
标题: 【新题求解答】OG13 97~求版主们牛牛们解答!!!关于that和ving的问题!!搜了帖子木有... [打印本页]

作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 16:49
标题: 【新题求解答】OG13 97~求版主们牛牛们解答!!!关于that和ving的问题!!搜了帖子木有...
some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world's people is the result of a "population bottleneck"--at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation.
(A) at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers
(B) that at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event that greatly reduced their numbers
(C) that sometime in the past our ancestors suffered an event so that their numbers were greatly reduced
(D) some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event from which their numbers were greatly reduced
(E) some time in the past, that our ancestors suffered an event so as to reduce their numbers greatly,            

A    The omission of that after dash makes the function of the final clause unclear. The structure makes that clause appear to be an awkward and rhetorically puzzling separate assertion that the writer has appended to the prior claim about what the anthropologists believe. The agent or cause of reducing is unclear.         

问题: 1、我看了看dash的用法,按句意应该是理解成解释说明,那就等于colon,而colon后可加完整的句子,也可加不完整的,如果替换成colon的话,那这句话就变成some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world's people is the result of a "population bottleneck":at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation. 所以,我想问为什么必须留下that呢?OG的解释感觉不太能说服我。难道冒号后用个完整地句子说明就和前面没有联系了么?                                                            
           2、想问一下这里的comma+ving,看了baby姐的关于ving的解释,刷OG也碰到好多题,但是这句有点不理解OG的解释,问题是:为什么cause of reducing就不clear了呢?难道不能理解成为结果状语么?即ancestor suffered an event,说是immediate consequence也能说通啊(比如突然遇到大火,然后马上就reduced numbers了)

           3、也就是因为第二个问题所以又把我弄糊涂了,想问:comma+ving这种放在句尾,如果是伴随状语(或别的什么都好),如果有多个句子时,到底是修饰它前面的这个主句(可能在整个句子里充当从句,比如说:some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world's people is the result of a "population bottleneck"—that at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation.),还是整个句子的主句呢?意思就是:比如说这个句子我在破折号后加上that,但是后面依旧用reducing,那此时reducing按语法要求上应该是修饰that从句里的 ancestors suffered and event还是 大主句里的some anthropologist believe 又或者是believe里面的从句genetic homogenetity is the result of呢?【虽然唯一合乎逻辑的是第一个,我是想问,但是有没有规定的语法要求就是要修饰临近的这个,还是说只能根据逻辑判断?】                     

The underlined part of this sentence is an explanatory rewording of the clause that follows believe. Scientists believe that X—[in other woeds,] that Y. In this construction, X and Y are parallel clauses.
是有这个习语么,必须后面是that Y?我觉得按句意理解完全可以不看成believe的宾语,而单纯理解为对population bottleneck的解释啊...(又回到第一个问题了)     


作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 18:45
作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 18:51
enkyklios 发表于 2013-4-12 18:45

作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 18:55
你写的东西太长,我也没有时间细看。但是有一条必须说明;那个 reducing their numbers显然需要作定语,也就是说那个even reduce b ……。但是A选项中显然它没有办法完全这个任务,且不说那个their有没有问题,但就前边有逗号来说,就不是一个名词修饰了。
作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 18:58
enkyklios 发表于 2013-4-12 18:55
你写的东西太长,我也没有时间细看。但是有一条必须说明;那个 reducing their numbers显然需要作定语,也 ...

umm,我就是觉得为什么非得做定语呢?有理由么?如果理解为suffered an event,然后comma+reducing是结果状语啊~~~
作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 19:19
结果状语可不可以加???  当然可以,但是A选项中的却不能?? 至于为什么论坛里已经对这个论述的太多了,你自己查一下。我现在告诉你印像就不深刻了
作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 20:43
enkyklios 发表于 2013-4-12 19:19
结果状语可不可以加???  当然可以,但是A选项中的却不能?? 至于为什么论坛里已经对这个论述的太多了, ...

不明白啊= =我看了ving的贴,不都是说要求是DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE么?但是也能说通啊,(比如那个event是突然遇到大火,然后马上就reduced numbers了,不就是direct and immediate consequence么)
作者: adamzjw    时间: 2013-4-12 20:46
The structure makes that clause appear to be an awkward and rhetorically puzzling separate assertion that the writer has appended to the prior claim about what the anthropologists believe.

(这里应该没有一个选项可以让后句修饰population bottleneck,

2)our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers
这个的问题主要Present participle可以多种修饰方式。
如果是定语从句,那是the event reduced the numbers
如果是状语,那就要考虑主语。 但,reduce 这个动作的发出者不是 our ancestors,所以这样的说法是有问题的。
因此OG说 The agent or cause of reducing is unclear。


作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 20:49
呵呵,我不是黑侠,试着给你解释一下, 状语从句你试着把它补成一个句子;  ancestor reduce their numbers,,能说的通吗?  reduing的动作发出者是ancestor逻辑上是有问题的
作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 20:50
作者: rylstar01    时间: 2013-4-12 21:52
1)句子结构为:Some anthropologist believe that the genetic homogeneity the result...-- that...our ancestors suffered an event...

2)我觉得这题的类型在OG12是没有出现过的,以前看到的Dash,都是对就近名词的解释比较多;但是这里的话,直接是整个that从句的解释。破折号的作用为“换句话说”,OG解释 Scientists believe that X—[in other words,] that Y. In this construction, X and Y are parallel clauses. 这应该算是一个平行吧,genetic homogeneity evident is the result (X)与 our ancestors suffered an event(Y);说明Y是对X的另一个解释

3)我们假设A是正确的,some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world's people is the result of a "population bottleneck"【--at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event】, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation.
这个时候,reducing的逻辑主语为some anthropologists,而不是an event,导致了The agent or cause of reducing is unclear.

作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 23:17
adamzjw 发表于 2013-4-12 20:46
如果没有that,你可以理解成后半句是对前面一整句的补充 ...
(The structure makes that clause appear to be an awkward and rhetorically puzzling separate assertion that the writer has appended to the prior claim about what the anthropologists believe.)

(这里应该没有一个选项可以让后句修饰population bottleneck,

2)our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers
这个的问题主要Present participle可以多种修饰方式。
如果是定语从句,那是the event reduced the numbers
如果是状语,那就要考虑主语。 但,reduce 这个动作的发出者不是 our ancestors,所以这样的说法是有问题的。
因此OG说 The agent or cause of reducing is unclear。


1、嗯...我是觉得把dash当成colon来用,不是comma,所以是对“popullation bottleneck”的的解释说明,而于colon的用法是可加完整句子可不加,为什么就和前面分开了呢?感觉不太能说服我啊,因为A可以理解成解释了population bottleneck(有种同位语的感觉?)

2、我感觉这里的ving是当状语,像这个帖子的分类总结,  属于第三类的结果状语:
“V-ing表示结果状语时,其没有单纯的逻辑主语,造成V-ing动作的原因是整个主句主谓描述的内容"因此这里的reducing没有单纯的逻辑主语,而是前面的ancestors suffered an event整个主句造成的结果
作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 23:19
enkyklios 发表于 2013-4-12 20:49
呵呵,我不是黑侠,试着给你解释一下, 状语从句你试着把它补成一个句子;  ancestor reduce their numbers ...
呵呵,我不是黑侠,试着给你解释一下, 状语从句你试着把它补成一个句子;  ancestor reduce their numbers,,能说的通吗?  reduing的动作发出者是ancestor逻辑上是有问题的

ummm 如果是结果状语从句是没有逻辑主语的啊,之前看baby姐她们的解释好像是这样,就不要求补出ancestor当主语了
" V-ing表示结果状语时,其没有单纯的逻辑主语,造成V-ing动作的原因是整个主句主谓描述的内容”
作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 23:31
1)句子结构为:Some anthropologist believe that the genetic homogeneity the result...-- that...our ancestors suffered an event...

2)我觉得这题的类型在OG12是没有出现过的,以前看到的Dash,都是对就近名词的解释比较多;但是这里的话,直接是整个that从句的解释。破折号的作用为“换句话说”,OG解释 Scientists believe that X—[in other words,] that Y. In this construction, X and Y are parallel clauses. 这应该算是一个平行吧,genetic homogeneity evident is the result (X)与 our ancestors suffered an event(Y);说明Y是对X的另一个解释

3)我们假设A是正确的,some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world's people is the result of a "population bottleneck"【--at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event】, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation.
这个时候,reducing的逻辑主语为some anthropologists,而不是an event,导致了The agent or cause of reducing is unclear.

1,2、嗯嗯,我理解OG里解释的那个that...that结构,如果要用的话那就平行。不过就是有点说服不了为什么不能把dash理解成colon,像以前题目一样也是“对就近名词的解释呢?”A项解释population bottleneck就【(The structure makes that clause appear to be an awkward and rhetorically puzzling separate assertion that the writer has appended to the prior claim about what the anthropologists believe】


作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 23:33
The snow lasted a week, resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.             感觉一下,当然是雪持续一周导致的,但是和本句有什么不同?
作者: Yui1991    时间: 2013-4-12 23:42
enkyklios 发表于 2013-4-12 23:33
The snow lasted a week, resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.             感觉 ...

The snow lasted a week, resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.             感觉一下,当然是雪持续一周导致的,但是和本句有什么不同?


at some time in the past
our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers.
                                     The snow lasted a week, resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.

作者: rylstar01    时间: 2013-4-12 23:43
Yui1991 发表于 2013-4-12 23:31
1,2、嗯嗯,我理解OG里解释的那个that...that结构,如果要用的话那就平行。不过就是有点说服不了为什么 ...

1,我觉得dash就是在这里面colon的作用;从X这角度解析,然后再换Y角度来解释。I believe that X—— that Y;因为X是个从句,而且‘——’,Y部分也是从句,而不是就近修饰的 population bottle neck;所以为了不造成歧义,Y部分得用that引导,直接跟that X平行。
作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 23:44
我的建议;分词作结果状语最好前边是主谓或者被动 就像The snow lasted a week, resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.
               2 如果不幸遇到主谓宾的结构。你又要判断分词作结果状语最好它的逻辑主语是句子的主语。In Sydney the Chinese team got 28gold medals,ranking third of all the competing countries

作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-4-12 23:51


at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers.
                                     The snow lasted a week, resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.

作者: hpnew07    时间: 2013-4-13 05:18
首先,dash,colon,和comma的用法是有区别的,具体请见曼哈顿语法 5th edition Chapter 10 odds & ends,不过个人觉得对本题选哪个影响不大


"-ing form can even modify an entire clause as long as the entire clause converted into a noun phrase could function as the subject of the verb that is now in -ing form" -- 摘自曼哈顿 Chapter 6 Modifiers (似乎我很喜欢曼哈顿语法,哈哈,主要是觉得对我启发比较大吧)

再回来看题目,比较make sense的说法应该是event reduced number,比前面一整句描述的事情 reduced number 感觉更合适。
作者: adamzjw    时间: 2013-4-13 10:57
Yui1991 发表于 2013-4-12 23:17
1、嗯...我是觉得把dash当成colon来用,不是comma,所以是对“popullation bottleneck”的的解释说明, ...

1) 我的point在于,即使是colon,你怎么确定后面这句话是修饰entire clause还是that clause还是popullation bottleneck?
这句话利用parallel that 来处理这个问题。

2) Investors sold the stock rapidly, causing panic
在Manh对这句的解释中,是 the rapid sale of the stoch caused panic。
说明在Present Participle表结果的时候,主语是主句的动词。

那suffering of certain event reduced their number你觉得是否就没那么准备了呢?
作者: enkyklios    时间: 2013-6-20 03:32
作者: endsakura    时间: 2013-8-24 17:56
我和楼主简直有同样的疑问,但是现在似乎明白了点儿。是不是that的存在应该取决于意思,如果要解释说明一个从句最好加that, 如果是解释说明一个名词,就不用加that了。第二点关于comma+Ving,不论是做伴随状语还是结果状语,动作发出者都应该是主句的主语,即使是结果状语是修饰前边整句话,Ving也必须是主语发出的动作的结果?
作者: endsakura    时间: 2013-8-24 18:15
Yui1991 发表于 2013-4-12 20:43
不明白啊= =我看了ving的贴,不都是说要求是DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE么?但是也能说通啊,(比 ...

Joe broke the window, angering his father. -->this sentence makes sense,because it correctly implies that Joe "angeredhis father".
the window was broken byJoe, angering his father.-->this sentence doesn't make sense, because it implies that the window(i.e., notJoe himself) angered Joe's father.
my brother tricked me, disappointing Dad -->implies that dad is disappointed in my brother for tricking me (and notnecessarily disappointed in me for being tricked).
I was trickedby my brother, disappointing Dad -->implies that dad is disappointed in me because i fell for my brother's trick(and not that he's disappointed in my brother for tricking me).
你可以看出来了吧,即使是做结果状语,也不合逻辑吧,因为不可能是ancestors reduce their numbers,正解!!!
作者: elainecao    时间: 2013-12-1 12:50
(1)"The omission of that after dash makes the function of the final clause unclear.”
如果不加that的话,dash后面的内容可能是解释“the genetic homogeneity evident ...a "population bottleneck"”,也可能是“some anthropologists event”, 所以unclear; 加了that后,就可以明确地表示是解释子句的。
(2)The agent or cause of reducing is unclear.
如楼主所说,我也认为“comma+ving结构”是可以做结果状语的,而且做结果状语时并没有逻辑主语,可以是修饰整个句子,但就算认可这一点的话,A选项还是值得商榷的,因为cause也可以是主句“some anthropologists believe...”,有歧义。。。
作者: kakadinho    时间: 2013-12-13 00:13
elainecao 发表于 2013-12-1 12:50
(1)"The omission of that after dash makes the function of the final cla ...

Manhattan 关于破折号的解释:You can use the dash to restate or explain an earlier part of the sentence. Unlike the colon, the dash does not need to be immediately preceded by the part needing explanation.也就是说,破折号后面解释的东西不一定是在解释紧接着破折号前面的内容(此题也就是bottleneck),也可以解释其他部分。为了clarify到底dash后面解释什么,official answer just puts a "that" to be parallel with the total clause following "believe". 如果不加that,dash后面解释什么就不够清晰。
更深层次,Ron教我们从意思入手,believe that (人类基因同源“人口瓶颈”的结果) --- 某event减少了人口进而减少了基因多样性。根据颜色你看出什么了?对,你发现逻辑上破折号后确实在讲believe that的内容,难怪OG说“Repetition of that signals the paraphrasing of the belief and is therefore needed.”
However,我认为这个不是make-or-break error, 还有其他error帮助你选出正确答案。
作者: 刚果弯弯    时间: 2014-1-6 21:15
rylstar01 发表于 2013-4-12 21:52
1)句子结构为:Some anthropologist believe that the genetic hom ...

作者: kiwifoodtown    时间: 2014-1-7 08:45
rylstar01 发表于 2013-4-12 21:52
1)句子结构为:Some anthropologist believe that the genetic hom ...

我同意你最后一段的分析,A选项中reducing 的位置造成了整个句子的混乱,很容易让读者认为reducing是some anthropologists believe 这个主句的结果状语。这应该是A选项错误的最关键所在。
作者: mstella    时间: 2014-3-8 16:07
我感觉这道题的关键应该是平行吧?OG: the underlined part of this sentence is an explanatory rewording of the clause that follows believe. scientists believe that X---[in other words,]  that Y.  也就是说科学家认为X=科学家认为Y。这样无论是为了保持形式还是语义上的平行that就不能省略。省略that之后,划线部分的修饰对象就不明确了,是修饰主句还是population bottleneck? 也就是OG说的,the omission of that after the dash makes the functon of the final clause unclear.
作者: lindsayduff    时间: 2014-3-19 17:46
enkyklios 发表于 2013-4-12 20:49
呵呵,我不是黑侠,试着给你解释一下, 状语从句你试着把它补成一个句子;  ancestor reduce their numbers ...

作者: 你好梦想    时间: 2015-3-13 17:24
adamzjw 发表于 2013-4-12 20:46
如果没有that,你可以理解成后半句是对前面一整句的补充 ...

作者: uuuiiiwww    时间: 2017-6-21 11:18
endsakura 发表于 2013-8-24 17:56
我和楼主简直有同样的疑问,但是现在似乎明白了点儿。是不是that的存在应该取决于意思,如果要解释说明一个 ...

Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values.
总不能说是 crime leads to a rise 吧...
作者: lisaxiwm    时间: 2017-11-25 22:19
本来挺明白的 看了楼主的疑问我也开始产生同样的疑问了
前面的解释是说 that是为了消除 ,ving是修饰主句或是从句的ambiguity. 那是不是可以这样说 单看 at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers 就是对的呢? ---- 根据下帖中的(iii)伴随结果

即单看从句B选项at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event that greatly reduced their numbers
并没有好于A选项at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers?
作者: 清酉湘竹2018    时间: 2018-11-12 17:03

作者: 清酉湘竹2018    时间: 2018-11-17 08:32
作者: supermario5    时间: 2019-5-26 08:48
这题的焦点,一个在于破折号后的内容是否加that,一个在于comma + v-ing的用法。
(1)我在做这题的时候一开始就先入为主认为“population bottleneck”是专有名词,破折号后应该是对该名词的解释。但是在看完OG解释之后明白,如果破折号后是名词解释,就要用同位语结构即名词性结构:a event that greatly reduced...而不是选项中的一个完整句子。而如果是破折号后是完整句子,则只能理解为在解释前面同样一个完整的句子‘that the genetic...’
(2)comma + v-ing的用法,Ron有总结如下:
Two correct uses of ‘comma + ing’ (Note that the subject of v-ing must be the same as the subject of the closest sentence.):
(1)        to describe a direct and immediate consequence of the action in the clause.
Ex. Ray scored a full mark in a recent exam, bringing his average up to 93 this semester.
(2)        to describe an action that is simultaneous with and subordinate to the action in the preceding clause.
Ex. Ray ran down the sidewalk, flailing his arms.
关键在于括号里那段加粗文字,即v-ing的主语必须与最近的那个句子主语保持一致。因此在这题里reducing的主语只能是逗号前面句子的主语,即our ancestors。结果句意就变成了our ancestors reduced their numbers。祖先们自己减少自己的人口,显然在没有计划生育意识的原始时期这是不可能的。
作者: An_qi    时间: 2020-3-11 00:36
kakadinho 发表于 2013-12-13 00:13
Manhattan 关于破折号的解释:You can use the dash to restate or explain an earlier part of the sent ...

作者: firexxfire    时间: 2020-4-16 12:23
kakadinho 发表于 2013-12-13 00:13
Manhattan 关于破折号的解释:You can use the dash to restate or explain an earlier part of the sent ...

作者: Katthy    时间: 2021-1-4 21:09
adamzjw 发表于 2013-4-12 20:46
如果没有that,你可以理解成后半句是对前面一整句的补充 ...

作者: 星星考鸡麦    时间: 2021-10-28 21:53
清酉湘竹2018 发表于 2018-11-17 08:32


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