
标题: 3.7放几条狗 [打印本页]

作者: cxp6334228    时间: 2013-3-9 03:38
标题: 3.7放几条狗

1. 作文是黄金80题里 那个frozen food prosessor;
2.IR:第一个是学生enrollment的数量和每个人的费用什么的;然后 悲催的有两个大篇muti-resource,一个是关于奥运会排名,4个人对排名看法不一样,有说算奖牌总数,有说只算金牌,有说要加入国家population来算,有说金银铜加权,然后给了6个国家的按不同算法的表,还给了个某年的;还有篇想不起来了..;
3.数学,数学都是很简单很简单;有道水池里本来有75%的水,丢了个cube进去,问水位变化,1.给出水池的体积 2. cube的边长;
4. 阅读: 有篇好像是GWD 里出现过的, 美国关于apple 的政策,组织之类的,很长; 有篇是JJ里已有的关于某地什么遗留不是天文..是水相关的; 有篇是说德国公司在亚洲要分析那些international business performance, 过去用的public profit,是不对的,第二段写应该用share;
作者: lkjhg    时间: 2013-3-9 05:47
作者: yc2013    时间: 2013-3-9 07:01
xie xie lz
作者: 晨依Jacqueline    时间: 2013-3-9 07:20
作者: cassiopeiazzy    时间: 2013-3-9 11:34
作者: 蓝柏    时间: 2013-3-9 12:07
作者: 蓝柏    时间: 2013-3-9 12:08
描述美國的蘋果產業  (記得不全,寫個概略)
1890-1930年代美國交通快速發達,蘋果原本是face to face由生產者賣給消費者,因為交通發達,所以蘋果可以買得更遠了。
P1:美国apple transaction的历史。着重1970(好象是)的government有regulation,比如质量评级啊,什么时间更改合同条款啊,具体程序啊什么的,有细节题,定位就好。
P2:对这种regulation有两种理解。一种认为能够增加grower的控制市场的能力。举了个例子,就像一个××Act能让manufacture manipulate price一样。however,也有人理解说这个regulation 其实是提高政府控制能力(貌似是,不知道是不是跟什么记混了,我记忆力差。),然后说这种易腐的commodity有两个问题需要考虑,这两个问题会导致某种情况,就是卖家说质量好,但是买家说质量不好,有题问下面哪个场景符合这个情况。
第一段开始是说种植的变化,和销售的变化,反正就是越来越商业化了,靠铁路运输可以运到其他地方销售,不像1870年代都是在种植地周边销售,然后继续说因此产生的问题,然后政府就制定了一些规定,说引入了inspector,有了standard grading system之类之类
问题是第一个是问1870-1930年代apple industry的区别
V5 (730)
关于苹果业的那个,狗狗上有个说问苹果业1930年根之前有什么不一样应该选不能直接买个个人了。可是我看答案是is not allowed 直接买个个人。我感觉没有人不让他们直接买,只是距离远了,必须要通过长途运输才可以吧。所以我选的是那个果园没有以前多了。不过我不确定。
苹果种植在1980-1930年之间的变化,1890和1930苹果的交易方式有什么不同,哪个情况能体现文中buyer and seller的dishonest情况 (我是选buyers ask for discount when they see the quality of apple is poor even when it is high before shipping)有一个浑谣选项是说seller 在运输过程要求要求运输公司赔偿因为quantity变少了。。这2个感觉都有关 但是因为文中说到quality 所以我选了前一个选项。。其他3个选项我觉得都无关,
3.考到第二段的ACT, 题目好像是从这个act能infer什么。。我只记得我选这个act benefits more apple growers than producers.. 不确定答案对不对 其中有一个是浑谣选项 忘了。。其他3个一看就不是。。
1P 说从1890 到1930年(年数有可能不对)苹果的交易发生方式发生变化了,一开始,果农和buyer是面对面的, 到这段时间的末期,加洲果农有了大量的甚么东西(类似于订单之类的,有一题的迷惑选项提到了这个),开始变得很强大,苹果都是加州生产,然后贩卖到各州。他们的产品卖的很远了。由于什么原因,出了个什么Act(对这个act的产生原因有细节题),使果农不受anti-trust法控制。一个甚么机构就要对这些运输的产品做检查(题目,1890年和1930年交易方式有甚么不一样了。我选了果农不能直接把东西卖给buyer了。那个迷惑选项是果农的订单变少了) 之后出台了一个甚么法规,保护这种交易的公平性
2P苹果的质量变得不好。如果顾客发现苹果质量不好,果农和分销商都有责任;可能苹果质量本身不好,也可能是运输中损坏了苹果。这台法规的出现,有2个原因,一个起到了甚么作用,比如,又举了另一个法规(题目,提到这个另一个法规的意思是) 第二个原因 怎么样。接着作者对这个法规的作用提出了质疑(好像也有2点),就是买卖2家容易扯皮,推卸责任(题目,会有甚么推卸责任的)这样就有人钻这个空子(卖质量不好的苹果),然后扯皮,贿赂官员。
1930( 大约)年以前苹果industry, 是全国生产,卖给near customer. 1970年代开始是集中生产,长途运输卖给较远的customer, 而且出现了第三方来核实质量,评定等级.是什么造成这种改变的哪?
两个原因:1.长途运输货物质量可能会下降2.可能由于运输公司等非买卖双方的参与而导致加速这种质量的下降.所以为了避免大家扯皮,也为了避免opportunists 钻空子,出现了政府机构等给予装货前就核实质量,规定什么时候可以改动贸易条款.当然,商人的信用(reputation) 一定程度上会防止他们成为投机分子,但是由于participants 很多,还是有必要regulation 和核实质量.
题1:主题:discuss the imperus to regulation ......
题2:文章所描述的opportunist 会干什么事情?
题3:participants 多会不能保证buyer 和seller 的reputation , 下面那个情况能说明这一点.
题4:70 年代apple industry 除了哪个都是发生了的变化.
比较长,大约有70 行,但并不难。第一段讲美国1890 年前的苹果都是在东部种植的,运输距离短,所以没什么问题。但后来苹果种植移到了太平洋沿岸,要运到东部就很费时间,而且种植主越来越多。联邦通过了法律,主要有几点:苹果质量标准由政府制定,苹果质量可以在发运前由政府人员评估,供需双方的合同,包括合同的修改都受法律制约。
About apple production distribution of united states. The apple production farms used to sell apples to consumer directly. After 1930, only the orchard in CA are left so they sell their apple long distance. Some goverment institute was created to cope with it. Why the institue was created was state in the paragragh and question was asked.
1.    主题题
我选了对这个法规的评价 / discuss the imperus to regulation ......
2.    1890年和1930年交易方式有甚么不一样了
3.    提到这个另一个法规的意思是
4.    会有甚么推卸责任的
5.    文章所描述的opportunist 会干什么事情?
6.    aticipants 多会不能保证buyer 和seller 的reputation , 下面那个情况能说明这一点.
7.    70 年代apple industry 除了哪个都是发生了的变化.
作者: 蓝柏    时间: 2013-3-9 12:15
Between 1890 and 1930, the U.S.
apple industry underwent a profound transformation. At the beginning of the period, apples were produced in a scattering of orchards through the Midwest and East, near consumers; commercial apples were sold in face to face transactions. At the end of the period, apples were grown commercially in a handful of orchards in the Midwest, the East, and, most importantly, in the Pacific states, and shipped to distant consumers. Commercial apple transactions became anonymous, taking place between buyers and sellers separated by long distances. By 1930, apple sales relied on federally legislated marketing institutions. Quality was specified by federal grading standard, and third party federal inspection services were available to verify quality prior to shipment or after delivery. Standard business practices were dictated by the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930, which clearly specified when buyers or seller could change contract terms, and the procedures they were required to follow when altering contracts.
An alternative interpretation is that government involvement in apple marketing was a response to contract-enforcement problems arising as a result of the emergence of the national apple industry. Selling a perishable commodity over long distances was inherently problematic. First, quality declined naturally during the transcontinental delivery. Second, both farmers and the railroad, through their actions during packing and shipment, could accelerate this natural deterioration. Together, these two complications made it possible for sellers to claim to have shipped high quality fruit and for buyers to claim that delivered quality was low regardless of actual quality. Verification of these claims was impossible. The inability to detect whether reports of low delivered quality resulted from a random act of nature, inattention, or fraud left room for rent-seeking activity and opportunistic behavior.

Although the desire to avoid the negative consequences of a bad reputation encourages sellers and buyers to behave honestly, it may be impossible to develop a reputation when there are many buyers and sellers in the market. In such cases, when informal institutions become difficult to sustain, government or industry institutions may emerge. Quality certification and industry-defined minimum-quality standards are both effective methods for transmitting quality information from sellers to buyers. (Contract Evolution and institutional Innovation: Marketing Pacific-Grown Apples from 1890 to 1930)
作者: 蓝柏    时间: 2013-3-9 12:41
business performance 那个求确认!两个版
作者: piaopiao633    时间: 2013-3-9 16:03
作者: 371989728    时间: 2013-3-9 17:35
作者: 晨依Jacqueline    时间: 2013-3-9 17:40
作者: cxp6334228    时间: 2013-3-10 02:34
Between 1890 and 1930, the U.S.
apple industry underwent a profound transformation. At the beginning of the period, apples were produced in a scattering of orchards through the Midwest and East, near consumers; commercial apples were sold in face to face transactions. At the end of the period, apples were grown commercially in a handful of orchards in the Midwest, the East, and, most importantly, in the Pacific states, and shipped to distant consumers. Commercial apple transactions became anonymous, taking place between buyers and sellers separated by long distances. By 1930, apple sales relied on federally legislated marketing institutions. Quality was specified by federal grading standard, and third party federal inspection services were available to verify quality prior to shipment or after delivery. Standard business practices were dictated by the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930, which clearly specified when buyers or seller could change contract terms, and the procedures they were required to follow when altering contracts.
An alternative interpretation is that government involvement in apple marketing was a response to contract-enforcement problems arising as a result of the emergence of the national apple industry. Selling a perishable commodity over long distances was inherently problematic. First, quality declined naturally during the transcontinental delivery. Second, both farmers and the railroad, through their actions during packing and shipment, could accelerate this natural deterioration. Together, these two complications made it possible for sellers to claim to have shipped high quality fruit and for buyers to claim that delivered quality was low regardless of actual quality. Verification of these claims was impossible. The inability to detect whether reports of low delivered quality resulted from a random act of nature, inattention, or fraud left room for rent-seeking activity and opportunistic behavior.

Although the desire to avoid the negative consequences of a bad reputation encourages sellers and buyers to behave honestly, it may be impossible to develop a reputation when there are many buyers and sellers in the market. In such cases, when informal institutions become difficult to sustain, government or industry institutions may emerge. Quality certification and industry-defined minimum-quality standards are both effective methods for transmitting quality information from sellers to buyers. (Contract Evolution and institutional Innovation: Marketing Pacific-Grown Apples from 1890 to 1930)
-- by 会员 蓝柏 (2013/3/9 12:15:07)

就是这个... 这不是GWD 里的阅读么? 反正觉得很熟悉....我三年前考过GMAT...这次考 没有看那么多 所以不记得了是不是GWD里的了
作者: cxp6334228    时间: 2013-3-10 02:37
就是这个  第一个图更像 我当时用的折线最高乘以相应的柱图 ,和柱图最高乘以相应的折线点 , 结果俩一样的结果.....我就慌了....后来想想 GMAT 出题应该不会两个相近的一个是答案 应该选柱状和折线都中间的试试看吧。。。。
-- by 会员 晨依Jacqueline (2013/3/9 17:40:33)

作者: 晨依Jacqueline    时间: 2013-3-10 08:56
谢谢确认!(* ̄▽ ̄)y
作者: 蓝柏    时间: 2013-3-10 09:08
Between 1890 and 1930, the U.S.
apple industry underwent a profound transformation. At the beginning of the period, apples were produced in a scattering of orchards through the Midwest and East, near consumers; commercial apples were sold in face to face transactions. At the end of the period, apples were grown commercially in a handful of orchards in the Midwest, the East, and, most importantly, in the Pacific states, and shipped to distant consumers. Commercial apple transactions became anonymous, taking place between buyers and sellers separated by long distances. By 1930, apple sales relied on federally legislated marketing institutions. Quality was specified by federal grading standard, and third party federal inspection services were available to verify quality prior to shipment or after delivery. Standard business practices were dictated by the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930, which clearly specified when buyers or seller could change contract terms, and the procedures they were required to follow when altering contracts.
An alternative interpretation is that government involvement in apple marketing was a response to contract-enforcement problems arising as a result of the emergence of the national apple industry. Selling a perishable commodity over long distances was inherently problematic. First, quality declined naturally during the transcontinental delivery. Second, both farmers and the railroad, through their actions during packing and shipment, could accelerate this natural deterioration. Together, these two complications made it possible for sellers to claim to have shipped high quality fruit and for buyers to claim that delivered quality was low regardless of actual quality. Verification of these claims was impossible. The inability to detect whether reports of low delivered quality resulted from a random act of nature, inattention, or fraud left room for rent-seeking activity and opportunistic behavior.

Although the desire to avoid the negative consequences of a bad reputation encourages sellers and buyers to behave honestly, it may be impossible to develop a reputation when there are many buyers and sellers in the market. In such cases, when informal institutions become difficult to sustain, government or industry institutions may emerge. Quality certification and industry-defined minimum-quality standards are both effective methods for transmitting quality information from sellers to buyers. (Contract Evolution and institutional Innovation: Marketing Pacific-Grown Apples from 1890 to 1930)
-- by 会员 蓝柏 (2013/3/9 12:15:07)

就是这个... 这不是GWD 里的阅读么? 反正觉得很熟悉....我三年前考过GMAT...这次考 没有看那么多 所以不记得了是不是GWD里的了
-- by 会员 cxp6334228 (2013/3/10 2:34:54)

作者: Avapan    时间: 2013-3-10 16:32
作者: AngieZZZ    时间: 2013-3-10 22:03
作者: 茶底世界    时间: 2013-3-11 09:47

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