
标题: 大全-II-17, 大全-II-18 [打印本页]

作者: 音乐咖啡猫    时间: 2004-12-4 16:05
标题: 大全-II-17, 大全-II-18

Questions 17-18 are based on the following.

Professor A: We must make a strong moral statement against Country X’s policies. Only total divestment—the sale of all stock in companies that have factories or business offices in X—can do this. Therefore, the university should divest totally.

Professor B: Our aim should be to encourage X to change its policies. Partial divestment is the best way to achieve this aim. Therefore, the university should sell its stock only in companies that either sell goods to X’s government, or do the majority of their business in X, or treat their workers in X unfairly.

17.   rofessor A’s and Professor B’s arguments differ in which of the following ways?

(A) They state the same goal but propose different ways of achieving it.

(B) They state different goals but propose the same way of achieving them.

(C) They state different goals and propose different ways of achieving them.

(D) They disagree about whether the university should sell any stock at all.C

(E) They disagree about whether X’s policies are objectionable.

18.   Which of the following, if true, would be evidence that the university would not be harmed economically if it followed Professor A’s recommendation.

(A) Very few of the companies in which the university owns stocks sell goods to X’s government.

(B) Most companies that have factories or business offices in X and in which the university owns stock actually do little of their business in X.

(C) Some companies that have factories or business offices in X and in which the university owns stock have instituted fair treatment policies for their workers in X at very little additional cost to the companies.

(D) The expected financial return to the university from stocks that the university could own under a policy of total divestment is approximately the same as the expected financial return from the same as the expected financial.D

(E) If the university sold large blocks of stock under a policy of total divestment, the prices of the stocks of the companies whose stocks were sold would probably decrease somewhat.


作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-2-16 17:31


18題的D選項是不是有錯誤??the same as the expected financial怎么齣現暸兩遍???

作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-3-2 11:43



作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-3-3 13:10
作者: colacat    时间: 2005-3-3 15:57

斗胆说两句(D) The expected financial return to the university from stocks that the university could own under a policy of total divestment is approximately the same as the expected financial return from the same as the expected financial.



作者: gmatjh    时间: 2005-3-9 11:07

(D) The expected financial return to the university from stocks that the university could own under a policy of total divestment is approximately the same as the expected financial return from the same as the expected financial return from the university's current stocks.

选项有误 缺划线部份

作者: elite-william    时间: 2005-3-9 15:07

说实话我也看不太懂,但单从做题角度而言,它是要求我们找the university would not be harmed economically 的支持论据.所以一看a,b c 就可以cancel掉的,因为根本没提到大学经济利益受损.e说大学抛掉stock后股价下跌显然不支持Professor A

so choose d

作者: leader    时间: 2005-5-20 21:45


作者: forjoke    时间: 2005-5-29 11:51
对X国的政策,A说应该发表声明强烈谴责,手段是total divestment(持有的股票全卖掉,和investment相反)。B说应该促使X国改变政策,手段是Partial divestment。





作者: 岁寒三宝    时间: 2005-6-19 12:38
作者: 岁寒三宝    时间: 2005-7-10 10:33
作者: judiwind2006    时间: 2006-8-8 22:03
作者: 小蓓    时间: 2007-2-18 21:11
作者: lijiahui0422    时间: 2009-7-18 10:39
definitly check our reading ability...

作者: tongnianwang    时间: 2009-9-16 09:54
作者: sumerlaw    时间: 2009-9-16 11:12


A说要total divestment 为了make a strong moral statement against the X. so, the university should divest the stock of the company that do business, or has factory in X totally

B说要partial divestment.为了push the X change the policies. so the university should sell the company's stock which sell products to goverment X, do major business in X, and treat the staff unfairly。




作者: weirui5621    时间: 2010-4-18 11:37
难道不能说 因为大学持股的公司中很少有卖产品给B国的,所以大学就不会遭受经济损失吗?

作者: 哲思雅    时间: 2010-10-7 23:05
我刚开始也在A、D中犹豫,实在看不懂D的意思,就选了A。看了楼上各位的讨论后,再看A,我认为A选项只说明not have business 这一个条件,而这些company 还是有可能有factory在X国的,这样,A就不够严密了
作者: caoqin1981    时间: 2011-9-12 20:06
作者: caoqin1981    时间: 2011-9-12 20:06
两个the same as?????!!!!!
作者: lijiazhou    时间: 2012-4-6 15:42
Professor A: We must make a strong moralstatement against Country X’s policies. Only total divestment—the sale of allstock in companies that have factories or business offices in X—can do this. Therefore,the university should divest totally.
Professor B: Our aim should be to encourage Xto change its policies. Partial divestment is the best way to achieve this aim.Therefore, the university should sell its stock only in companies that eithersell goods to X’s government, or do the majority of their business in X, ortreat their workers in X unfairly.
Which of the following, if true, would be evidence that the universitywould not be harmed economically if it followed Professor A’s recommendation.
A) Very few ofthe companies in which the university owns stocks sell goods to X’s government. 特殊的company不对,应该是total
(B) Mostcompanies that have factories or business offices in X and in which theuniversity owns stock actually do little of their business in X.  特殊的company无关
(C) Somecompanies that have factories or business offices in X and in which theuniversity owns stock have instituted fair treatment policies for their workersin X at very little additional cost to the companies. 特殊的company无关
(D) Theexpected financial return to the university from stocks that the universitycould own under a policy of total divestment is approximately the same as theexpected financial return from the same as the expected financial.D
(E) If the universitysold large blocks of stock under a policy of total divestment, the prices ofthe stocks of the companies whose stocks were sold would probably decrease somewhat. be economically harmed

我不明白的是D选项到底什么意思呢,expected financial return和什么是一样的?理解成即使divest和它不divest的时候的financial return是一样的?

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