申请m7和申请其他学校,这个难易程度还是容易知道的...作者: meetmiracle 时间: 2013-5-29 14:22
我觉得比起“难/易”来,把目标校按照想去的程度分级更好一些。先申请最想去的几所,无果再申请次之的,然后才是保底的,当然中间可以有些交错,还要看各校的申请截止时间。不先申保底的学校的原因在于给了offer之后就只有个把星期来作决定,而且一般都要交一定数额的deposit的,有些学校的金额还相当不低。所以如果保底校offer先来的话是会非常纠结的。作者: JonFrank 时间: 2013-6-6 17:35
Good question! Actually there are a lot of considerations you need to take into account when you figure out your application schedule, and only one of them is which schools you want to go to the most. Other things are - when you are starting, how much free time you have, what the essay questions are, what the deadlines are, how many schools you are trying to hit, etc. And I do think that your essays will get better with each school, and that you want to always keep writing, so that's two more!
All things considered, the best thing you can do is to have applied to your entire list by R1. And then you have all of R2 for leeway.
Jon Frank
HBS 2005作者: jhanas 时间: 2013-6-7 21:37
JonFrank 发表于 2013-6-6 17:35
Good question! Actually there are a lot of considerations you need to take into account when you fig ...
Hi Jon,
Thanks for your answers. and How long will it take to finish all the application packages including essays, resumes and etc for the B-school ? Is one-month enough?