Please raise any of your questions for Ross School of Business, University of Michiganl MBA2007 admission. The admission director will answer those questions in next week.
Due to the admission director's unforcasted changed in schedule, the interview is delayed to earlier January. Hope I can get the second round application result by that time! Sorry about the delay. Thanks!
Go Blue!
3、如果在Round2 deadline之前递交了application package, 而没有约上Round 2的面试(umbs要求在1月14日之前),怎么办?是否会被算到R3?
1. community college 的成绩是完全被接受的,不会影响录取。
2. 你可以在被录取前或录取后提交资金证明,自由选择。
3. 成绩单寄送原件和网上填写成绩并不冲突,为了方便adcom审阅材料,如果晚上要求填写成绩还是填上吧。
4. 如果没约到第二轮面试,你只能先等interview invitation了,不过一般最好的情况也是你会被放到waitlist上。跟adcom联系一下看有没有可能给你提供一个面试机会,实在不行就申请一个第三轮面试吧。
5. 对于课程问题,网站上都有很详细的介绍,如果问adcom这种问题,你就有麻烦了。
Sorry all, but as I've mentioned, please ask some more meaningful questions to the director. Please post all the other quesitons regarding the application process in the Michigan thread.
If you've confirmed that the interview deadline is postponed, then you are safe. Yes, please submit your application package before Jan. 7th.
How many student of MBA program is Ross School planing to give admission? What is the rate of famale ones ?
Every year, Michigan admits about 430 students, 30% are female(All the info are online)
Please everyone, don't depends too much on us to provide you the info that you can easily find on Michigan's website! Do your own homework!
And please go to this thread for these kind of questions:
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