en, i c...我之前回的是看了你以前发过和我类似的帖子, 你说的我理解的....我自己知道cs hk那个ibd老大lse 本科af=>cam msf=> 四大财务咨询=>cs ibd, 这种比较smooth的跳路线, 其实还是看运气了; 所以, 读mba的booster到底在哪里我和你一样还是不确定, 毕竟机会成本很大, 如果定位到去bb我又觉得低端了些, 如果定位到去buy-side 外资顶级PE我觉得ok, 内资就更不用说, 见过太多90后在顶级内资pe~有资源就好~~作者: warrenz 时间: 2013-4-8 09:06
If you already have a Bachelors and LSE M Fin, it seems unnecessary to get an MBA.
If you want an MBA, US schools prefer 3-5yrs, UK/EU schools 4-7 years experience
From your background, sounds like you can definitely apply for a top 20 program, as long as you have the required years of experience
Blackstone, KKR and Fidelity, I believe have a hiring freeze right now so getting in will be very challenging.
I would think that an MBA might not help you much, unless you get into Columbia, Harvard or Wharton or LSE / LBS which are top finance programs, and will have a strong alumni base in finance and very strong connections.
If you can get directly into IB/PE/Funds, then certainly there is no need to apply for an MBA as you have already achieved your career goals.作者: 传奇M 时间: 2013-4-8 10:43
貌似都是专业人士~!!作者: mini1020 时间: 2013-4-8 10:54
从你的背景来看,我认为H,S基本看不到希望。W的话, long shot, BOOTH/CBS相当stretch. 北美的话,你想进top的买方,这5所会是core school。NYU的话,你希望很大,但是NYU你需要是相当优秀或者碰上好年景,你才有机会进。我个人觉得NYU如果那波相当优秀的都是拿奖的,他们手上时常都拿着CBS, BOOTH的offer.作者: 1360571k 时间: 2013-4-8 17:39