VO: Hello
ME: Good afternoon,sir
VO: Good afternoon (顺手把材料递进去)
VO: What's university?
ME: the university of Texas at Dallas
VO: are you going to get bachelor degree?
ME: No, master.(此时暗喜,一定是卖萌了)
VO: What are you going to study?
ME: Accounting
VO: When will you get bachelor degree?
ME: Last year
VO: You graduated?
ME: Yes (VO 一定认同我的萌属性了!)
VO: What did you do after graduation?
ME: I prepared for my TOEFL and GMAT test. I also traveled to many places in our country.(VO笑了~居然笑~~好帅!!!)
VO: What are your parents do?
ME: My mother is a teacher, my father is a doctor.
VO: Where do they work?
ME: My mother work in ...... My father work in the hospital of .....(我也不知道我说的什么了...我说的绝对不是我爸妈的工作单位,因为我根本不知道该怎么说……)
VO: (此时VO 玩儿了一会儿电脑) 之后 you have no problem to get this visa.(护照,DS-160确认页留下,I 20,sevis 收据递给我)
ME: thank you
小歪 USC 建筑master 我一直觉得我肯定比他水,因为他的专业太有意思了。
VO: Please give me your passport.
小歪:各处找passport…… (卖萌!!!)
VO:On your hand……
VO:What will you study ?
小歪:…… 说了一个专业名词 XXX……
VO:Can you explain XXX
VO: Who will pay for your study?
小歪:My parents
VO:What's your parents job?
小歪:My father is a …in… My mother is a …in …(歪童鞋以极快的语速爆完)
VO:玩电脑…… OK Your visa has been issued.
小歪:Thank you