标题: prep上的180题 求解求解谢谢各位〜〜〜〜〜〜 [打印本页] 作者: joanna5200 时间: 2013-6-2 11:37 标题: prep上的180题 求解求解谢谢各位〜〜〜〜〜〜 Noting that the FederalReserve had raised a key short-term interest rate again last month, analystssaid that they expected orders for durable goods to decline soon becauserisinginterest rates makes it more expensive to buy them on credit
A. rising interest rates makes it more expensive to buy them on credit
B. rising interest rates make buying on credit more expensive
C. a rise in interest rates make it more expensive to buy on credit
D. a rise in interest rates make buying on credit more expensive (B)
E. a rise in interest rates makes it more expensive forthem to be bought on credit
A选项语法笔记给出的解释是:make it more expensive tobuy them中them无所指,语法上指代orders,但逻辑上应该指代durablegoods
1不懂为什么语法上会指代orders啊?看句义就晓得应该指goods啊~而且goods算就近指代啊~是因为durable goods在介词短语里才不被指代嚒?~
3关于them they these指代好混乱啊,到底是就近指代还是符合语义嘞?求NN解救啊啊~~~
1)先看主谓一致,A, rates makes...排除!C/D a rise make..排除!
2)剩下B,E,稍作对比就可发现E中问题实在太多:it没有指代对象;for them to be bought on...wordy!
3)如果深层次的比较一下a rise in the interest和rising interest我们也能够得到答案:analyst 说希望orders能够decline,这说明这个interest rates是一个正在上涨的rate,故用rising interest; a rise in the interest rate是一个客观事实,不能表达出原句的intended meaning.(此处是语义上的subtle error,可以用来排除,但我相信楼主经过1,2两个步骤就已经可以得到正确答案了,效率岂不更高?)
我同意楼上的说法。不过要补充一点,写在楼下!作者: zxppx 时间: 2013-6-3 16:13
这里之所以会说them在语法上指代Orders,是因为durable goods是作为介词短语的宾语,是不能被清晰指代的。GMAT中出现过类似的考点,你可以看一下OG12第一题,C选项的解释:
As the object of a preposition and not the
subject of the clause, James Cook does not
work as the noun that the verbal phrase
beginning with naming can describe
但是我建议,最好不要用这种方法,因为只根据代词来判断,可能会出错!作者: htl9043 时间: 2013-6-3 17:57
我的看法和LZ提供的答案不太一样。我觉得这个them的问题在于前面出现过一个they了,在同一句话中不能指代两个不同的对象作者: joanna5200 时间: 2013-6-4 08:44
关于Pronoun ambiguity建议可以参见以下manhattan语法,其中有精彩的解释。我这里Quote一段如下:
“ What if the sentence contains only one pronoun but more than one possible antecedent?
【pronoun前有n個possible antecedents的情況】
1) 根據meaning、parallelism等原則來確定某個pronoun對應的possible antecedents
If the intended antecedent of a single pronoun is clear (e.g., by virtue of parallelism and meaning), and if there is no other reasonable antecedent, then don’t worry if there is an unreasonable antecedent somewhere else in the sentence.【如果按照上述原則判斷得出唯一的reasonable antecedent,這個antecedent就是該pronoun指代的內容。GMAT會認為這個句子是正確的!否則如果出現多於1個的reasonable antecedents,這個句子就會產生ambiguity,GMAT就會認為這個句子是錯誤的。】”作者: 云游 时间: 2013-6-4 12:04
For instance, even though you could find several possible antecedents before the pronoun, GMAT still consider this sentence acceptble only if the intended antecedent is clear(e.g., by virtues of parallelism and meaning). If we put this principle in this choice B, the antecedent definitely won't be the determiner to eliminate it. Here is a setence:“Supernovas destory their immediate environments in vast explorations, but by synthesizing heavy chemical elements, they provide the universe with the possibility of biochemistry-based life as we know it. ” This sentence is acceptable in GMAT since the antecedent of "they" is clear by virtues of meaning, even though several other possible antecedents exist before the pronoun "they".
As such I quoted several other tips from Manhatan SC(Hope that would be helpful on your understanding of pronoun in GMAT):
1. Don’t apply pronoun ambiguity unless you are backed into a corner.
2. The subject is the most important noun in the sentence; thus, it generally makes the best antecedent. 作者: joanna5200 时间: 2013-6-4 22:34
云游 发表于 2013-6-4 11:40
关于Pronoun ambiguity建议可以参见以下manhattan语法,其中有精彩的解释。我这里Quote一段如下:
“ W ...