
标题: GWD 5-37 [打印本页]

作者: neverback    时间: 2004-12-17 15:00
标题: GWD 5-37

Even more than mountainside slides of mud or snow, naturally occurring forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees. Aspens’ need for fire may seem illogical since aspens are particularly vulnerable to fires; whereas the bark of most trees consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark is a living, functioning tissue that—along with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly to fire.

The explanation is that each aspen, while appearing to exist separately as a single tree, is in fact only the stem or shoot of a far larger organism.  A group of thousands of aspens can actually constitute a single organism, called a clone, that shares an interconnected root system and a unique set of genes.  Thus, when one aspen—a single stem—dies, the entire clone is affected.  While alive, a stem sends hormones into the root

system to suppress formation of further stems.  But when the stem dies, its hormone signal also ceases.  If a clone loses many stems simultaneously, the resulting hormonal imbalance triggers a huge increase in new, rapidly growing shoots that can outnumber the ones destroyed.  An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.  Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove’s borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens.(35)

Q37:The author of the passage refers to “the bark of most trees” (line 6) most likely in order to emphasize the

  • vulnerability of aspens to damage from fire when compared to other trees

  • rapidity with which trees other than aspens succumb to destruction by fire

  • relatively great degree of difficulty with which aspens catch on fire when compared to other trees

  • difference in appearance between the bark of aspens and that of other trees

  • benefits of fire to the survival of various types of trees

  • MINE C

    ANS A


    作者: Patrice    时间: 2004-12-20 20:31


    The primary purpose of the passage is to explain the


    1. qualities that make a particular organism unique
    2. evolutionary change undergone by a particular organism
    3. reasons that a phenomenon benefits a particular organism
    4. way in which two particular organisms compete for a resource
    5. means by which a particular organism has been able to survive in a barren region

    ANS: C   


    It can be inferred from the passage that when aspen groves experience a “disturbance” (line 30), such a disturbance


    1. leads to a hormonal imbalance within an aspen clone
    2. provides soil conditions that are favorable for new shoots
    3. thins out aspen groves that have become overly dense
    4. suppresses the formation of too many new aspen stems
    5. protects aspen groves by primarily destroying coniferous trees rather than aspens

    ANS: A   


    作者: delia12345    时间: 2004-12-22 08:19
    以下是引用neverback在2004-12-17 15:00:00的发言:

    Even more than mountainside slides of mud or snow, naturally occurring forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees. Aspens’ need for fire may seem illogical since aspens are particularly vulnerable to fires; whereas the bark of most trees consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark is a living, functioning tissue that—along with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly to fire.

    The explanation is that each aspen, while appearing to exist separately as a single tree, is in fact only the stem or shoot of a far larger organism.  A group of thousands of aspens can actually constitute a single organism, called a clone, that shares an interconnected root system and a unique set of genes.  Thus, when one aspen—a single stem—dies, the entire clone is affected.  While alive, a stem sends hormones into the root

    system to suppress formation of further stems.  But when the stem dies, its hormone signal also ceases.  If a clone loses many stems simultaneously, the resulting hormonal imbalance triggers a huge increase in new, rapidly growing shoots that can outnumber the ones destroyed.  An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.  Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove’s borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens.(35)

    Q37:The author of the passage refers to “the bark of most trees” (line 6) most likely in order to emphasize the

    1. vulnerability of aspens to damage from fire when compared to other trees

    2. rapidity with which trees other than aspens succumb to destruction by fire

    3. relatively great degree of difficulty with which aspens catch on fire when compared to other trees

    4. difference in appearance between the bark of aspens and that of other trees

    5. benefits of fire to the survival of various types of trees

    MINE C

    ANS A


    作者: cy9175    时间: 2005-1-2 17:13

    Aspens’ need for fire may seem illogical since aspens are particularly vulnerable to fires; whereas the bark of most trees consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark is a living, functioning tissue that—along with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly to fire.

    Aspen 对火的需要似乎有问题,因为aspens are vulnerable to fires。 然后他就解释了,大部分树的树皮都是死细胞,烧了也不怕,可是aspen 的树皮却是 a living, functioning tissue 并且和树的其他部分一起,一烧就死。


    作者: ziwingfong    时间: 2005-2-6 00:29


    The primary purpose of the passage is to explain the


    1. qualities that make a particular organism unique
    2. evolutionary change undergone by a particular organism
    3. reasons that a phenomenon benefits a particular organism
    4. way in which two particular organisms compete for a resource
    5. means by which a particular organism has been able to survive in a barren region


    作者: ziwingfong    时间: 2005-2-6 00:34


    It can be inferred from the passage that when aspen groves experience a “disturbance” (line 30), such a disturbance


    1. leads to a hormonal imbalance within an aspen clone
    2. provides soil conditions that are favorable for new shoots
    3. thins out aspen groves that have become overly dense
    4. suppresses the formation of too many new aspen stems
    5. protects aspen groves by primarily destroying coniferous trees rather than aspens



    作者: helenefz    时间: 2005-2-6 17:09
    以下是引用ziwingfong在2005-2-6 0:29:00的发言:


    The primary purpose of the passage is to explain the


    1. qualities that make a particular organism unique
    2. evolutionary change undergone by a particular organism
    3. reasons that a phenomenon benefits a particular organism
    4. way in which two particular organisms compete for a resource
    5. means by which a particular organism has been able to survive in a barren region


    文章没有说a是生长在barren region。文章都是在说明火对a的生长有什么帮助。

    作者: helenefz    时间: 2005-2-6 17:21
    以下是引用ziwingfong在2005-2-6 0:34:00的发言:


    It can be inferred from the passage that when aspen groves experience a “disturbance” (line 30), such a disturbance


    1. leads to a hormonal imbalance within an aspen clone
    2. provides soil conditions that are favorable for new shoots
    3. thins out aspen groves that have become overly dense
    4. suppresses the formation of too many new aspen stems
    5. protects aspen groves by primarily destroying coniferous trees rather than aspens



    An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.  Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove’s borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens

    这里的disturbance和fire是对上面的总结。就是a要经历disturbance才生长的更好。下面的coniferous trees可以看作一种disturbance。但是文章没有对它进行分析,实际上作者想表明这个coniferous trees对a的生长是有益的。E的意思与之相反。

    作者: ziwingfong    时间: 2005-2-9 14:51

    这里的disturbance和fire是对上面的总结。就是a要经历disturbance才生长的更好。下面的coniferous trees可以看作一种disturbance。但是文章没有对它进行分析,实际上作者想表明这个coniferous trees对a的生长是有益的。E的意思与之相反。



    作者: billytang1980    时间: 2005-2-18 09:20


    作者: jd-benyou    时间: 2005-2-19 08:31


    作者: autumn_leaves    时间: 2005-3-24 17:05



    whereas the bark of most trees consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark is a living, functioning tissue that—along with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly to fire.


    rapidity with which trees other than aspens succumb to destruction by fire


    作者: autumn_leaves    时间: 2005-4-7 02:14


    作者: tqbiao    时间: 2005-4-15 14:17
    以下是引用autumn_leaves在2005-3-24 17:05:00的发言:



    whereas the bark of most trees consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark is a living, functioning tissue that—along with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly to fire.


    rapidity with which trees other than aspens succumb to destruction by fire




    题目问的是 in order to emphasize the

    也就是说作者写这段话希望强调的东西,显然不是trees other than aspens,作者希望表达的是aspens的特点,因此b错。


    作者: Maggiewjy    时间: 2005-4-30 18:53


    forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees. Aspens’ need for fire may seem illogical since aspens are particularly vulnerable to fires; whereas the bark of most trees consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark is a living, functioning tissue that—along with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly to fire.

    强对比是考点。aspens易着火,却需要火。而the bark of most trees 由于有很多死细胞。这推出--火有利于aspens的活细胞。正好与A选项不谋而合。C错在说aspens 难着火。

    作者: Maggiewjy    时间: 2005-4-30 18:58


    The primary purpose of the passage is to explain the


    1. qualities that make a particular organism unique
    2. evolutionary change undergone by a particular organism
    3. reasons that a phenomenon benefits a particular organism
    4. way in which two particular organisms compete for a resource
    5. means by which a particular organism has been able to survive in a barren region


    E中说的能在贫脊的地方生长。文中不是侧重点。--naturally occurring forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees. 火有助于aspens成活。火--phenomenon,aspen--clone--particular oragnism.符合。这题关键是找出作者的意图。。。



    作者: Maggiewjy    时间: 2005-4-30 19:01


    It can be inferred from the passage that when aspen groves experience a “disturbance” (line 30), such a disturbance


    1. leads to a hormonal imbalance within an aspen clone
    2. provides soil conditions that are favorable for new shoots
    3. thins out aspen groves that have become overly dense
    4. suppresses the formation of too many new aspen stems
    5. protects aspen groves by primarily destroying coniferous trees rather than aspens

    ANS: A   

    回原文定位。If a clone loses many stems simultaneously, the resulting hormonal imbalance triggers a huge increase in new, rapidly growing shoots that can outnumber the ones destroyed.  An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.  显然是选A。E中的coniferous trees 不是在该处出现。用排除法就可。


    作者: puccamummy    时间: 2005-11-7 12:13
    以下是引用helenefz在2005-2-6 17:21:00的发言:

    An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.  Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove’s borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens

    这里的disturbance和fire是对上面的总结。就是a要经历disturbance才生长的更好。下面的coniferous trees可以看作一种disturbance。但是文章没有对它进行分析,实际上作者想表明这个coniferous trees对a的生长是有益的。E的意思与之相反。


    感觉文章是说:fire之类的disturbance可以刺激促进Aspen的生长。否则,coniferous trees就会慢慢侵入Aspen的领地,然后遮住Aspen生长需要的阳光,使得Aspen消亡。

    A觉得只是回答了其中某个过程或者某个现象——引起其中那个aspen clone的hormonal imbalance。这并不是disturbance最后真正导致的结果。

    作者: seasnow    时间: 2006-1-21 04:55
    以下是引用helenefz在2005-2-6 17:21:00的发言:

    An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.  Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove’s borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens

    这里的disturbance和fire是对上面的总结。就是a要经历disturbance才生长的更好。下面的coniferous trees可以看作一种disturbance。但是文章没有对它进行分析,实际上作者想表明这个coniferous trees对a的生长是有益的。E的意思与之相反。




    作者: wycg    时间: 2006-1-21 09:45
    以下是引用seasnow在2006-1-21 4:55:00的发言:





    E说是destory掉针叶林而不是destory  杨树.这个说法不好.原文一直在说要用火烧杨树才对杨树有利.而用火烧就是destroy拉.所以E说法不妥.

    作者: powerful    时间: 2008-6-18 02:49
    以下是引用neverback在2004-12-17 15:00:00的发言:

    Even more than mountainside slides
    of mud or snow, naturally occurring forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees.
    Aspens’ need for fire may seem illogical
    since aspens are particularly vulnerable
    to fires; whereas the bark of most trees
    consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark is a living, functioning tissue that—along
    with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly
    to fire.

    The explanation is that each aspen, while appearing to exist separately as a single tree, is in fact only the stem or shoot of a far larger organism.  A group of thousands of aspens can actually constitute a single organism, called a clone, that shares an interconnected root system and a unique set of genes.  Thus, when one aspen—a single stem—dies, the entire clone is affected.  While alive, a stem sends hormones into the root

    system to suppress formation of further stems.  But when the stem dies, its hormone signal also ceases.  If a clone loses many stems simultaneously, the resulting hormonal imbalance triggers a huge increase in new, rapidly growing shoots that can outnumber the ones destroyed.  An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.  Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove’s borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens.(35)

    Q37:The author of the passage refers to “the bark of most trees” (line 6) most likely in order to emphasize the

    1. vulnerability of aspens to damage from fire when compared to other trees

    2. rapidity with which trees other than aspens succumb to destruction by fire

    3. relatively great degree of difficulty with which aspens catch on fire when compared to other trees

    4. difference in appearance between the bark of aspens and that of other trees

    5. benefits of fire to the survival of various types of trees

    MINE C

    ANS A


    关键理解succumbs这个词, 屈服, 屈从, 的意思

    作者: icindy    时间: 2009-3-31 08:48


    作者: 孙维容    时间: 2010-7-9 15:22
    omg I chose B...
    作者: 取巧    时间: 2010-7-26 21:45
    作者: SAGA5    时间: 2010-8-5 22:31
    作者: SAGA5    时间: 2010-8-5 22:38
    It can be inferred from the passage that when aspen groves experience a “disturbance” (line 30), such a disturbance
    A.    leads to a hormonal imbalance within an aspen clone
    B.    provides soil conditions that are favorable for new shoots
    C.    thins out aspen groves that have become overly dense
    D.    suppresses the formation of too many new aspen stems
    E.    protects aspen groves by primarily destroying coniferous trees rather than aspens

    E是迷惑选项。诱导你定位错误。首先就要定位到If a clone (25) loses many stems simultaneously, the resulting hormonal imbalance triggers a huge increase in new, rapidly growing shoots that can outnumber the ones destroyed足够选A

    如果不放心,E也是错的,disturbance确实protect了ASPEN,但是不是以 by primarily destroying coniferous trees rather than aspens的方式。因为火等其他Disturbance不仅destroy毁了树也同样烧毁了ASPEN,只是烧毁对SAPEN是有好处的,因为如A所述。
    作者: 小伊YSY    时间: 2010-8-14 20:44
    作者: 小伊YSY    时间: 2010-8-14 20:44
    作者: enjoygmat2013    时间: 2013-10-6 11:50
    试着解释36题。我一开始选了D,怎么也想不明白为什么A对,后来发现是自己想反了。嗯,首先要明确Aspen的生长目标是regenerate和spread,但是呢, 这种树的stem会给root传递荷尔蒙让他不许长得太多太快。那么怎么办呢,就一把火烧掉一些stem,让他没法向root传递这种信号,root就能长得多多多的,远远比烧掉地那些多,所以牺牲小我,换来大我,何乐而不为捏。所以这种以fire为代表的disturbance 就是造成了这样一种可以不遏制植物生长的imbalance。这里的imbalance没有贬义啦,就是和以前那种在压抑节制中的生长相反而已。
    作者: Amy洛洛    时间: 2017-5-1 10:00
    enjoygmat2013 发表于 2013-10-6 11:50
    试着解释36题。我一开始选了D,怎么也想不明白为什么A对,后来发现是自己想反了。嗯,首先要明确Aspen的生 ...


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