标题: OG13 CR93 [打印本页] 作者: godld 时间: 2013-4-14 19:27 标题: OG13 CR93 Commentator:Thetheory oftrade retaliation states thatcountriesclosedoutofanyofanothercountry's
marketsshouldclose some of theirownmarketsto the othercountryin order to pressure the othercountryto
reopen itsmarkets.If everycountryactedaccordingtothis theory, nocountrywouldtradewithanyother.
Thecommentator'sargument relies onwhichof thefollowing assumptions?
(A) Nocountryactuallyacts according to the theory of traderetaliation.
(B) No country should block any of its markets to foreign trade.
(0 Tradedisputesshould besettledby international tribunal.
(D) For any twocountries,atleast one hassomemarket closed to the other.
(E) Countries close their markets to foreigners to protect domestic producers.
The answer is D, which I agree can be reckoned as the assumption of the THEORY, yet NOT the COMMENTATOR.
So the truth is this CR question has flaw.作者: godld 时间: 2013-4-14 19:44
Studiesin restaurantsshowthat thetips left bycustomerswhopaytheir billin cashtend to belarger whenthe
billispresentedonatray thatbearsacredit-cardlogo. Consumerpsychologistshypothesizethatsimplyseeing
a credit-card logo makesmanycredit-card holderswillingto spend more because it reminds them that their
spending power exceeds the cash theyhaveimmediately available.
Whichof thefollowing, if true, most strongly supports thepsychologists'interpretation of the studies?
(A) The effect noted in the studies is notlimited to patrons who have credit cards.
(B) Patronswhoareunderfinancial pressurefrom their credit-cardobligationstend to tip lesswhenpresented
witharestaurantbillon a traywitha credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo.
(0 In virtuallyallof thecasesin the studies, the patrons who paidbillsin cash did notpossesscredit cards.
(D) In general, restaurant patrons who pay theirbillsin cashleave larger tips than do those whopay by
(E) Thepercentageofrestaurant billspaidwithagivenbrand of credit cardincreases when that credit card's
logo is displayedonthetray with which the bill is presented.
Incredible B be the answer!