[quote]Part I
关于 Comma + -ING,要注意到可能有两种情况 1) noun modifier, 2) adverbial modifier.
很简单,结合 gramma + meaning (句子结构+句意)两者来解题。
所以Comma + -ING是否noun modifier,or adverbial modifier,根据语义来判断就好了。---RULE 1#
以下是我看了大家讨论后,给自己“拼凑”的一份总结,觉得基本讲清楚了所有的 comma + -ING。
(Stacey那段开头,解释了如何理解Comma + -ING有时既可以理解为 noun modifier,又能理解为 adverbial modifier) --- zhuang引用的 “aeoluseros 斑斑”的例子就属于这个类型,不用刻意去区别到底是noun modifier or adverbial modifier, they are the same in essence/meaning.
由于noun modifier比较基本,所以instructor的总结都比较侧重adverbial modifier的理解。但是具体是哪种,看句子的时候先参照 RULE 1#。
As a very general rule, think of a "comma -ing" as modifying the clause that it's touching (but the "comma -ing" could come at the beginning, middle, or end). When it comes at the beginning, we often think of it as a noun modifier, but it's still the same thing.
Slipping on the ice, I fell and broke my ankle. (Ouch!)
--> I'm not just trying to say that *I* slipped on the ice. I'm trying to say that, as a result of slipping on the ice, *I fell.*
I slipped on the ice, breaking my ankle.
--> again, it's not just that I broke my ankle - it's that I broke it because I slipped.
Note that I wouldn't say:
I fell and broke my ankle, slipping on the ice.
Why not?
--> In general, there's a sequence to these constructions. The thing that's written first happens first, and the second thing happens after, as a result of, as a consequence of the first thing.
"leading to" is a classic example of a COMMA + -ING modifier.
these modifiers refer to the subject and action of the preceding clause, and imply a very specific relationship between the modifier and the action in that clause: the -ING action must be either
(1)simultaneous with AND subordinate to, or
(2)a direct and inevitable consequence of,
the action in the main clause.
for instance:
my brother took extra courses every semester throughout his college career, graduating in only three years.
my brother ate frozen food every day throughout his college career, graduating in only three years.
-->incorrect. There are no grammatical issues with this sentence, but it's absurd in terms of meaning: there is no causal or consequential relationship between eating frozen food and graduating early.
that's a quick rundown on how to use COMMA + -ING.
Exception: Comma + -ING in complex expression (2+ svo) – meaning issue
also, bear in mind that there is some flexibility here -- if a comma + -ING modifier follows a complex expression that hasmore than one subject+verb pair, then you may have to use a certain amount of commonsense to distinguish what is modified.
the modifier still must modify the same rules, but could refer to either of the subject/verb combinations.
i carried a bag containing six incubators that enclosed baby chicks, supporting them with nutrients andheat.
here, the comma -ing modifier modifies only the second subject+verb pair. shown in color:
i carried a bag containing six incubators that enclosed baby chicks, supporting them with nutrients and heat.
i dropped a bag containingsix incubators that enclosed baby chicks, breaking two of them and endangering the chicks' lives.
here, the comma -ing modifier modifies the entire preceding clause. shown in color:
i dropped a bag (containingsix incubators that enclosed baby chicks), breaking two of them and endangering the chicks' lives.
如果看到这里还嫌不够晕ORZ。。。 再推荐这个拓展一下 ==+
关于V-ing SVO和SVO V-ing位置能否互换:(not a rule)
http://forum.chasedream.com/foru ... &page=3#pid16810231
: ) enkyklios太客气了,我看到你的总结了 很赞呀~~
ps. 大家顺便看看,OG是否还有超出Ron总结的部分情况存在~ Ron以前的确没提到noun modifier的情况,不过我猜想native speaker可能只是没太把noun modifier的情况放在心上吧。maybe~
Part II
我觉得这句话里面noun modifier和adverbial modifier的差别不大
因为按照读句子的顺序理解下来,doing 按照touch rule的确就会倾向于修饰前面的clause or noun。OG的解释里能够看出它这方面的偏好。(这点的原理有些类似于Stacey和Ron所举得例子中,there's a sequence to these constructions的原因。)
感觉你和zhuang的point都有各自的道理。这里我觉得就采用meaning的方式去解题吧。(其实不管noun modifier or adverbial modifier,都是Subject在doing嘛~)结合grammar和meaning,就不需要这些条条框框了~
中国人写的语法书? 不管是老美写的,还是中国人写的,这种简单的一刀切式的总结,抛下了语义不去考虑,都是有问题的。(时常可以有反例)
The man having come to school early this morning came to school again just now. --- apparently "having come" functions as an adjective
21. Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquire language.
至于这句,很难说是noun modifier还是adverbial modifier,因为Comma + -ING两种情况都有,剩下的需要用meaning去判定。(与having done无关,只要句意需要,noun modifier一样可以是having done)
在这句的情况下,根据meaning,不管noun modifier 还是 adverbial modifier都行的通。但是通常很多人(native speakers)倾向于认为这是一种noun modifier。不过他们本质上都是同一种东西。
发现了么~ 实际上,我将Stacey的总结用中文又说了一遍。她所概括虽然是Ving放句首作noun modifier,但实际和这里的情况是一致的。
When it comes at the beginning (or between Subject and Main Verb), we often think of it as a noun modifier, but it's still the same thing.
As a very general rule, think of a "comma -ing" as modifying the clause that it's touching (but the "comma -ing" could come at the beginning, middle, or end).
Comma + -ING 可做noun modifier(当然本质与adverbial modifier并没有区别)的情况,还比如:
OG12 SC 30 --- comma + protecting (1)
OG12 SC 65 --- comma + absorbing
OG12 SC 61 --- Rivaling + comma + Subject (2)
OG12 SC 67 --- Affording + comma + Subject
OG12 SC 21 --- Subject, having amassed, Main Verb (3)
OG12 SC 95 --- Subject, acting like, Main Verb
...... (, etc.)
OG12 SC 29 --- with noun doing, doing, and doing 中间的那个Comma + -ING (4)
Comma + -ED 只能作noun modifier的情况:
OG12 SC 28 --- comma + based on (5)
不知不觉把OG中所有的Comma + -ING 都翻了一遍,这次应该没问题了…… 我基本同意Stacey的看法~
最终我们要记住的不是(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)一共5种结构的变化,而是那句黄色的 General Summary。结合Meaning,就能做所有的comma + -ing了。
Part III
我想我应该解释清楚了 你再看看 刚才回去把其他几种类型的OG句子补充了上去
我的意思是,我同意有adverbial modifier的逻辑关系(虽然未必是你说的因果),我也同意noun modifier修饰主语补充信息的关系,因为语义上他们都行的通。
句子1句子2我认为都没问题,去掉having done,主句一样成立。
另外你现在有些钻牛角尖了,要知道,这里是否noun modifier or adverbial modifier 几乎不造成影响。即便是个different point,也是meaningless point。不值得花费过多精力深挖一个根本不可能考到的点。
Digging too much is another common mistake in preparing GMAT.
语法书的问题,如果你相信“权威”,那么请将它当做一个adverbial modifier。这不会影响你在G上面哪怕一丁点的成绩。
The man having finished a whole table of food cannot eat anything more.
---Why is this wrong?
The boat having crossed the bridge is safe now.
---Why is this wrong?
A man having made a mistake won't necessarily make it again.
---Why is this wrong?
This construction ABSOLUTELY makes sense.
Do you get the point?
the only difference between having done and doing is the former EMPHASIZES that one action happened JUST BEFORE another action.
The question having been talked about remains unsolved, as is in our case.
--- having been talked EMPHASIZES that we DID talk the question before, but STILL cannot reach an agreement.
yes, it seems uninstinctive, but it's true, just as more in GMAT are.
zhuangzhilingy 发表于 2013-6-24 19:54
Neuroscientists have amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain an ...
having done是完成时态,显然是要先于V所完成太多,和主句的V不在一个time frame,当having done作为adverbial modifier时,本来就是搬石头砸自己脚
铁板神猴 发表于 2013-6-25 00:31
汗 我觉得我像是被人拎出来加上重点符号大小写和颜色逐字逐句批斗了呀…… 压力略大
那个 enkykilos我支持 ...
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