
标题: OG 255 [打印本页]

作者: bigp    时间: 2004-12-10 11:33
标题: OG 255


255. The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that it does not expect payments to be made when they are due.



The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or (that are)in such trouble that it does not expect payments to be made when they are due。这样的两个由or连接的并列结构修饰loans? 怎么这么别扭?


作者: p200002    时间: 2004-12-11 01:03


作者: bigp    时间: 2004-12-11 01:19

但是逻辑上说不通呀:loan are in such trouble that the bank does not expect payments to be made when they are due。Loan怎么能in trouble哪?


作者: p200002    时间: 2004-12-11 01:23
作者: bigp    时间: 2004-12-11 09:36


说正经的,我从来没有看到过类似于loan in trouble这种说法,印象中,通常都是人in trouble。不过有可能是我的思维的问题。anyway,十分感谢兄弟出手相助。

作者: welkin    时间: 2005-5-19 19:53


255. The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that they do not expect payments when due.

(A)  they do not expect payments when

(B)  it does not expect payments when it is

(C)  it does not expect payments to be made when they are

(D)  payments are not to be expected to be paid when

(E)   payments are not expected to be paid when they will be

Choice C, the best answer, expresses its meaning clearly and directly, with subject-verb agreement throughout. Choice A is incorrect: although in some dialects of English a bank is treated as a plural entity, in this case The bank holds clearly establishes that bank is grammatically singular, and thus it cannot be referred to with the plural pronoun they. Further­more, the structure of they do not expect payments when due makes the modification of due unclear. In B, it correctly refers to the singular bank, but payments when it is due introduces an agreement error between plural payments and singular it. In D and E, the use of the passive (payments are not... expected to be paid) does not contribute meaningfully to the sentence and thus is unwarranted, while payments... to be paid is redun­dant and unidiomatic. Also, are not to be in D and will be in E inappropriately shift action to the future.

我想问问,在gmat中,or不需要和and一样需要结构上平行吗? 谢谢大家了

作者: welkin    时间: 2005-5-23 08:45
作者: besideMars    时间: 2005-8-8 21:18



作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-8-22 19:16

welkin 看的太仔细了, 我觉得是可以通的, 再加上这里不是考点, 所以OG没有故意设计

不同意OR不用平行 , 基本上OR跟AND 式同样用法的.

open to discussion~

作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-8-22 19:24

求助啊! 好像是很弱的问题

以下是引用小女公子在2005-4-15 21:25:00的发言:

另外,og says

Also, are not to be in D and will be in E inappropriately shift action to the future


为什么D 明明用 ARE 却说是将来的意思呢? are not to be expected..大不了是被动么

作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-8-25 18:27

是不是 to be 的關係呢?

are expected 被動

are to be expected 未來被動

作者: 淡蓝色的回忆    时间: 2005-10-8 21:52


the loans are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that it does not expect payments to be made when they are due.

这个句子是不是such ---that 句型呀?

可是,such ---that 之间好象只能加 具体的名词,这个 trouble 是 抽象名词呀?such --that 句型间能加抽象的名词吗?

作者: 淡蓝色的回忆    时间: 2005-10-10 00:59

such --that 句型间能加抽象的名词吗?

NN, help!!!!

作者: 淡蓝色的回忆    时间: 2005-10-11 11:42


the loans are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that it does not expect payments to be made when they are due.

这个句子是不是such ---that 句型呀?

可是,such ---that 之间好象只能加 具体的名词,这个 trouble 是 抽象名词呀?such --that 句型间能加抽象的名词吗?


作者: titatita    时间: 2006-2-17 22:22
以下是引用淡蓝色的回忆在2005-10-11 11:42:00的发言:


the loans are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that it does not expect payments to be made when they are due.

这个句子是不是such ---that 句型呀?

可是,such ---that 之间好象只能加 具体的名词,这个 trouble 是 抽象名词呀?such --that 句型间能加抽象的名词吗?



作者: juliet01192000    时间: 2006-3-17 09:39


such... that...中间只能加名词,抽象的具体的都行!:)

open to discuss

作者: billytang1980    时间: 2006-3-17 13:03
or 和And一样需要平行,而且此题已经做到了平行,我们可以看到的是in loan that ...or in such trouble that ... 在这里主要是指代问题,D和E主要用了被动语态,对应于C的主动就差很远了
作者: 当当84    时间: 2006-6-23 17:00

解释中, furthermore, the structure of they do not expect payments when due makes the modification of due unclear

这里为什么是unclear? 是不是因为,既可以指payments due, 也可以是they (the bank,不考虑指代错误)due?

作者: amy7777    时间: 2006-10-3 12:06
以下是引用billytang1980在2006-3-17 13:03:00的发言:
or 和And一样需要平行,而且此题已经做到了平行,我们可以看到的是in loan that ...or in such trouble that ... 在这里主要是指代问题,D和E主要用了被动语态,对应于C的主动就差很远了

255. The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that they do not expect payments when due.

(A) they do not expect payments when

(B) it does not expect payments when it is

(C) it does not expect payments to be made when they are

(D) payments are not to be expected to be paid whenC

(E) payments are not expected to be paid when they will be

Choice is C.

有点没看明白呢, in loans 和  or in such trouble  是平行吗?


作者: sinoversion    时间: 2006-10-3 21:07

介词短语 形式上的平行

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