
标题: 跪求大神解答该逻辑题 [打印本页]

作者: ganshuiji    时间: 2013-4-15 21:55
标题: 跪求大神解答该逻辑题
A researcher discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend to score much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high immune-system activity. The reseacher concluded from this experiment that the immune system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease.
The researcher's conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions ?

A. High immune-system activity protects against mental illness better than normal immune-system activity does.
B. Mental illness is similar to physical disease in its effects on body systems.
C. People with high immune-system activity cannot develop mental illness.
D. Mental illness does not cause people's immune-system activity to decrease.
E. Psycological treatment of mental illness is not as effective as is medical treatment.


参考答案给的是D,给的解释是说the reseacher asserts that immune-system activity can inhibit mental illness as it does physical illness. While it is possible that mental illness might itself depress immune-system activity, the reseacher assumes that this is not the case. If mental illness caused a decline in immune-system activity, then lower levels of immune-system activity would be expected as a result, and the higher levels would merely indicate the absence of illness rather than any effect on illness.


作者: mamaliang    时间: 2013-4-15 22:24

B: Mental illness is similar to physical disease in its effects on body systems.
否定B: Mental illness is not similar to physical disease in its effects on body systems.
否定之后,结论the immune system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease并没有崩溃。不管mental illness和physical disease是否有相似的effects on body systems, 免疫系统都可以protect against mental illness and against physical disease。
还有就是effects on body systems其实是irrelevant的,因为passage中没有谈到关于effects of mental illness的任何东西。

其实这一类的题是属于manhattan CR里的Assumptions can eliminate alternate causes for a given conclusion。
Premise: A和B有关
Conclusion: A推出B
Assumption: B不能推出A
A=people who have low levels of immune-system activity
B=score much lower on tests of mental health (mental illness)
作者: gmf    时间: 2013-4-16 10:51
楼主你好!我开始看这道题也选了B. 因为很大程度被出题者骗到了。

之所以说骗到了是因为出题者成功的将我们的注意力从:levels of immune-system activity & mental illness 吸引到:mental illness & physical disease。其实这两个地方都有作者的assumption。如果楼主你明白了D项为什么对,那么请试想一下,即使证实了B项 mental illness & physical disease作用相同,能够得出immune system protects against...来吗?思考一下,还是不能!就像OG解释说的那样:higher levels would merely indicate the absence of illness rather than any effect on illness.


整理下思路:levels of immune-system activity & mental illness 的关系--> immune system protects against mental illness &  physical disease。D项完美的使得 immune system protects against mental illness 成立,虽然 physical disease没有解释清楚,但比起其他选项最正确!

作者: ganshuiji    时间: 2013-4-16 20:21
gmf 发表于 2013-4-16 10:51
楼主你好!我开始看这道题也选了B. 因为很大程度被出题者骗到了。

之所以说骗到了是因为出题者成功的将我 ...

作者: ganshuiji    时间: 2013-4-16 20:26
mamaliang 发表于 2013-4-15 22:24
找assumption的题就是要找一个必要但不充分条件。如果在很纠结的情况下,可以做否定然后判断。如果否定assu ...

跪谢大神指教,表示没看manhattan CR,立马啃去。。跪谢。。
作者: ganshuiji    时间: 2013-4-16 20:32
mamaliang 发表于 2013-4-15 22:24
找assumption的题就是要找一个必要但不充分条件。如果在很纠结的情况下,可以做否定然后判断。如果否定assu ...

作者: ganshuiji    时间: 2013-4-16 20:49
mamaliang 发表于 2013-4-15 22:24
找assumption的题就是要找一个必要但不充分条件。如果在很纠结的情况下,可以做否定然后判断。如果否定assu ...

大神,我更大的问题是不是在于把B项理解错了,我理解的B项是说mental desease和physical desease对身体系统有相同影响,即有相同病理,也就是说免疫系统对这两个病有相同的抵御能力。暂且先不考虑D项所解决的bug,将前文理解为免疫系统能抵御mental desease,既然免疫系统能抵御mental desease,那么也能抵御physical desease。在这个角度上说,B项也应该是结论的必要不充分条件啊。虽然D项的假设比B项更基础,没有D项有B项也没用,但是哪个假设更基础并不影响其对结论的作用啊,因为没有B项有D项不是照样没用。
作者: mamaliang    时间: 2013-4-17 09:52
ganshuiji 发表于 2013-4-16 20:49
大神,我更大的问题是不是在于把B项理解错了,我理解的B项是说mental desease和physical desease对身体系 ...

我不是大神噢~ 我也是在慢慢学习CR,咱们一起多交流学习心得啊~

我觉得你的理解里面啊,有一个点的逻辑有些缺陷。你说“mental desease和physical desease对身体系统有相同影响,即有相同病理”,就推出说“免疫系统对这两个病有相同的抵御能力”。
1. 原文的结论只是说免疫系统能抵抗mental illness as well as physical disease, 并没有说对这两个病有相同的抵御能力。
2. 假设结论就如你所说的“免疫系统对这两个病有相同的抵御能力”,那要使这个结论成立,我们必须要有的条件是“mental desease和physical desease对身体系统有相同病理”吗?我不是学医的哦,当我觉得并不是必须。举个可能不太恰当的例子“板蓝根对感冒和发烧都有相同的抵抗能力。。。(就是喝了板蓝根感冒和发烧都能好。。。板蓝根真是万能药啊。。。哈哈)但是感冒和发烧的对身体系统的病理也不是一样的哦。


作者: pharmacystar    时间: 2013-4-18 00:06
免疫系统本来就会保护人from physical disease
这题核心是mental disease
as well as本来就不是句子重心
作者: ganshuiji    时间: 2013-4-23 21:21
pharmacystar 发表于 2013-4-18 00:06
免疫系统本来就会保护人from physical disease

作者: ganshuiji    时间: 2013-4-23 21:34
mamaliang 发表于 2013-4-17 09:52
我不是大神噢~ 我也是在慢慢学习CR,咱们一起多交流学习心得啊~

我觉得你的理解里面啊,有一个点的逻辑 ...

作者: mamaliang    时间: 2013-4-23 21:52
ganshuiji 发表于 2013-4-23 21:34
嗯,跪谢答复。。我主要是想通过对错误答案的探究寻找自己思维的缺陷,如果能通过这个考试对自己的思维有 ...

多交流~ 互相学习。我也通过去回答别人的提问学到很多呢~~

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