W/E 6Y, 目前Corporate BD & Strategy - So HBS is not only recruiting young talents from IB/MC/PE, the community is diversified
GMAT分数一般,Tofel没到官方要求的109 (small gap) - So no need to be limited by any "assumptions" like testing scores
除了交流、实习和出差外并没有长期的海外生活经历;爱好广泛但并没有什么特别了不起的特长 - So "fancy" experiences may not be necessary to get into HBS
PS. 今年HBS在中国招的很少么?现在微信群里人数居然才个位! 有同学没加进来的赶紧加哈!也欢迎学长们加进来凑个热闹~
1. Clear about who I am and what I want, in both career and life - I mean crystal clear through thorough self-reflection
2. Enjoy everything new and enjoy handling challenges/conflicts with the can-do belief - I mean really enjoy from deep heart
3. Great passion and strong out-of-box thinking, to the degree that offset my lack of knowledge/experience in certain areas
The point is: if you are really doing excellently to make a successful career and life, you should be very confident to apply any school that you feel passionate about, regardless of your age, job or testing score
I think you have touched the gist of an MBA. Thanks for the sharing and hope everything goes well in your future.作者: JackeyWang 时间: 2013-7-15 19:09
请问楼主你们的微信群是?可以加入吗?作者: radiology 时间: 2016-11-27 03:26
感谢分享! 作者: MBA761 时间: 2016-12-10 01:09
北大高材生作者: theCatLady 时间: 2016-12-16 23:29
very instructive