标题: LAST Set 10 - II - 5,12 [打印本页]
作者: yumi55 时间: 2003-7-10 15:09
标题: LAST Set 10 - II - 5,12
LAST - Set 10 - II
5. Advertisement: Northwoods Maple Syrup, make the old-fashioned way, is simply tops for taste. And here is the proof: in a recent market survey, 7 out of every 10 shoppers who expressed a preference said that Northwoods was the only maple syrup for them, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Of the following, which one is the strongest reason why the advertisement is potentially misleading?
(A) The proportion of shoppers expressing no preference might have been very small.
(B) Other brands of maple syrup might also be made the old-fashioned way.
(C) No market survey covers more than a sizable minority of the total population of consumers.
(D) The preference for the Northwoods brand might be based on such a factor as an exceptionally low price.
(E) Shoppers who buy syrup might buy only maple syrup.
答案 D, 我选E。
为什么E不对呢? D 选项提到 low price,好象是无关选项。
21. English and the Austronesian language Mbarbaram both use the word “dog” for canines. These two languages are unrelated, and since speakers of the two languages only came in contact with one another long after the word “dog” was first used in this way in either language, neither language could have borrowed the word from the other. Thus this case shows that sometimes when languages share words that are similar in sound and meaning the similarity is due neither to language relatedness nor to borrowing.
The argument requires that which one of the following be assumes?
(A) English and Mbarbaram share no words other than “dog.”
(B) Several languages besides English and Mbarbaram use “dog” as the word for canines.
(C) Usually when two languages share a word, those languages are related to each other.
(D) There is no third language from which both English and Mbarbaram borrowed the word “dog.”
(E) If two unrelated languages share a word, speakers of those two languages must have come in contact with one another at some time.
答案 D, 但我觉得E 也对呀?
E 取非 不是对结论的削弱吗?
作者: kethy 时间: 2003-7-10 15:36
The first one.
E is not right. Northwoods Maple Syrup is only "one" brand of maple syrup. If the customers only buy maple syrup, they can buy other brands, and compare them to find out that Norwoods is the best. So, E doesn't prove anything.
D is right. The advertisement assumes that there are no other factors making people to favor Northwoods brand. But D indicates that, in stead of its quality, it's the low price that attracts the customers. So, Northwoods is not necessarily "best", but only "cheapest" maybe. This is a typical type of questions: there are several reasons for one result, but the arguement only focuses on one of them. So, the answer is to find out the other factors.
作者: kethy 时间: 2003-7-10 15:45
In the second question, E contradicts directly with the statement. The paragraph already made it very clear that they are sharing a word but they didn't contact each other at that time. Only if someone can prove that the word didn't come from the same ancestor, the statement can make some sense. So, D is their assumption.
作者: yumi55 时间: 2003-7-10 17:20
Kethy, 谢谢你的解释。我还是有些疑问:
5。 就是在问“ If which statement is true, will most undermines the conlusion...” 吧?就是说要找出assumption的漏洞。文中的assumption:
因为7/10的人只选择 Northwoods ,所以 Northwoods 是最好的。
通过你的解释我知道D是怎样选出的了。但我还是觉得E也可选:7/10 的人没买过其他牌子的,所以就算他们买Northwoods,也不能说明它是最好的,因为根本没有比较。
作者: kethy 时间: 2003-7-11 08:33
这里有三个概念,syrup - maple syrup - Northwood maple syrup,前一个都比后一个的集合要大。syrup除了maple syrup, 可以有很多种其他的风味的; maple syrup除了这个N牌子,可以有很多其他牌子的。E说,买syrup的人只买maple syrup,So? 跟题目中讲的Northwood maple syrup好不好根本没有关系。如果把E改成
All syrup buyers only tried Northwood maple syrup, but nothing else。你的推理才正确.
作者: fwjy 时间: 2006-10-7 16:01
(D)暗示这个市场调查不具有代表性,受价格因素的影响,只选取了特别低价位的枫糖浆产品,产品不具有代表性。 正确答案。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-7 16:04:16编辑过]
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