EG1:She was playing with ther friends when the babysitter arrived.
EG2: She played with ther friends when the babysitter arrived.
第一个句子中,she was playing表示背景动作,发生在arrived之前。我是这样理解的:babysitter来的时候,she正在playing,那么play的动作已经开始了,那么play发生在arrived之前;
但是第二句中,"In second case, the acion played took place after the babysitter arrived. Both actions are in the simple past and express equal levels of importance.
恩恩,不客气哈~作者: angelina30205 时间: 2014-1-21 08:09
谢谢Jay, 我对时态的理解又清晰了点儿~作者: angelina30205 时间: 2014-1-21 10:06
Unfortunately for the commuters who lost their lives when the bridge collapsed, the engineer had not been honest at the preliminary public safety commission hearing, when he had been questioned about the structure’s weight-bearing abilities.