谢谢~~~~~作者: clwang0803 时间: 2013-4-10 07:54
I vote for UCI.
Here I could give you an example.
One of Adcom at UCI, Elisa Lee, who graduated from UCSD, but choose UCI to finish her MBA degree.
Do you think anyone else know these two school much more than her? She has shown you the answer for your question.
Anyway,even though overal ranking of UCSD is not bad, its MBA program is really sucks.
作者: a_beginner 时间: 2013-4-10 07:59
Vote for UCSD.
UCSD did not hire Elisa Lee since she is not that good so she had to go to UCI to get an offer. (Just joking...)作者: 筑梦者 时间: 2013-4-10 09:47
搜我以前的帖子ucsd是个好学校作者: kingsoar 时间: 2013-4-11 08:06
对,UCI的大楼正在建造,据说投资三千万刀。作者: lei825 时间: 2013-4-11 22:00
你好,militear,经过了漫长的申请过程,从申请的经验讲,我感到最终好与不好,要归结到适合不适合的问题上,UCI也好,UCSD也好,如果能抛开排名,发现自己,关注自己内心所求,重新审视自己回答过的问题WHY MBA? WHY this school? 或许你会清晰自己其实已在内心做出的选择,UCI或UCSD。
对于上面同学的评价我认为不准确:RADY是新项目,networking. 办学经验是不丰富,但不会绝对到无从谈起;选择UCSD是它现在的努力让大家相信它有潜力,不至于是去当被动的小白鼠。
USNEWS :今年第一年有排名: 73;
Financial Times : ranked 19th in faculty research in the Financial Times’ Global MBA Rankings 2013,ranked 7th in entrepreneurship by alumni surveyed in the Financial Times’ Global MBA Rankings 2013。 请仅作参考。
最后,Building的问题不是主要问题。作者: garlicwu 时间: 2013-4-12 08:51
With all respect, I think your logic makes no sense.
The fact that Elisa Lee chose her MBA in UCI only means UCI is better than UCSD TO HER. You can always find applicants who get offers from top10 but end up choose top20, even top30. There could be many reasons behind those choices, could be financing, location, spouse, family, and so forth.
Perhaps UCI gave her an offer much better than UCSD. Perhaps UCSD didn't offer her a position.
I am not sure how you make that conclusion. It looks more like your personal feeling, not logical reasoning. 作者: militear 时间: 2013-4-12 12:02
Elisa Lee真不咋地,其实感觉挺不专业的,就个人接触的感觉而言,无论是面试的时候还是Present的时候
业务不行,而且UCi有个鼓吹中国威胁论的教授,我一直不清楚他们会不会对中国学生有歧视作者: lutianqiang 时间: 2014-6-2 23:16
If I were u, I would go with UCSD作者: kexzhang 时间: 2018-3-24 12:42
多年以后, 我也面临这同样的选择...不过UCI和UCSD都是给了我4万刀,我真是纠结啊。。作者: 酸果子酱啊 时间: 2018-8-2 10:44