
标题: 天山 3-22 [打印本页]

作者: neverback    时间: 2004-12-18 15:05
标题: 天山 3-22

Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been a search for the genuine and the
delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar not only unearthing many of
his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher
who draws
his inspiration from the idyllic frescoes of Etruscan tombs.
A. not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance
manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws
B. unearthing many of his recipes both from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts,
as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws
C. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as
well as a poet and a philosopher who draws
D. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts,
but also a poet and a philosopher drawing
E. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, a
poet and philosopher drawing




作者: Iawfy    时间: 2004-12-18 17:00

Giuseppe Alessi,一名世界定级的厨师,是一位熟练的学者. 在他的一生中,他一直都在搜索真正美味的Florentine cooking. 他从中世纪和文艺复兴的原稿中发掘出许多种配方, 仿佛一位诗人和哲人从生动逼真的伊特鲁里亚人的坟墓壁画一样.  (翻的不好,不过大概就这意思啦!)

E选项中a poet and philosopher drawing...好象和前一句没有什么关系, 缺少联系词, 所以E不对

作者: neverback    时间: 2004-12-18 18:55
作者: 爱维的天    时间: 2004-12-28 22:34
请问一下﹙C﹚的as well as是连接何者,又之后和and连用不会产生混淆吗?
作者: ckjy1234    时间: 2005-1-28 01:00

A, not only...but also 这个结构在这里错了,因为两个接的内容不对称。

B, well as 错了

D,没有not only


作者: 华籍美人    时间: 2005-7-29 10:47


而C a scholar who怎样,与as well as a poet and a philosopher who 怎样完全平行

作者: vancouverade    时间: 2005-9-21 15:42

and是连接 poet 和 a philosopher的,所以消除了和前面as well as 的混用

作者: leonchan    时间: 2005-11-7 17:55
2楼翻译的不对,句子主体是 GA is an accomplished scholar who unearths ..., as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws ....  是....,也是....
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-7 17:56:12编辑过]

作者: kevinchaung    时间: 2005-11-8 06:31

a poet and philosopher who draws

a poet and a philosopher who draws



而对于第二行的表达(正确选项中的表达)问题1,a poet and a philosopher是否存在歧义;问题2,假设此种表达可以忍受,那后面的谓语动词到底是单数还是复数?


作者: kevinchaung    时间: 2005-11-8 10:44
作者: katie83    时间: 2006-6-12 15:53
以下是引用neverback在2004-12-18 15:05:00的发言:

Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been a search for the genuine and the
delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar not only unearthing many of
his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher
who draws
his inspiration from the idyllic frescoes of Etruscan tombs.
A. not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance
manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws
B. unearthing many of his recipes both from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts,
as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws
C. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as
well as a poet and a philosopher who draws
D. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts,
but also a poet and a philosopher drawing
E. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, a
poet and philosopher drawing





Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been a search for the genuine and the delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws his inspiration from the idyllic frescoes of Etruscan tombs.

  1. not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws

  2. unearthing many of his recipes both from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws

  3. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws

  4. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, but also a poet and a philosopher drawing

  5. unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, a poet and philosopher drawing

作者: katie83    时间: 2006-6-12 15:57
我想问的是,b和c除了both and的区别你知道unearthing和who unearths有啥区别么

作者: wjqchasedream    时间: 2006-6-12 17:52


GA,...., is an accomplished scholar who......, a poet and a philosopher who....


作者: katie83    时间: 2006-6-12 18:49
以下是引用wjqchasedream在2006-6-12 17:52:00的发言:


GA,...., is an accomplished scholar who......, a poet and a philosopher who....


有道理.再有,分词结构代表经常性,重复性.客观性的动作, 定语从句作定语强调动作的一次性,具体时间的具体行为.而此处的unearth应该属于后者,所以,用定语从句好些.


作者: fiaoyaya    时间: 2006-6-19 18:39


who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws

我认为应该是a poet and philosopher,应该是说同一个人,根据高中的时候学的语法知识,说同一个人的时候,后面的a就应该去掉.



作者: dudegmat2006    时间: 2006-7-11 20:34

C; the underlined phrase must logically modify the opening independent clause logically, correctly structure the terminaly dependent clause, and logically connect the two. 

A-fails to achieve the first two requirements through the inappropriate usage of "...not only...but also;"

B-fails to achieve the first two requirements;

D-fails to achieve the last two;

E-also, fails to achieve the last two.

C correctly completes the independent clause with "who unearths," correctly structures the dependent clause with "who draws," and logically connects the two with "as well as." Here is the spine of the sentence, "Giuseppe an accomplished well as a poet and a philosopher who draws his inspiration from..." Finding the spine of the sentence, make sure it is sound--that's the key to understanding this question.

作者: mymengming    时间: 2006-7-12 19:39
以下是引用爱维的天在2004-12-28 22:34:00的发言:
请问一下﹙C﹚的as well as是连接何者,又之后和and连用不会产生混淆吗?


2楼翻译的不对,句子主体是 GA is an accomplished scholar who unearths ..., as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws .... 是....,也是....


作者: heshaohua666    时间: 2006-12-8 11:07
作者: fighteding    时间: 2006-12-30 18:12


作者: lika_dk    时间: 2006-12-30 23:55

A. not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws      unearthing 和a poet and philosopher 不平行

B. unearthing many of his recipes both from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a who draws philosopher        unearthing  和who draws 不平行

D. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, but also a poet and a philosopher drawing

  少NOT ONLY   unearths 和drawing 不平行

 E. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, a poet and philosopher drawing 

  unearths和  drawing  不平行  &  是个sentence fragements.

作者: lika_dk    时间: 2006-12-30 23:57

C选项如果不用AS WELL AS 原句就是个不完整的句子.因为没有连词.这里AS WELL AS 等于AND.

作者: lika_dk    时间: 2006-12-30 23:59
原句的结构 Giuseppe Alessi,...., is an accomplished scholar ........,as well as(=and) a poet and philosopher.........
作者: allerenfr    时间: 2007-1-1 17:05

as well as= and?

as well as 是副词性质吧

作者: stride    时间: 2007-1-10 23:15
以下是引用fiaoyaya在2006-6-19 18:39:00的发言:


who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws

我认为应该是a poet and philosopher,应该是说同一个人,根据高中的时候学的语法知识,说同一个人的时候,后面的a就应该去掉.




作者: mainline07    时间: 2007-1-11 06:00
标题: what is 天山 and GWD?

Hi. there, Would you please tell me What is 天山 and GWD stand for? I don't have idea as new comer.

Thanks a lot.

作者: fighteding    时间: 2007-1-12 16:39
以下是引用mainline07在2007-1-11 6:00:00的发言:

Hi. there, Would you please tell me What is 天山 and GWD stand for? I don't have idea as new comer.

Thanks a lot.

作者: nomade    时间: 2007-6-16 16:13

有人可以分別在這邊 poet 與 philosopher前有沒有 a 的差異嗎?

作者: ligaoping    时间: 2007-8-12 15:58
以下是引用nomade在2007-6-16 16:13:00的发言:

有人可以分別在這邊 poet 與 philosopher前有沒有 a 的差異嗎?



作者: sch    时间: 2007-10-31 06:47
觉得 a poet和philosopher是scholar的同位语:
XXX是一个从古籍里找菜谱的学者, 一个诗人或者哲人(who)从....得到灵感.

我觉得用后面poet 和 philosopher比喻性的做scholar的同位于,很ok啊.表示 XXX从古籍找菜单.就象诗人或者哲人从....找灵感

作者: 荷叶田田    时间: 2008-2-13 21:08
作者: tangyuehua    时间: 2008-2-17 20:03

有点意思,C项是唯一对称的选项,但是其中的a poet and a phylosogher who draws也根本无法解释,请好心的NN来帮帮忙,解释解释。

作者: sicivi    时间: 2008-8-30 06:39
作者: minirainbow    时间: 2008-9-22 10:53

可以理解(C)在結構上比較對稱,但是(C)選的"a poet and a philosopher who draws" 真的很怪~~~~


作者: nolanola    时间: 2008-12-13 21:09

我觉得这个题的考点不是a poet and a philosopher who draws,

但是是不是可以理解成这样的结构,a, as well as b and c.

B.的错误我觉得是在 both from medieval and fromRenaissance manuscripts, 没了个FROM不平行吧?

作者: 苹果古    时间: 2009-8-19 17:29

Giuseppe Alessi,。。。。is an accomplished scholar。。。as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws

这里的who 指的是Giuseppe Alessi,他既是个scholar,又是诗人和哲学家

作者: 苹果古    时间: 2009-8-19 17:30


作者: jean1280    时间: 2009-10-8 01:39
以下是引用tangyuehua在2008/2/17 20:03:00的发言:

有点意思,C项是唯一对称的选项,但是其中的a poet and a phylosogher who draws也根本无法解释,请好心的NN来帮帮忙,解释解释。


作者: dreamwst    时间: 2011-5-7 12:44

a poet and a phylosogher who draws 从语意上看只能用 draws 因为 其实who 逻辑上的意思指代对象是Giuseppe Alessi 这一个人

去除中间部分是 : Giuseppe Alessi is a poet and a phylosogher who draws...

两个概念词都是指同一个人. 类似于这种结构 A of B and C that... that 从句修饰A

如果用了复数谓语反倒逻辑上不通:Giuseppe Alessi 成了两个人了

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