
标题: 513败北不甘心,放狗攒人品 [打印本页]

作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-13 18:48
标题: 513败北不甘心,放狗攒人品

作文写一家Credit Card Company想通过抽一部分钱donate给a well-known environmental organization,以此在credit card上显示环保logo,然后increase new customers and the use of existing customers. 提到说,a recent poll显示很多人都很关心environmental issues。他们认为,采取donate的policy,就可以吸引更多客户,或许收益。这样,就算他们的interest rate比competitor高,客户也会选择使用他们公司的credit card。

IR只记得有道题说是一个人要叫孩子帮忙harvest fruit,然后是要付钱给孩子的。然后两天,分别按照两张方式付钱。一天是按照工作时间给钱,一天是按照收获的amount给钱。给了五个选项,问那种情况支持方式1,哪种情况支持方式2.


PS记得有道题说健康指数I=705W/H^2, W是体重,H是身高。 一个人H=70,I=26.5 问W要减少多少,才能使I=25 选项给的都是大约多少,有10,15,其他没记住,我算出来10.5来着,选了10
PS: 2008^2008-2008^2007=2008^X*2007^Y,问X+Y=? 我选2008

2)  3^2X*9^Y=81
DS还有题,说有一群人上课,其中30个人上information service课,问有多少人上又上information service课,又上accounting课

阅读考到了JJ里的美索不达米亚和埃及文明,boater,这两篇的题目具体不记得了,但反正JJ里都提到了。感觉讲emission tax的那篇和JJ里的有点不一样,估计是变体。
还有一篇JJ里貌似没有,是讲妇女地位的。先说了很多人觉得medieval时期比successing age 妇女的地位更平等,然后作者反驳了。第二段举了很多例子来反驳,第三段说很多人依然坚持原来的观点,举了两个人赞成原来观点的理由的例子,作者一一反驳

想起来有道题目,说下列是美罗不达米亚和埃及的不同based on geographic character。。EXCEPT!
A size of settlement
B number of city-states
C 一下子想不起来了
D the function of wall
E the access of craft 什么的,记得不太清楚了



作者: vocaloidgakupo    时间: 2013-5-13 18:51
作者: Jinny123    时间: 2013-5-13 18:55
作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-13 19:07
作者: bellashi    时间: 2013-5-13 19:17
语文 美索的 是跟托福加试的题一样么?
作者: poornewbie    时间: 2013-5-13 19:17
感谢露珠 加油加油~
作者: piglet9218    时间: 2013-5-13 19:19
作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-5-13 19:22
作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-13 19:42
bellashi 发表于 2013-5-13 19:17
语文 美索的 是跟托福加试的题一样么?

作者: bellashi    时间: 2013-5-13 19:55
Katherine715 发表于 2013-5-13 19:42

那题目呢?1.The word astonishing in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) important
(B) unknown
(C) amazing
(D) interesting

2.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
(A) A great civilization arose in Mesopotamia, the “land between the rivers” under pharaonic rule. 发源于美索不达米亚的伟大文明,在paranonic统治之下的“两河之间的土地”
(B) Egypt and another great civilization both developed in Mesopotamia between 3500 and 3000 B.C.
(C) A great civilization arose in Mesopotamia between 3500 and 3000 B.C. at the same time that ancient Egypt was being united.
(D) As Egypt was being united under pharaonic rule, a great civilization arose there.

3.The phrase its substance refers to
(A) the political history of ancient Mesopotamia古代美索不达米亚政治的历史
(B) divine kingship
(C) Egypt
(D) the sudden collapse of military power

4.The word obscure in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) unclear
(B) unique
(C) controversial
(D) important

5.The author mentions Nor did they share the Egyptians’ concern with the hereafter, in order to作者提到 也不分享埃及人关于从今以后的担忧 为了。。。
(A) To provide one explanation for the relatively few physical remains of ancient Sumerian society.为相对少的关于古代苏美尔社会物理遗迹提供一个解释
(B) To explain why ancient Sumerian built with mud brick and wood rather than with stone.
(C) To help account for the fact that tombs and vaulted chambers have been found only at Ur.
(D) To counter the claim that all ancient societies paid great attention to the afterlife.

6.According to the passage, it can be inferred that the City of Ur is located in Ur 城(乌尔城)位于
(A) Egypt
(B) Persia
(C) northern Mesopotamia
(D) near the confluence of Tigris and Euphrates底格里斯河和幼发拉底河的附近

7.The word vast in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) random
(B) very large
(C) surprising
(D) relatively small

8.According to paragraph 2 and 3, the physical characteristics of Mesopotamia affected Sumerian civilization in all of the following ways EXCEPT: 根据2、3、段美索不达米亚影响苏美尔文明,除了哪方面(A) Foreign invasions were made easy.
(B) Creating and maintaining political stability was made difficult.
(C) Continuity of cultural and artistic traditions could not be achieved.
文化和艺术传统的一致性 得不到
(D) Sumerian architecture could not produce long-lasting structures
9.Look at the four [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage.
Despite these achievements, scholars know much less about Sumerian life than they would like. 尽管这些成就,学者们对于苏美尔人的生活知道的更少,比起他们爱好什么而言
Where would the sentence best fit?

10.According to paragraph 4, what evidence is used to support the claim that the idea of divine ownership was not “a mere pious fiction”? 对于神的所有权并不仅仅“是虔诚的虚构”这一论点支持的证据是
(A) The idea of divine ownership originated with the kings of Sumerian city-state.
(B) The idea of divine ownership was the reason why a large part of the harvest was offered to the god.
(C) The idea of divine ownership eventually came to replace “theocratic socialism”.
(D) The idea of divine ownership served as the basis for the economic organization of Sumerian society. 神的所有权服务于苏美尔社会的经济组织形式的基础

11.,The word considerable in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) substantial
(B) fixed
(C) valuable
(D) limited.

12,In the above passage, all of the following were true of the local god EXCEPT 哪项不是关于当地的神的事实
(A) The local god owned everything and everyone in the city-state.
(B) The local god represented the subjects of the city-state to other gods.
(C) The local god communicated with the people of the city-state through a human ruler.
(D) The local god sometimes fought against the local gods of rival city-states 当地的神有时候同竞争的城邦的神作战

作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-13 20:09
bellashi 发表于 2013-5-13 19:55
那题目呢?1.The word astonishing in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) important
(B) unknown ...

想起来有道题目,说下列下列是美罗不达米亚和埃及的不同based on geographic character。。EXCEPT!
A size of settlement
B number of city-states
C 一下子想不起来了
D the function of wall
E the access of craft 什么的,记得不太清楚了
作者: emilu    时间: 2013-5-13 20:10
作者: bellashi    时间: 2013-5-13 20:16
作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-13 20:20
bellashi 发表于 2013-5-13 20:16

作者: bellashi    时间: 2013-5-13 20:35
Katherine715 发表于 2013-5-13 20:20

It is an astonishing fact that human civilization should have emerged into the light of history in two separate places at just about the same time. Between 3500 and 3000 B.C. when Egypt was being united under pharaonic rule other great civilization arose in Mesopotamia the “land between the rivers.” And for close to three thousand years, the two rival centers retained their distinct characters, even though they had contact with each other from their earliest beginnings, and their destinies were interwoven in many ways. The pressure that forced the inhabitants of both regions to abandon the pattern of Neolithic village life may well have been the same. But the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, unlike that of the Nile, is not a narrow fertile strip protected by desert on either side. It resembles a wide, shallow trough with few natural defenses, crisscrossed by two great rivers and their tributaries, and is easily encroached upon from any direction.
Thus the facts of geography tended to discourage the idea of uniting the entire Mesopotamian area under a single head. Rulers who had this ambition did not appear, so far as we know, until about one thousand years after the beginning of Mesopotamian civilization, and they succeeded in carrying it out only for brief periods and at the cost of almost continuous warfare. As a consequence, the political history of ancient Mesopotamia has no underlying theme of the sort that divine kingship provides for Egypt. Local rivalries foreign incursions, the sudden upsurge and equally sudden collapse of military power–those are its substance. Against such a disturbed background, the continuity of cultural and artistic traditions seems all the more remarkable. This common heritage is very largely the creation of the founders of Mesopotamian Civilization, whom we call Sumerians after the region of Sumer, which they inhabited, near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates.
The origin of the Sumerians remains obscure. Their language is unrelated to any other known tongue. Sometimes before 4,000 B.C. they came to southern Mesopotamia, from Persia, and there, within the next thousand years, they founded a number of city-states and developed their distinctive form of writing in cuneiform (wedge-shaped) characters on clay tablets. nUnfortunately, the tangible remains of Sumerian civilization are extremely scanty compared to those of ancient Egypt. nBuilding stone being unavailable in Mesopotamia, the Sumerians used mud brick and wood, so that almost nothing is left of their architecture except the foundation. nNor did they share the Egyptians' concern with the hereafter, although some richly endowed tombs in the shape of vaulted chambers below ground from the early dynastic period have been found in the city of Ur. nOur knowledge of Sumerian Civilization thus depends very largely on chance fragments brought to light by excavation, including vast numbers of inscribed clay tablets. Yet we have learned enough to form a general picture of this vigorous, inventive, and disciplined people.
Each Sumerian city-state had its own local god, who was regarded as its king and owner. It also had a human ruler, the steward of the divine sovereign, who led the people in serving the deity. The local god, in return, was expected to plead the cause of his subjects among his fellow deities who controlled the forces of nature such as wind and weather, water, fertility, and the heavenly bodies. Nor was the idea of divine ownership treated as a mere pious fiction. The god was quite literally believed to own not only the territory of the city-state but also the labor power of the population and its products. All these were subject to his commands, transmitted to the people by his human steward. The result was an economic system that has been dubbed “theocratic socialism”, a planned society whose administrative center was the temple. The temple controlled the pooling of labor and resources for communal enterprises, such as the building of dikes or irrigation ditches, and it collected and distributed a considerable part of the harvest. All this required the keeping of detailed written records. Hence, we need not be surprised to find that the texts of early Sumerian inscriptions deal very largely with economic and administrative rather than religious matters, although writing was a priestly privilege.使这个原文么?
作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-13 20:41
bellashi 发表于 2013-5-13 20:35
It is an astonishing fact that human civilization should have emerged into the light of history in ...

作者: 鞋鞋鞋    时间: 2013-5-13 21:49
作者: rena7777777    时间: 2013-5-13 22:11
谢谢亲的狗狗!!!~~~~再接再厉 杀G杀G!!
作者: cookie0020    时间: 2013-5-13 22:13
作者: supertea    时间: 2013-5-14 00:15
作者: jackcheng1987    时间: 2013-5-14 08:28
作者: Hugateddybear    时间: 2013-5-14 10:39
KK加油~ 你其实很厉害的~能记住这么多证明你真的读懂呢!
V1【by justsoxxg 730】
Carbon cap and trade systems三段,第一段介绍了这个cap and tradeof air pollution. 第二段说最有效的方式就是拍卖这些rights,但是企业不干,因为以前他们不需要付钱排放,但是现在要了。于是在欧洲呢很多政客弄了一些free的permit。这种不确定数量的permit让企业不能提前安排计划。第三段说还是收污染税更好。介绍了一下污染税,说他们可以让企业更好的计划,让企业说客(有题)无可奈何,还能用来抵税。Cap and trade is an environmental policytool that delivers results with a mandatory cap on emissions while providingsources flexibility in how they comply. Successful cap and trade programsreward innovation, efficiency, and early action and provide strictenvironmental accountability without inhibiting economic growth.
V2【by LprinceWang】
大概是说某类公司会有什么污染,出台了一种方法。第二段说这方法其实有很多不好的地方,使公司的成本增加,貌似还有些公司用什么方法free of charge。第三段说有另一种方法,征税,这样公司的纳税成本可以在另一方面得到弥补,就不会抗议了。
V3【by ffffighting 730】
第一段:carbon and trade啥方法,通过auction的方式(污染少的把指标竞标给污染多的企业貌似),挺好。第二段:carbon and trade啥的不好之处,企业难以计算成本啥的。没细看涅。第三段:好方法还是跟tax有关,这样企业可以计算自己成本啦。最后一句还说political的什么(负面)可以被怎样很好地消除(如同逻辑里的support,好像是从corporate其他cost消除)。1. 主旨啊貌似:我选了tax好过carbon啥的。2. 3.不记得了。
V4【byyoungerlee 760】
P1:介绍了一下emission cab的交易模式,就是每个公司有一定的污染排放额度,那些控制污染成本低的公司就可以把额度卖给成本高的公司。P2:但介玩应儿有坏处,就是那些公司的说客会游说国会,提高额度。P3:说用征税的方式会好点儿,但这种方法也有问题,还是那帮政客,他们会在同意污染税提高的同时,要求把其他税降下来。Q:tax的弊端---最后一句的改写,大家仔细看一下,我没看清考古V1:碳排放权强调征税好于拍卖排放权!第一段讲买卖碳排放权介绍下概念有题第一段讲啥选介绍概念之类的。第二段讲买卖碳排放权不好的原因。会受到政治因素之类的。第三段应该有施行征收排放税这样好过买卖碳排放权V2:讲一个污染减排权(大概是这个意思)的交易市场p1:介绍这种市场,就是说有工厂的减排目标达不到,可以购买其他厂的减排目标,即把这个减排压力转到其他厂身上。p2:欧盟就形成了一个这样的市场。但是这种市场有很大局限,因为容易被政治左右还是怎么的p3:提出一个通过tax什么的来实现减排的措施,说这个措施比那个交易市场好,因为。。。。。V3:(700+)关于二氧化碳碳排放:P1:政府规定了二氧化碳的排放量,这种排放量的配额可以在各个公司之间买卖,例如可以以很低成本减排的企业,它用不完的配额就可以卖给那些减排成本很高、配额不够用的企业P2:说了这种控制碳排放方法的缺点,好像是强有力的企业巨头能够游说政府提高配额什么的P3:建议了一种更有效的方法就是征收排放税V4:(750)买卖碳排放权P1.说了一下买卖碳排放权的运作机制和主要作用(此处有题,问第一段作用)P2.虽然这个出发点是好的,但是最终碳排放权的分配会受到政治权利的影响,产生寻租的情况,最终不能达到目的P3.提议用tax的方法,可以有效控制碳排放,企业也能计算自己的未来费用(此处有问tax的方法的好处)有一题主旨题
(730)p1 讲了emission cap。介绍了一种市场,各企业可以在上面交换他们的permission,从而使某些企业通过付出一些cost获得较大的污染排放量。这样做比起死规定每个企业的排放量要more efficient。p2 虽然上面介绍的那种方法看起来好,但是执行起来有阻力(政治上的)。企业觉得原来排污不用给钱,现在要,所以很不爽(请无视我的语言表达,反正大概那个意思。。。)一些大企业会想办法阻止这种政策的实施,这里主要是指政治上的。所以这种方法操作起来并不太方便。p3 介绍了emission tax。说这个好。执行的时候可以通过减少corporation tax in exchange of 公司pay emission tax.考了一道问第一段的作用。正确的我忘了,汗,大概是说provide ooxx????...但是我当时肯定排除了引入emission cap概念的那一项,因为觉得第一段主要不是在阐述那个概念,还是侧重作用。另外三项应该不会有干扰。
1).问第一段的作用:狗狗里V5说肯定排除了“引入emission cap概念”的这个选项,我觉得是对的。我选的是另一个“介绍一种economic machenism”。其他3个很好排除的。2).文章最后一句说“征收碳排放税可能引起一些政客的置疑,但是该问题可以通过相应减少其他其他税负的方法来得以解决”。有题问好像是问”以下关于最后一段哪个可能是对的”,我选的是“企业的其他税负有所下降,因为征收碳排放税的缘故”。但是这题文中用的好像是虚拟语气,但是选项里用的是现在完成时,所以有点不确定。但是题目的题干里问的又是诸如推测是对的之类也不是很肯定的词,我就选了这个。

作者: RainRuan    时间: 2013-5-14 14:47
作者: Spencer125    时间: 2013-5-14 15:37
作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-14 18:34
Hugateddybear 发表于 2013-5-14 10:39
KK加油~ 你其实很厉害的~能记住这么多证明你真的读懂呢!
V1【by justsoxxg 730】

作者: Hugateddybear    时间: 2013-5-14 19:11
Katherine715 发表于 2013-5-14 18:34

作者: Katherine715    时间: 2013-5-14 19:43
Hugateddybear 发表于 2013-5-14 19:11


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