
标题: 天山03-38: [打印本页]

作者: 爱维的天    时间: 2004-12-29 00:05
标题: 天山03-38:

The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a
firm’s external environment and internal conditions, and in using the set of objective
criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide
on a strategy.

A. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide
B. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding
C. conditions and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, deciding
D. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide
E. conditions and, in their use of the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, they decide


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-7 10:32:38编辑过]

作者: Shuaishuai    时间: 2004-12-29 02:05
逼的没办法了选了D。B是不正确的,因为句子的意思decide是要和前面的examine并列做谓语。USING现在分词短语在句中做方式状语修饰decide和examine. 整个句子看起来有点饶是因为狡猾的ETS把USING短语提前了,放到句子最后就清楚了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-29 2:21:00编辑过]

作者: westlakegz    时间: 2005-1-7 08:48

我当时排除B是因为use to do sth.,而不是use in doing,而且B中的重心改变原句。


作者: hpp920    时间: 2005-1-7 10:27

爱维:using短语是做方式状语修饰decide. 如果放最后面就是修饰的decide和examine

B的错误一是在于"and they..." 用法即wordy, 又有句法歧义. 二是"use in doing" unidiomatic.

作者: 而今迈步从头越    时间: 2005-1-7 15:20
以下是引用爱维的天在2004-12-29 0:05:00的发言:

The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a
firm’s external environment and internal conditions, and in using the set of objective
criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide
on a strategy.

A. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide
B. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding
C. conditions and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, deciding
D. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide
E. conditions and, in their use of the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, they decide


B是肯定不对的,逗号表示and they...于前面的句子, 逻辑意思不合理;如果要表达和后面的executives examine a firm’s 。。。并列的话,不需要用这种分句来表达,而且要用that来和他并列;如果是和examine a firm’s 。。。并列的话,则只用and联结2个动词就可以了,逗号和they都不需要。

using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, 方式状语做插入语,修饰decide

作者: liu_9000    时间: 2005-1-9 07:09
以下是引用westlakegz在2005-1-7 8:48:00的发言:

我当时排除B是因为use to do sth.,而不是use in doing,而且B中的重心改变原句。



use sth to do sth/ use sth for doing sth 是习惯用法, 表示目的

但并不能说use sth. in doing sth. 是错的(我没有找到根据,如果说错了请大家纠正). 这里in doing sth并不是use的目的, 如果翻译成汉语,前者是: 用sth.来做...; 后者是: 做什么时用sth.


作者: audreylin100    时间: 2005-10-5 13:38



D. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide

將using 改成 in using 這樣還是對的嗎??

作者: philipsnf    时间: 2005-10-25 01:30
The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a
firm’s external environment and internal
conditions, and in using the set of objective
criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide
on a strategy.

A. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide (错在can decide之前没有动词可以对应,因为and连接的平行/并列结构,前后动词必须形式对称)
B. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding(错在they多余,并列结构应该省略相同的主语)
C. conditions and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, deciding (和A的错误一样,deciding无对应动词形式)
D. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide(正确。and连接动词examine和decide,using分词结构做壮语)
E. conditions and, in their use of the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, they decide(和B错误一样,they多余)

作者: z520m    时间: 2005-10-28 11:02
我本来也选B的,现在觉得B问题挺多的。in doing sth不正确,and they繁琐,确实D来的好
作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-6-15 16:18

examine不能和 can decide平行? 疑惑。。。

作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-6-16 09:39
作者: gldp    时间: 2006-6-16 12:03

俺不是NN,但可以讨论讨论. 以下是本人对前人的分析加了点自己的理解.

A. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide


B. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding(错在they多余,并列结构应该省略相同的主语)还有use sb/sth to do,use sb/sth in sth=idiom.

C. conditions and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, deciding (和A的错误一样,deciding无对应动词形式)in using 的错误同A.

D. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide(正确。and连接动词examine和decide,using分词结构做壮语)

E. conditions and, in their use of the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, they decide(和B错误一样,they多余),in 的用法.

作者: dudegmat2006    时间: 2006-7-11 20:38


A-"they" has no clear referent and the structure makes the sentence meaningless;

B-"they," plus, "deciding" is incorrect usage of the progressive tense and the structure still doesn't work;

C-"deciding" and structure;

E-"their" and "their," plus, wordy and awkward construction.

作者: ProfCPA    时间: 2006-7-19 09:52
作者: Dinaxie    时间: 2006-8-24 21:46


JB made..., and she remained....


作者: jamnboo    时间: 2006-10-20 23:07
  1. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide

  2. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding

  3. conditions, and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses,  deciding

  4. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide

  5. conditions, and in their use the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, decide


and如果被逗号隔开,接连的两个并列成分应该是两个完整的句子(就是B选项的结构),而and在逗号前的话,就应该连接句子中的两个动词:examin and decide


作者: unclekin    时间: 2006-11-2 13:41
作者: allerenfr    时间: 2007-1-1 16:49
  1. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide

  2. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding

  3. conditions, and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses,  deciding

  4. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide

  5. conditions, and in their use the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, decide


and如果被逗号隔开,接连的两个并列成分应该是两个完整的句子(就是B选项的结构),而and在逗号前的话,就应该连接句子中的两个动词:examin and decide


作者: dreamchaserdan    时间: 2007-2-15 23:10
只有逗号在and后面,选项(D)的decide前才可省略和前半句相同的主语,否则using the set...也无逻辑主语。
作者: ssl507    时间: 2007-7-19 17:00



executives using ... decide

作者: mimixiaxia    时间: 2007-9-4 12:59
作者: fortitude    时间: 2007-11-2 00:09
作者: longbai    时间: 2008-1-27 09:21


作者: xxy870128    时间: 2008-6-28 15:33
以下是引用顾风在2006-6-15 16:18:00的发言:

examine不能和 can decide平行? 疑惑。。。

这个CAN是情态动词  这里用的是情态动词补出原则   其实真正考试的时候你就看前面如果动词前面有情态动词  你就要有  如果前面没有就不能有  这里EXAMINE没有  直接看DECIDE也不能有     

作者: 夜凉如水    时间: 2008-7-21 18:09

D. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide

那两个, 把 using那段隔开,刚开始觉得奇怪。但是后来想到, 这个using是在decide的时候using的。

如果 放在文章最后, 那么前面 v and v, ing 理解上会有歧义 ,因为也可能using是在exam和decide的时候都using,就不符合逻辑了

所以这个using的位置好啊~! ETS对标点的运用令人拍案

作者: 白流苏    时间: 2008-8-4 09:23

using 和in using有区别么?


作者: 百草园Tracy    时间: 2008-10-3 21:02

in using有些wordy,伴随状语(或者说是方式状语)没有这种in+现在分词的

整个句子的主要结构是suggest that (should) examine and (should) decidedecide前面的是一个方式状语


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-3 21:03:34编辑过]

作者: teresa861122    时间: 2008-12-2 13:21



作者: librahjx    时间: 2009-2-20 10:18
以下是引用jamnboo在2006-10-20 23:07:00的发言:
  1. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide

  2. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding

  3. conditions, and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses,  deciding

  4. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide

  5. conditions, and in their use the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, decide


and如果被逗号隔开,接连的两个并列成分应该是两个完整的句子(就是B选项的结构),而and在逗号前的话,就应该连接句子中的两个动词:examin and decide




A sang and danced.(此处答案D为这种形式,executives examine…and, 插入语,decide…)

A sang, and B danced.

A sang; B danced.

open to discussion~

作者: Hendy    时间: 2014-11-24 01:22
thoughts from one another, that word forms a "boundary" that modifiers can't cross.

You should fill the form out, with blue or black ink, and then sign your name at the bottom.
--> "With blue or black ink" describes how you should fill out the form. It doesn't necessarily describe how you should sign the form.

You should fill the form out and then, with blue or black ink, sign your name at the bottom.
--> You should sign the form with blue or black ink. No information about how you should fill it out.

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