaciers place,and find that the  rock under the coldest glaciers almost not changed and the non glaciers place erosion most effectively. But a professor said if the beneath of the ice is welt, the ice will erosion the mountain effectively. And the outcome will change because of the rising temperature.
[passage 3]03:06
The japanese group succesfully transplant the liver in a mice. They use the iPS cells,which can developed to any organs of the human body. and they first do it in the vivo but some difficulty apprear in the proccess. And then they find a new way: they transplant it into a mice whose immune systerm was destroied. And the bud grow into a minimatrue organ. So the scientists find a new possible way to substitude the dead organ.
[passage 4] 1:42
The experiment shows that the iPS can develop to many organ in humen. And the professor believe that other organs can also be developed. But the experiment have practical matter, for they need thousands of the ips and the experiment to develope one liver.
[passage 5]2:30
The phonomon that the polar areas’ cloud containing more water maybe related to roket launch. Several evidence are provided to support it. 这篇只能知道大意了。。。

作者: jolhui    时间: 2013-7-9 23:29
作者: irvan    时间: 2013-7-9 23:46


作者: glorious41    时间: 2013-7-10 00:28

      glaicers may play an important role of shaping the mountain not only in the high latitude mountain ranges far from the equator but also in the middle-low latitudes.
      the study shows that the glaciers potect the rock from erosion.
      however, glaciers with a wet base can be erosive and the way glaciers cover the mountain also affect the protection.
      Japanese experts made an experiment of growing liver in mice from a iPS cell in order to develop a new way to heal liver disease.
      this is an exciting news and this technique can be applied to other organs.
      however, there are still some problems in transplanting.

      the research shows that there is a trend of the increasing density of the PMCs and the moisture of the atmosphere in 2011 and 2012, which might be resulted from the launch of the rockets.
      suggestion for the citizen to avoid shark attack: "three What's"
      —> what's the weather
      —> what's time
      —> what am I doing
      recommendations to government to prevent the risk of shark attack:
      —> remind the public to be cautious in the ocean
      —> encourage people to swim closed to the shore
      —> give the public some infromation about the shark behavior nd the weather
      right repsonse after the shark attack: conveying the information to the public

作者: 小鱼上树    时间: 2013-7-10 00:48
1 210 1min10
The glaciers are known to erode the surface of the mountainsand wearing down the summit as the ice slowly slides downhill. But a new studysuggests the other way around. The mountains in mid-to-low altitude may gainheight because the glaciers have a lift effect.
2 221 1min25
The first France scientist found the ice protects the areafrom erosion. The scientist in Yale suggests that the result is not suitablefor all mountains and the ice with wet base is strongly erosive.
3 337 2min15
If we can use cells to develop a 3D human organ, that willsave a lot lives. It’s not easy. The scientists in Japan made a mixed liver precursorcell with 2 other type cells to develop a liver bud. They put the bud into amouse body to figure if the liver can attach with the blood vessels and befunctional. The result is positive and gives the scientists confident.
4 254 1min24
Even the result is so exciting, we still have a long way toput the theory into practice and benefit patients, at least a decade to go.
5 299 2min10
What’s the PMC-How many we found-Unnaturally moisture insome of them-caused by rockets launching exhaust
Obstacle 1005 5min17
Will you still go swim if there is a shark attack recently?How to reduce the possibility to get bite? The author suggests ask 3 questionsbefore we head to the beach. What’s the weather? What condition is thesurroundings? What am I doing? Don’t wear shining jewelry to get the sharkscurious. The government need to balance their budget to keep everyone informedand educated with doing everything else. Get more knowledge about the sharkhabits, the ocean to keep ourselves safe. The community needs to post therecently attack story to warn the surfers and have medical care ready.  

作者: gyb192483    时间: 2013-7-10 03:56
TIME1:00‘55’‘  The glacier can protect the mountain from erosion. It has been thought that the glacier removes the surface and transfer the sediment of the mountain. But the new study shows that the glacier help to keep the mountain in the high latitude.
TIME2:  01'11''  The study is taken to measure the effect of the glacier to the mountain. The result shows that the more efficient erosion occures at the non-glacier mountain. But it can not verify that the glacier help protect the mountain. As the climate changes and the global warm increases, the glacier may intensify the erosion of the mountain
TIME3: 01'43'' A group in Tokyo transplant the  precursor cells into mice and the final purpose is to transfer these cells into human body to generate the new tissue of the organs. The new transplanted organ always has the imcompatible problem. But this new founding may solve the problem
TIME4: 00'58'' The experiment shows that precursor cells can develop into organ in the mammal animals. It can develop in to different organs. If this can be used for human, it will bring about huge benefit. But it is hard to put into practice and it is difficult to contral the process. That is way the Japanese scientists said that it will be several decades away
TIME5: 01'36'' A certain increase water in the claud in the polar may be the result of the rocket lauching. The data shows that the claud moist is high although the sun shine is more powerful duiring that period

Obstacle: 05'03''
MI: some knowledges about how to avoid the shark attack
ATT: neutral
==> how to reduce the risk of encountering the shark
    ==> Check the weather before go to the beach
    ==>  check the environment condition and time of the day
    ==>  what am i doing
==> what the countermeansures the community can take to reduce the shark attack risk?
    ==>  make the signs board to information the people heading to the beach
    ==>  do not  swim far shore
         ==> information about the weather and shark
==> the community should use the sign board to inform the people who come to the beach that there is risk of shark attact. It is not threaten, but it is warning

作者: dingdingtop    时间: 2013-7-10 05:29


T1:1'02''26 (210 words)
The glaciers are preventing mountains located at higher lattitude from erosion and helping them to grow.
T2: 1'08''12 (221 words)
The study details on how Mont Blanc presents in with or without glacier area. But the effect doesn't apply to all mountains.
T3: 2'14''29 (337 words)
Scientists in Tokyo are trying to transplant self-growing liver to mice to prove that the mix of precurse cells and other cells can contribute to the regrowing of human's organs.
T4: 1'04''69 (254 words)
There're still decades away from transplaning to mice to transplanting to human because scientists need to accumulate enough available precursor cells.
T5: 1'52''26 (299 words)
More moisture was found to form the PMCs are found due to more rockets lauched over past years.

Ob: 4'49''48 (1005 words)
Main idea: What the communities show tell people to avoid Shark-bites and how.
Attitude: Neutral
     - Local governments and communities are trying to find ways to communicate with tourists on how to avoid shark-bites effectively.
     - For tourists, 3 questions to ask: 1) What's the weather? 2) What's the temperature? 3) What am I doing?
     - For communities, 3 things to pay attention to: 1) Shark notice 2) tell the most comfortable temperature for Sharks and report current water temperature. 3) provide first-aid nearby
     - The responses for shark-bites are changing; more communications are better choice.

作者: Lynsey玲    时间: 2013-7-10 06:30

Time5 02:57
A recent study suggests that the cloud at high altitudes is become moister because of the launch of rockets.

Time6 08:48
This passage aims to tell us what swimmers and governments can do to avoid people being attacked by whales when going  swinmming and what are the responses of communities after someone has been attacked.
作者: lxskyfly    时间: 2013-7-10 06:38
thanks ppx~
TIME1  1:24
Glaciers prevent mountains located at a higher latitude, as well as protect mountains from erosion.
TIME2  1:33
- scientists found that weighty presense of ice protects abarasion underlying bedrock, showing glacier indeed protects mountains.
- but ice doesn't protect all mountains and even it can destroy mountains as temperature changes in particular.

to be continuous...

作者: 捉妖    时间: 2013-7-10 07:20
Time1 [220] 1:51
Time2 [221] 1:51
Time3 [337] 3:03
Time4 [254] 1:42
作者: Amy_PP    时间: 2013-7-10 07:44
T1 以为是介绍,忘了计时

Obstacles: 05:36.57
作者: AceJ    时间: 2013-7-10 08:34

My words:
Article four <How Should We Respond When Humans and Sharks Collide?> is most helpful in our daily life, especially for beach-lover. Before reading this passage, I only know that the way to avoid shark attack is defending-net. In fact, there are a plate of professional ways for ourselves to avoid shark attack, including "what is the weather" "What is the time of day and environmental conditions" and "What am I doing". Additionaly, what impresses me much is that food residues may attract shark so you'd better not go into the unclear water in a bad time.
作者: change17251    时间: 2013-7-10 08:43



the passage is talking about how to deal with the risks from shark attack.
1.the author said there are three questions need to ask before into the sea
  >>>About weather -- avoiding into water during the storm and 24 hours after the storm
  >>>the time and environment condition--At dawn and dust, as well as some season, shark attack happened frequently,
  >>>what am I doing--avoiding swim alone in far away from shore.
2.the author provides three suggestions that government can do--conveying the informantion to public; leting people swim near the shore;informing the weather and shark behavior.
3.what should communities do after the shark attacks.

作者: bleupreal    时间: 2013-7-10 08:55
1.        2.35  [210]
2.        1.23  [221]
3.        2.29  [337]
4.        1.24  [254]
5.        1.58  [299]
6.        5.39  [1005]
This passage discusses that what people should do to prevent shark incidents and how government responds to the public shark incidents
1.        Different governments face the same problem: shark attack.
2.        What people should know before going to a beach: weather, environmental conditions and what to do to avoid shark incidents.
3.        What people should to prevent a shark incident, for example, do not swim too far away the store
The government’s attitudes to increasing number of accidents in sharp are still the same.

作者: Jonathanluck    时间: 2013-7-10 09:12
1:22 the glacier may protect Mont Blanc from eroding away
1:43 although there was disagreement from another professor who claims that snow does erode mountains, the french professor still shows us glacier does help moutiantop to grow
2:22 a team from japan implanted bud that formed by cells into mice body,
1:25  a experiment went successful to prove that precursor cells can develop into functional organs when placed within the body of an adult mammal, but it require at least a decade away to conqur some chanllenges when put this experiment into clinic.

越障6:30 ways of avioding shark bites

作者: peby1223    时间: 2013-7-10 09:37
t1 1:22
t2 1:59
t3 2:34
t4 1:44
t5 2:00
作者: jay871750293    时间: 2013-7-10 09:42


The gist of the passage is how to aovid shark attacks and in the passage, there are three major parts:
the professor's suggestion for oridnary people to avoid shark attacks, the professor's advice to the cost
the local government spend on evading shark attacks, and the professor's opinion that how to persuade
local people not to do dangerous things.

作者: janet311    时间: 2013-7-10 09:58
后:对于某一特殊(记不住)类山体 起的是保护作用

global warming --> 冰川融化-->腐蚀存在

太多生词一下就给我吓怕了 跳过跳过最后就是思维也跳过
用白老鼠来做实验 最终目的是移植一种cell进人体抗病吧

说的是 can

作者: pgjason    时间: 2013-7-10 10:02

talking about mountain blanc

cite a study: the high temperature will expose mountains to erosion

a team of Japan scientists release a study that they successfully induce a human cell(IPO) to
become a liver cell in lab, then in mouse. The liver cell worked very well when implanted with mouse

a Stem cell scientist hope it can be use to replace a dead or a damage cell of human. But, the technology of stem cell must be advanced because a real liver needs to be replaced with a billion IPS cells

because rocket launches will release moist, rocket launches may cause an increase in water content of clouds, which forms at high altitude and latitudes because of low temperature


main idea: how to be safe at a beach where recently a shark attack happened

1st part: from the point of tourists' view, be careful before heading to a beach
2nd part: suggestions such set up warning signs and information signs,
final part: What these communities can do to avoid the shark attacks  

Thank you, zxppx for those articles
作者: 饼干小熊    时间: 2013-7-10 10:14
T1T2 刷新页面丢失了...
T3T4 同上...
T5 1’51
O 3‘32
作者: nannanfeng    时间: 2013-7-10 10:23
1. 59'
2. 1''12
4. 1''12

作者: flonacui    时间: 2013-7-10 10:32
1'41'' Typically, glaciers are known to erode surfaces and transport sediment. A recent finding suggests that the glaciers could protect the mountain from erosion.
1'17'' By measuring the erosion rates from samples taken from ice-free mountain and glacier mountain, scientist found that the glaciers did indeed protect the mountains from erosion. But this findings may not apply to every mountains. In additino, in some conditions, such as global warming, the glaciers' functions could transform and accelerate the erosion of the mountains.
2'09''A Japanese group has generated homan liver using certain adults' tissue cells along with two other standard human cells. This kind of liver will not created self-rejected in receptors. When scientists transplanted the liver into the mice's body, the liver functioned normally and successfully induced the protein typically in human's livers. This is a breakthrough in regenerating medicine.
1'13'' But this new finding has lots of difficulties reaching the clinics, including safety checks and cells proliferation problems. It may take decades to totally solve the problems.
1'35'' The unexpected increase of the certain clouds at high altitude was due to the rocket launchers' exhausts.
4'21'' This passage introduces that how could people protect themselves when encounter sharks, how to reduce risks in shark attack, what kind of things the government could do to protect citizens and how could people correctly treat the shark attack.
作者: 浅弦泠音    时间: 2013-7-10 11:24
1  weastern europe's highest mountain may be gained height with the help of glaciers.
      old vier--(-)new view--(+)
      the scientist's opinion, this process happens worldwide
2  1:40 A did a research to detect the erosion speed of glacier in the different places and found erosion rate was increase with the temperature of the glacier, and the erosion was most effective in the place without glacier. B said the erosion rate was effected by humidty and the result is remain to be seen. and ice melt can effected erosion process
3  2:15 the new technology of make a 3D orgen in mice. and this experienment has a promising future to develope new medicines.
4  1:42 the precurer cells can grow into orgens but there is still a long way to go
5  2:19 the increase water content of xxcloud may be the result of rocket launch
0  6:02
作者: Cri倩    时间: 2013-7-10 11:48
1’ the glacier top is protecting the mountain
55” the findings prove that glaciers prevent erosion
1’39” scientists begin to grow human liver in mice after successfully grew with other two human cells
55” the findings of the experiment is exciting and will be helpful once it apply to the clinic
1’02” the unnatural moist in high latitude place
4’ what we can do to avoid shark attack
  What government does to avoid shark attacks
  The improvements of the treatment of shark bites
作者: 康康猪    时间: 2013-7-10 11:59
1. 00:54
2. 00:58
3. 01:10

作者: m1nt    时间: 2013-7-10 12:34

TIME1: 01'11''   The new study showed that the glacier can protect the mountain from erosion. TIME2: 01'10''   Study shows that the more efficient erosion occures at the non-glacier mountain. But it does not necessarily mean that glaciers protect all mountains
TIME3: 02'25''   A Japanese group has transplanted liver precursor cells into mice provides, although the experiment has problems, but it has a promising new approach to regenerative medicine
TIME4: 00'58''   The experiment shows that precursor cells can develop into organ in the mammal animals. But there are significant hurdles to clear before the technique reaches the clinic.
TIME5: 01'48''   An unexpected increase in the water content of certain thin, wispy clouds at high altitudes may be the result of more rocket launches
Obstacle: 03'54''
How to avoid the shark attack
1. Studies show how communities are responding to shark attack
2. "Three What's" rule that use when go to the beach
3. Suggest conveying information to the public
4. Community responses have changed in a number of ways

作者: CheerTTTT    时间: 2013-7-10 13:18



作者: wangziann    时间: 2013-7-10 14:12
PPX,辛苦了! 额,这个字母组合好亲切,我家泰迪叫皮皮虾
New study found that the tallest mountain in Europe gain the height because of the glaciers.
Erosion of the glacier covered mountain is less efficient than glacier free ones.But the glacier will accelarate the erosion of mountain along with the global warming.
A research aimed to transplant the cells into humans to cure diseased or damaged organs.
=>priciple explain
=>experiments introduction
The experiment is successful to show the application possibility of transplanting cell to human, but there are hurdles to clear before the technique used in clinic.
Rockets launched increase the cloud over polar regions by increasing the water into the upper atmosphere.
Main idea: new methods to avoid shark attack
==>How to reduce the change of encountering a shark:
1 weahter 2 time of the day 3 swimming in a group 4 no shining jewelry
==>How should government do ?
1 conveying information 2 encourage people to swim to the shore 3 info on the weather and shark behavior such as water temperature
==>What action should community take?
notice borads to convey information
作者: fairymandy    时间: 2013-7-10 17:59
Glaciers are helping to protect the moutain from erosion accoring to a new theroy.

The author shows an example and futher suggests that glaciers do not protect all moutains.

Scientists are trying to grow human livers in mice and has got a promising new approach to regenerative medicine.
作者: hopestudy    时间: 2013-7-10 18:20

作者: down123    时间: 2013-7-10 19:00

作者: mickylisali    时间: 2013-7-10 19:37
1. 1:02
2. 1:16
3. 2:12
4. 1:44
5. 2:21
Obstacle: 5:41
Thx 胖胖翔~交作业啦

作者: wangshujr    时间: 2013-7-10 20:12

作者: lisa_chan    时间: 2013-7-10 20:19
交作业啦~~~ 这次的话题都很有趣味~

(21-16) Wed
Time1 – 1’19” word[210]
P1: Topic – glacier can protect mountain top.
P2: Mont Blanc is on the boarder of Italy and France. The glacier on MB has changed skiers, climbers, and scientists…
P3: Old opinion – glaciers erode surface and move sediment. New opinion – also protect mountaintops that away from equator. MB grows a certain height every year with the protection of the glacier.

Time2 – 1’33” word[221]
P1: Scientists compare the erosion rates at different summits of Mont Blanc
P2: Erosion rate under the coldest ice is 16 times less than under temperate ice. The fastest erosion rate happens under the weighty ice that melts every year.
P3: Another scientist said that roles of glaciers are different. Not all glaciers protect mountaintop. Glaciers with a wet base is the most erosive.
P4: The roles of glaciers will change as global warming and temperature rise.

Time3 – 忘记记时了。。。 word[337]
P1: Scientists now can grow human livers in a vitro and then transplant them into mice.
P2: This effort can help people replace them organs. But the challenge is to grow a 3D organ.
P3: Scientists first let liver cells grow into a liver bud in a vitro then transplant into mice. It turned out that the liver bud grew into a 3D liver. On mice whose immune system  damaged, the livers grow and function. Promising new approach…

Time 4 – 1’22” word[254]
P1: The study means the developed organ can grow in mammals. Scientists hope to test on primates. Researchers say this is an important progress. The technique can be used on other organs too.  
P2: However the major challenges include the health and safety checks and the developing cell. Because of the challenge, the application on humans will be at least decays away.

Time5 – 1’54” word[299]
1.        The increase in the water content of PMCs may be the result of more rockets sent to the space.
2.        Explain what PMCs are (they are so high that they can catch sunlight).. Some evidences: comparison of data in different timeframes etc.
3.        Explain the phenomenon: more rockets sent to the space bring more water to the upper atmosphere, which is usually dried up by the sunlight.

Time6 – 5’04” word[1005]
1. More people have been attacked by sharks in recent years. A researcher at the University of Sydney gave some suggestions on how to avoid shark attack.
2. He asks himself three what’s questions when going to swim in a ocean:
1) what’s the weather? Stormy whether and cloudy water is no good for swimming. No swimming after 24 hours of a storm, not just the 2nd morning.
2) what’s the swimming environment? Go swimming in a group and stay close to the group. Fishers around with bait is no good.
3) what am I doing? Wear no jewels. Sharks can be curious.  
3. His recommendations to town with shark attack risks.
1) signs – tell ppl ocean is not a swimming pool. Let them know the risk.
2) swimming close to the shore -
3) information – shark attack risks are highest at the water temperature between 64 to 68 F. Let ppl know the water temperature and let them estimate their risk.
4. His rec to a town in Mass.
information, nearby hospitals, etc.

作者: yangmei709    时间: 2013-7-10 21:33

作者: tzhou7    时间: 2013-7-10 22:07
作者: lyslj001    时间: 2013-7-10 22:55

作者: claire1827    时间: 2013-7-11 01:46
作者: lolitagrace    时间: 2013-7-11 06:37
The research suggested glacier can protect mountain top from eroding.
How to testify the experiment assumption and other factors such as global warming might affect the eroding rate.
A experiment about creating liver precursor cells to strength the human's immune system.
A lot of work to do the liver experiment and we might wait for decades years.
The PMC can be observed on the highest latitude and altitude because it's the coldest place on the Earth.
Tha author mainly introduce how to face the shark-bite.
The author clarify his individual position on three What's rules, that is , what's the weather? what's the environment? what am I doing?
And he suggests choose fit temperate, nearly the shore and play in group when you go to the seaside. On earth, the sea is not a pool.  
Moreover, the author advises the government should provide amplify information to the public to remind them the safety in case the shark-bite.
And government should pay attention to the measures after people are attacked by shark.
作者: aillen922    时间: 2013-7-11 08:09

Glaciers protect the mountain from erosion and help it gain height.
P2-example (Mont Blanc)
P3-glaciers, typical role VS role in protect mountaintops far from equator (the examples)
P4-the same processes are happening on mountains worldwide (Buo reaffirm)

P1-study (Cec God)
P2-weighty presence of ice tempers abrasion of the underlying bedrock in nonglaciated ice (finding)
P3-glaciers with a wet base are very erosive (Mar Bra oppose)
P4-glaciers, role could change as temperature s rise with global warming (Buo add)

Goal of different experiments is to transplant the cell into humans and let them develop into replacements for diseased or damaged organs. But there are significant hurdles to clear before the technique reaches the clinic.

An unexpected increase in the water content of PMCs at high attitudes over polar regions may be the result of more rocket launches.

Explain how communities around the world are responding to similar incidents, and what the thousands of Americans can do to reduce their chances of encountering a shark by citing three repots.

作者: 努力漂泊的叶子    时间: 2013-7-11 14:02

Mont Blanc’s been gaining height thanks to its glacier, which protects the mountain from erosion. The same processes are happening on mountains worldwide.

The erosion speed is far less efficient beneath the coldest ice glacier. But it may not be apply to all the mountains and the role of glaciers could change as temperatures rise with global warming.

By using the iPS, scientists successfully grow human livers in mice.

The contribution of the tech and its hurdles to clear before the technology reaches clinic.

An unexpected increase in the water content of PMGs may be the result of more rocket launches

Tips of sharks bite for people who go playing in the sea, communities facing increasing sharks accidents and communities to respond after a shark bites accident

作者: LUCY小可    时间: 2013-7-11 15:20
8’06 tips given to individual how to prevent shark attack and to gov how to educate locals

作者: 铁板二米    时间: 2013-7-11 17:07

Time1 1'03"
Time2 55"
Time3 1'30"
Time4 55"
Time5 1'27"
Obstacle 4'49"
作者: yaoyiqing1616    时间: 2013-7-11 20:24
1. 0'53'' glaciers have a hole in protecting mountaintops, now even mid-latitude areas like Mont Blanc.

2. 0'59'' evidence demonstrates that far less effecive erosion takes place in glacier-covered areas. Still limits: not all mountains, and rising temperation.

3. 1'39'' transplant human cells to mice to complete developmental process, which involves 3D tech.

4. 0'56'' exciting study: restore diseased organ. challenge: lack of automated cell proliferation.

5. 1'16'' clouds of growing moisture observed in polar regions is explained by the increasing numbers of rocket launches.

6. 4'02'' shark bites: 1) self-alarm 3what 2) community protection actions 3) community response to after-shark-attack events.
作者: 百合倒影    时间: 2013-7-11 21:04
Mont Blanc is protected by its glaciers from erosion.
A study shows that Mont Blanc is protected by its glaciers. However, not all glaciers can protect the erosion of the mountain.
The Japanese are trying to grow a liver and use it to replace the sick one.
The meaning of the study and how long it can be applied to human
The clouds formed in the space may be a result of rocket lauches.
main idea: How to deal with shark attacks
-the suggestions to the bathers
-what the communities can do to prevent shark attacks and balance the costs with fear

谢谢ppx~ 这次的越障不太难也挺有意思的~
作者: GillSun    时间: 2013-7-11 21:38
谢谢PPX~     交作业!
Time 1  1'05''
Time 2  1'07''
Time 3  1'57''
Time 4  1'07''
Time 5  1'22''
Obstacle  4'33''
作者: chudewen    时间: 2013-7-11 21:43

Mont Blanc is protected by the glacier. This fact is opposite against the scientist knowledge which think the glacier reduce the moutain height.

the study team researched the reason why the glacier protects the Mont Blanc. the researcher thinks that as the global warming is coming, the ice melt will erosion the mountain.


Japanese scientist researched that the humane liver cells can be transplant into mice and grow a real liver whose function is same with the humane liver.

Austrilian scientist thinks that the application of this technic will meet some difficulities.
Because if the doctor injected the precursor cell into humane, the doctor can not produce the automated cell proliferation, this funtion will implement at least decade later.

The article introduce that the water increase at the high altitudes over the polar regions. The
reason is the increase of the launch of the rocket.


The author introduces several methods to avoid shark.
The first one is weather. never go to sea in 24 hours after storm
the second one is distance. never swin far away from the shore and swin alone.
Twons near cape cod should advertise or radio the risk of the shark near the shore.
作者: qingya    时间: 2013-7-11 21:59
【Time 1】00:01:42.32
【Time 2】00:01:32.83
【Time 3】00:02:24.72
【Time 4】00:01:24.14
【Time 5】00:02:14.55
【Time 6】00:06:05.72

how the public and governments respond to shark bites
//be dangerous and a healthy respect
"What's the weather?"
   "What's the time of day and the environmental conditions?"
"What am I doing?"
//conveying information to the public
encourage people to swim close to shore.
information on the weather and shark behavior can help.

after shark bites

作者: yyjfantasy    时间: 2013-7-12 06:51


作者: qiuhao871227    时间: 2013-7-12 19:25
The glaciers help Mont Blanc gain height and protect the mountain from erosion.
The experiment demonstrates that the role of glaciers is affected by temperatures.
The Japanese scientists wanted to transplant the precursor cells into humans and let them develop into replacements for diseased or damaged organs. They did liver experiments in the mice and found that liver buds could engraft to the mice.
Otherwise the experiment shows some merits but there are signifiant hurdles to clear before the technique reaches the clinic.
An unexpected increase in the water content of certain thin, wispy clouds at high altitudes over polar regins in 2011 and 2012 may be the result of more rocket launches.
Neff spoke to National Geographic about how communities and individues should do to deal with shark attack.
1. What should individues do?
2. What should communities do?
3. How does people response to shark bites changed over the years? What kind of action    should a community do after shark bites?
作者: Laurielin    时间: 2013-7-13 00:12
1 1'27 glaciers prevent mont blanc from erosion
2 1'20 the study about the finding above and the adds
3 2'41 an introduction of the experiment about transplant human's liver stem cells into mice
4 1'23
the experiment shows the precursor cells could be applied to organs but it still need long time to practice  
5 2'20 the rockets launches cause the moister and more frequent clouds  at high altitudes in recent 3 years
some suggestion that swimmers could avoid being attacked and government adopts to protect swimmers

作者: goldenpath    时间: 2013-7-13 06:57
1. 02:25  Scientists have discovered that the glacier have been working as a 'shield', protecting the low to high latitude mountaintops from erosion.

2. 02:33  The research team has discovered that the erosion is 16 times less effective in the coldest glacier area compare to the warmer area. But another Yale professor points out that the glacier does not guarantee to protect the mountain, glaciers with a wet base are very erosive.

3. 02:34  The sciencists in Japan has generated the functional human organ cells in lab then transplant it into human body, allowing it to grow into organ. This process will eliminated the complete transplant which rejected by the human immune system. Sciencists have tried to transplant the cells into mice and it works well so far.

4. However there is a limitation to this. In order to transplant the live buds into human body and let it grow into a complete organ, huge amount of cell buds are required. In order to get that much of cell buds a breakthrough in automated cell proliferation is reqiured. And this technology will not be available for at least a decade away.

作者: spencerX    时间: 2013-7-14 06:35


作者: daisydoris    时间: 2013-7-14 13:46
time 1 (210) 1'16
time 2 (221) 1'31
time 3 (337) 2'07
time 4 (254) 1'20
time 5 (299) 1'58
obstacle 5'18
作者: mdyuki1016    时间: 2013-7-14 18:07
Lap 6        00:07:12.69        00:19:15.96
Lap 5        00:02:36.76        00:12:03.27
Lap 4        00:02:01.88        00:09:26.51
Lap 3        00:03:26.37        00:07:24.62
Lap 2        00:02:16.58        00:03:58.25
Lap 1        00:01:41.66        00:01:41.66

作者: qi7ip    时间: 2013-7-14 21:32
Typically, glaciers are known to erode surfaces and transport sediment
but study suggests that the glaciers can protect the mountain from erosion
a study show that there is less erosion under coldest glaciers
but the role of glaciers will change with the increasing temperate
a achievement of transplanting cells to replace the damage organ make a new direction of transplanting tissue into humanbody
they find that mixture of  two type of livers  can from a liver buds then put them into animal body ,then they find that it is useful
cells can develop in many organs but it is diffcult to develop in V,
and there are another two problem:1 safety problem 2 practical problem(recent techque is not advanced to make a breakthrough in automated cell proliferation)
the high water content of cloud is due to the launch of rocket
give date to prove
introduce a topic how many people are bited by shark 提出现象
who should people do to reduce the risk of attack :1 weather 2 environment 3 what should we do 提出解决方法
what grovernment should do :1 convey information 2 ask people to swin close the shore 3 information about shark 解决方法
response to shark bites

作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2013-7-15 15:57

作者: bapear    时间: 2013-7-15 20:14

1.  2'02''  210words
2.  2'06''   221words
3.  06'05''  337words
4.  1'47''  254words
5.  07'49"  299words

shark attack .Neff.
how rare?  1 in 11.5million
3 rules: weather\time\not  alone.not depth, not jewelry
Cape Cod shark 严重,3 建议:1convey information;2close to shore;3weather and shark behavior
how response

作者: amberfuu    时间: 2013-7-15 20:36
Contract to what the typical belief that the glaciers usually result to the erode of the mountain, the new finding states that the glaciers prevent the mountain from eroding away.
The ice glaciers usually determine the shape of the mountain. When the bottom of glaciers is wet, the erodion is faster.

作者: wensd1111    时间: 2013-7-17 07:24
1 A 01:14
2 A 01:18
3 A 02:05
4 A 01:14
5 A 01:45
6 A 05:07
作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-7-17 09:59
作者: dorisxxy    时间: 2013-7-19 06:33
The passage reveals a new finding about supportive effect of glaciers.
The passage introduces the relationship between glaciers and erosion.
The passage introduces an experiment that exams induced cells.
The passage reveals the perspective of those cells in humans.
The passage analyses a finding about the cause of wispy clouds.
The passage suggests several ways to avoid the threat from sharks.

作者: 鸢尾yuanwei    时间: 2013-7-20 16:14

作者: coconutmi    时间: 2013-7-21 23:26

Make up of 7.17! So tired...and just  scaning....
作者: easonchild    时间: 2013-7-21 23:28
good luck!!
作者: 750750    时间: 2013-8-8 11:43


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