Wait-list strategy
Hi, to all the candidates out there we have spent the countless months studying, preparing and hard writing your admissions essays only to be put on the wait-list. My advice to you all is "Don't give up !!". There are countless stories of people we have been put on the wait-list and finally succeeded in final admissions.
For example: The current CEO of Goldman Sachs - Lloyd Blankfein who was first rejected by Goldman Sachs as a Harvard MBA, to today stands at the top executive position at the most famous investment bank in the world.
So what can I do now:
My top 2 strategies into admissions is to first "focus" on your weakness, and then second "self-improve".
Top schools have "wait-listings" for a reason, and that is to see who really wants to attend their school. The ones who show the most drive, desire and passion will usually succeed.
1. Professional achievement: apply for another internship, a new job, take on a leadership position or start a new company. Show results that will really matter to the admissions committee will show them your spirit, leadership and persistence
2. Additional an additional recommendation letter: It is now time to find that extra someone, who can help you cross the line into success. An additional recommender will be able to help address other areas not addressed in your PS, application or other recommendations and help you to shine.
3. Extra-curricular achievement: join a charity, attend a new sports club, complete a fun run, raise money etc will help to add to your CV and increase chances into admissions, esp for business school candidates. Schools prefer to see students who want to give back to the community
4. Take bridging course: if your GMAT, SAT, TOEFL scores etc are the reason for your weakness then complete a bridging course to strengthen your maths, english, or other skills to show the schools you are serious to complete their program. Bridging courses are an easy and effective way to show your academic brilliance usually without having to sit another exam. i.e look at UCLA extension for online courses
5. Lastly, interact with the school: Talk to alumni, network or even attend a school event. That will show you are really keen and excited to be part of the schools academic programs
Then, lastly put everything you have done in a great supplementary letter to the school.
Work hard, and good luck. Remember, its not over till its really over