孙宝红教授目前为长江商学院市场营销教授、杰出院长讲席教授、国际项目副院长。她在美国南加州大学获得博士学位。在加入长江商学院之前,曾任教于Carengie Mellon University, UC Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill作为营销领域专家,曾任卡内基梅隆大学的Carnegie Bosch讲席教授,Xerox研究讲席教授。孙宝红博士拥有丰富的公司咨询经验,服务过的公司包括PNC银行,Bell South,青岛啤酒和IBM公司等。她是《市场营销科学》和《市场营销学刊》等专业学术期刊编委会成员,并在包括芝加哥大学、沃顿商学院、康奈尔大学、加州大学伯克利分校、印弟安那大学等美国多所知名大学发表过演讲。此外,她还分别是美国市场营销学会和美国经济学委员会成员。
- 消费者理性和策略性选择及动态模型
- 市场营销的动态和互动混合,消费者关系管理
- 交叉分类和依赖状态的消费者选择及动态促销影响
- 新产品预测和调研设计
- Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, INFORMS, 2009
- Faculty fellow for 2008 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2008
- Faculty fellow for 2007 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2007
- MBA George Leland Bach Teaching Award, CMU, 2006
- Faculty fellow for 2007 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2006
- Faculty fellow for 2006 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2006
- CART Research Frontier Award for Innovative Research, CMU, 2005
- Xerox Research Chair Professor, CMU, 2004-05
- Selected to Marketing Young Scholars Program, MSI, 2004
- MBA All Star Teaching Award, UNC, 2003
- MBA Master Teacher, UNC, 2003
- Academic Achievement Award, USC, 1995
- Academic Achievement Award, USC, 1993
- "The ISMS Durable Goods Datasets," Jian Ni and Scott Neslin (database article). Marketing Science, 2012, 31(6), 1008-13.
- "Ushering Buyers into Electronic Channels." Nishitha Langer, Chris Forman, Sunder Kekre, and Baohong Sun. Information Systems Research, 2012, 23(4),1212-31.
- "A Dynamic Structural Model of the Impact of Loyalty Programs on Customer Behavior," Praveen Kopalle, Scott A. Neslin, Baohong Sun, Yacheng Sun, and Vanitha Swaminathan. Marketing Science, 2012 (31(2), 216-235.
- "Cross-Selling the Right Product to the Right Customer at the Right Time," Shibo Li, Alan Montgomery and Baohong Sun, Journal of Marketing Research, 2011, 48(4), 683-700.
- "Learning and Acting Upon Customer Information: A Simulation-Based Demonstration on Service Allocations with Offshore Centers," Sun, Baohong and Shibo Li, Journal of Marketing Research, 2011, 48(1), 72-86.
- "Testing for Choice Dynamics in Panel Data," Tulin Erdem, Michael Katz, and Baohong Sun, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2010, 8(3), 303.
- "Why Do Consumers Buy Extended Service Contracts?" Tao Chen, Ajay Kalra, and Baohong Sun, Journal of Consumer Research, 2009, 36(4), 661-623.
- "An Empirical Investigation of the Dynamic Effect of Marlboro's Permanent Pricing Shift," Tao Chen, Baohong Sun, and Vishal Singh, 2009, Marketing Science, 28(4), 740-758.
- "Internet Auction Features as Quality Signals," Shibo Li, Kannan Srinivasan and Baohong Sun, 2009, Journal of Marketing, 73(1), 75-92.
- "A Dynamic Model of Brand Choice When Price and Advertising Signal Product Quality." Erdem, Tulin, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 2008, Marketing Science, 27(6), 1111-1129. (Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, INFORMS)
- "The impact of advertising on consumer price sensitivity in experience goods markets," Erdem, Tulin, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 2008, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 6 (2), p139-176.
- "Promotion Effect on Endogenous Consumption," Baohong Sun, 2005, Marketing Science, 24(3), 430-443.
- "Cross-selling Sequentially Ordered Products: An Application to Consumer Banking Services," Shibo Li, Baohong Sun and Ronald Wilcox, 2004, Journal of Marketing Research, 42 (2), 233-240.(2005-2007 Journal of Marketing Research Most-Cited Articles)
- "Product Strategy for Innovators in Markets with Network Effects," Baohong Sun, Jinhong Xie and H. Henry Cao, 2004, Marketing Science, 23 (2), 243-254.
- "Measuring The Impact of Promotions on Brand Switching Under Rational Consumer Behavior," Baohong Sun, Scott Neslin, Kannan Srinivasan, 2003, Journal of Marketing Research, 40, 4, 389-405.
- "An Empirical Investigation of Spillover Effects of Marketing Mix Strategy in Umbrella Branding," Tulin Erdem and Baohong Sun, 2002, Journal of Marketing Research, 39, 4, 408-420.
- "Understanding the Reference Price Shopper: A Within and Cross-Category Analysis," Tulin Erdem, Glenn Mayhew and Baohong Sun, 2001, Journal of Marketing Research, 38, 4, 445-457.
- "Missing Price and Coupon Availability Data in Scanner Panels: Correcting for the Self-Selection Bias in the Choice Model Parameters," Tulin Erdem, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 1999, Journal of Econometrics, 89, 1-2, 177-196.
- "Modeling Survey Response Bias - with An Application to the Demand for An Advanced Electronic Device Service," Cheng Hsiao and Baohong Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 1999, 89, 1-2, 15-39, (lead article).