
标题: Duke Fuqua vs. Cambridge Judge [打印本页]

作者: dizzyboy    时间: 2013-3-7 22:35
标题: Duke Fuqua vs. Cambridge Judge
昨天晚上收到Duke email, 说给我打电话未果, 让我回个电话,但是我手机上并无显示来电。 同时收到email说申请有了update,让我去查看。觉得应该是offer, 但还是少许担心,结果一看,果然和我预料的差不多,唯一没料到的是,没有$
这回真的是为难了,前些天就预感会有这个dilemma, 所以预先发了这个投票的帖子cambridge vs. duke, 这回变现实了。。。 非常感谢已经给我出谋划策的朋友
Duke no $, 2 years;
Cambridge with 20k $, 1 year;
总体费用来说肯定Duke比Cambridge高1倍。另外不知道duke在香港找工作情况,昨天听个师兄说香港的话cambridge比duke好使, 如果是美国那就不用想一定是duke因为美国好像不太认英国1年的MBA即便是cambridge, 而如果中国大陆的话,和香港一样就选cambridge, 因为duke远不如cambridge知道的人多。
而我本人背景engineer,想转consulting 或 GM。 短期美国或香港, 长期说真的现在还看不清,想亚洲,因为毕竟是中国人,我觉得在美国可能找个稳定工作不成问题,但如果想进入高层还是得回国,毕竟国内机会多且语言文化通。另外我属于大龄申请者,30多岁了都。我的背景可见



Cambridge  Judge 在美国好找工作吗? Duke Fuqua 在香港好找工作吗?

作者: estherpapa    时间: 2013-3-7 22:41
商学院当然是杜克,Cambridge 商学院实在不能比吧
作者: asimov1    时间: 2013-3-7 22:59
Congrats on the admits!

The general rule is that go to school in the region where you want to get a job.

I will speak for a Fuqua perspective.

Fuqua is very strong in consulting and general management. For general management, it is harder to get into for international student because of visa issues; however, there are a few that will sponsor you, especially if you want to go back to Asia in the long term. Most consulting firm sponsors visa; however, getting a green card is a long process, and consulting is a hard lifestyle with up-or-out policy, so I’m not sure how many end up getting a green card through consulting.

The two major employment opportunities for Fuqua grads in HK are consulting and banking. The general feeling is that for Chinese students, placement in HK is much easier than it is for US. You can do GM in HK, but it may take some networking.

I heard that an added benefit of 2 year MBA versus 18 month MBA is the ability to switch careers. Since 2 year MBA programs (at least in the US) have a very robust internship tradition, which allows companies to try out future hires. This is more of an issue if you are going from GM to consulting than from consulting to GM (unless you are switching industry as well).

Good luck!
作者: gina2012    时间: 2013-3-8 01:00
I like Judge very much because I have been there.

Duke has better fame especially for US and China.

If Judge gave you money, it is worthy trying. But I am based in the UK, so I am biased.
作者: thirdwheel    时间: 2013-3-8 07:38
SERIOUSLY 对中国人来讲 美国还是比英国更加好的选择
作者: dizzyboy    时间: 2013-3-8 08:23
作者: xiaofeixia2013    时间: 2013-3-8 08:52
cam for sure
作者: 38383388    时间: 2013-3-8 09:30

作者: thirdwheel    时间: 2013-3-8 10:32
CAM的商学院不怎么样啊 不能光看学校吧
作者: gina2012    时间: 2013-3-8 17:57
SERIOUSLY 对中国人来讲 美国还是比英国更加好的选择
-- by 会员 thirdwheel (2013/3/8 7:38:19)

Why everyone here thinks US is a better immigration choice?

For sure, bigger country and more opportunities.

But Europe has much better social welfare, despite some countries going down hill.

If you do not want become some super director, Europe is less competitive, easier life.

And afer all, how many Chinese become super director in the states?

I found UK is easier to settle down. If you have a job, u get green card after 5 years and then you can naturarise after another year.
作者: 38383388    时间: 2013-3-8 19:19

作者: dizzyboy    时间: 2013-3-10 08:46
Congrats on the admits!

The general rule is that go to school in the region where you want to get a job.

I will speak for a Fuqua perspective.

Fuqua is very strong in consulting and general management. For general management, it is harder to get into for international student because of visa issues; however, there are a few that will sponsor you, especially if you want to go back to Asia in the long term. Most consulting firm sponsors visa; however, getting a green card is a long process, and consulting is a hard lifestyle with up-or-out policy, so I’m not sure how many end up getting a green card through consulting.

The two major employment opportunities for Fuqua grads in HK are consulting and banking. The general feeling is that for Chinese students, placement in HK is much easier than it is for US. You can do GM in HK, but it may take some networking.

I heard that an added benefit of 2 year MBA versus 18 month MBA is the ability to switch careers. Since 2 year MBA programs (at least in the US) have a very robust internship tradition, which allows companies to try out future hires. This is more of an issue if you are going from GM to consulting than from consulting to GM (unless you are switching industry as well).

Good luck!
-- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/3/7 22:59:43)

作者: tehical    时间: 2013-3-10 13:35
作者: holdieliel    时间: 2013-3-10 16:32
作者: snowyangel    时间: 2013-3-11 20:57
-- by 会员 holdieliel (2013/3/10 16:32:24)

为什么这么说? 很想知道
作者: holdieliel    时间: 2013-3-11 23:48
-- by 会员 holdieliel (2013/3/10 16:32:24)

为什么这么说? 很想知道
-- by 会员 snowyangel (2013/3/11 20:57:51)

作者: gina2012    时间: 2013-3-12 04:48

-- by 会员 38383388 (2013/3/8 19:19:13)

我狭隘推论一下,言外之意在英国混得都是混吃混喝的小会计小网管? 美国的华人做的

作者: asimov1    时间: 2013-3-12 05:08
But Europe has much better social welfare, despite some countries going down hill.

If you do not want become some super director, Europe is less competitive, easier life.
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/3/8 17:57:21)
I would say that most US corporate jobs are not stressful, and you get decent benefits. The work/life balance and pressure come if you are ambitious and want to climb the corporate ladder. This ambition is also what drives people to go to top-tier b-schools, which LZ is deciding on. If LZ wanted to settle on a middle management role at end of his/her career, s/he could have applied to a lower-tier school, and probably gotten a full scholarship.
作者: gina2012    时间: 2013-3-12 05:37
But Europe has much better social welfare, despite some countries going down hill.

If you do not want become some super director, Europe is less competitive, easier life.
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/3/8 17:57:21)
I would say that most US corporate jobs are not stressful, and you get decent benefits. The work/life balance and pressure come if you are ambitious and want to climb the corporate ladder. This ambition is also what drives people to go to top-tier b-schools, which LZ is deciding on. If LZ wanted to settle on a middle management role at end of his/her career, s/he could have applied to a lower-tier school, and probably gotten a full scholarship.
-- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/3/12 5:08:42)

其实到了后来你会发现做到director level跟mba真的没多大关系。



我不在美国,不了解美国,我的朋友都说美国竞争满激烈的。 美国医保是自己出钱的,美国辞职走人也是更经常。其实我也很想去美国
作者: oleoh    时间: 2013-3-12 07:46

But Europe has much better social welfare, despite some countries going down hill.

If you do not want become some super director, Europe is less competitive, easier life.
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/3/8 17:57:21)
I would say that most US corporate jobs are not stressful, and you get decent benefits. The work/life balance and pressure come if you are ambitious and want to climb the corporate ladder. This ambition is also what drives people to go to top-tier b-schools, which LZ is deciding on. If LZ wanted to settle on a middle management role at end of his/her career, s/he could have applied to a lower-tier school, and probably gotten a full scholarship.
-- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/3/12 5:08:42)

其实到了后来你会发现做到director level跟mba真的没多大关系。



我不在美国,不了解美国,我的朋友都说美国竞争满激烈的。 美国医保是自己出钱的,美国辞职走人也是更经常。其实我也很想去美国
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/3/12 5:37:13)

作者: oleoh    时间: 2013-3-12 07:47

SERIOUSLY 对中国人来讲 美国还是比英国更加好的选择
-- by 会员 thirdwheel (2013/3/8 7:38:19)

Why everyone here thinks US is a better immigration choice?

For sure, bigger country and more opportunities.

But Europe has much better social welfare, despite some countries going down hill.

If you do not want become some super director, Europe is less competitive, easier life.

And afer all, how many Chinese become super director in the states?

I found UK is easier to settle down. If you have a job, u get green card after 5 years and then you can naturarise after another year.
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/3/8 17:57:21)

作者: 38383388    时间: 2013-3-12 09:27

-- by 会员 38383388 (2013/3/8 19:19:13)

我狭隘推论一下,言外之意在英国混得都是混吃混喝的小会计小网管? 美国的华人做的

-- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/3/12 4:48:08)

我的言外之意是中国人无论移民到美国 英国 澳大利亚 加拿大还是什么国家,大部分都是找个小会计小网管混日子混移民监,而美国能比英国提供更多类似的工作岗位。
作者: zoujin19    时间: 2013-3-12 15:18
mark  一下  唉
作者: thirdwheel    时间: 2013-3-12 17:37
上面有人说到医保  其实美国公司一般都会给员工提供商业医疗保险 所以这不是问题
我有在英国和香港看病的亲身体验  NHS那个体系造成了效率极端的低   有几次急诊医生还来回推脱 真想骂人

而且就中国人来讲 美国这个国家是更加包容的 当然不要指望自己是主流社会  但是起码比英国和其他欧洲国家强

这点从中国超市的规模和川菜馆的质量就可以看出来 。。。。

最简单的例子 英国中餐馆一碗米饭要2.5-3.5磅  美国一般顶多也就一美元 很多地方还会送

而且要说绿卡 美国你现在只要找到公司SPONSOR你H1B  绿卡也就2-3年  英国这个就业政策年年对中国人收紧  就算已经有工作也还得等5年

作者: gina2012    时间: 2013-3-12 18:27

SERIOUSLY 对中国人来讲 美国还是比英国更加好的选择
-- by 会员 thirdwheel (2013/3/8 7:38:19)

Why everyone here thinks US is a better immigration choice?

For sure, bigger country and more opportunities.

But Europe has much better social welfare, despite some countries going down hill.

If you do not want become some super director, Europe is less competitive, easier life.

And afer all, how many Chinese become super director in the states?

I found UK is easier to settle down. If you have a job, u get green card after 5 years and then you can naturarise after another year.
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/3/8 17:57:21)

-- by 会员 oleoh (2013/3/12 7:47:59)

sigh, my spelling is bad, but it won't hurt to be nice and gentle

besides, we do not say integration here

Most time I talk about europe, especially UK

in your previous thread, u said I 指点江山

I thought American promote free speech, you did not learn that?

作者: gina2012    时间: 2013-3-12 18:37
上面有人说到医保  其实美国公司一般都会给员工提供商业医疗保险 所以这不是问题
我有在英国和香港看病的亲身体验  NHS那个体系造成了效率极端的低   有几次急诊医生还来回推脱 真想骂人

而且就中国人来讲 美国这个国家是更加包容的 当然不要指望自己是主流社会  但是起码比英国和其他欧洲国家强

这点从中国超市的规模和川菜馆的质量就可以看出来 。。。。

最简单的例子 英国中餐馆一碗米饭要2.5-3.5磅  美国一般顶多也就一美元 很多地方还会送

而且要说绿卡 美国你现在只要找到公司SPONSOR你H1B  绿卡也就2-3年  英国这个就业政策年年对中国人收紧  就算已经有工作也还得等5年

-- by 会员 thirdwheel (2013/3/12 17:37:52)

Emm, basical living cost, UK is higher. I enjoyed the states when I went for travelling.

Most big company in UK gives you private medical. I use company sponsored private medical, it is actually very good.

But you can not compare free NHS with paid medical care although we do moan about we paid tax.

Government does subsidise the medical system heavily.

I do not know a lot about H1B, my friends with green card in the states all seemed being in the USA for quite long time.

Wait for expert on that.
作者: dizzyboy    时间: 2013-3-16 07:55
作者: 38383388    时间: 2013-3-16 10:31
作者: nlarthur    时间: 2013-3-16 12:34
作者: xuexue22cn    时间: 2013-3-16 23:52
喜欢剑桥 喜欢英国 其实英国找工作没那么难 美国找工作也没那么容易 都是看个人 纯喜欢剑桥的人飘过
作者: KarenLin    时间: 2013-3-17 00:07
我觉得如果是consulting或GM,career switcher在知识和人脉的层面上会有更迫切的需要。
作者: snowyangel    时间: 2013-3-19 15:23
我觉得leo-liu,38383388,juliewang417 都说得挺好的
作者: Nasyo    时间: 2013-5-25 23:36
您最后决定去哪里了呢? Duke是我No.1 choice, 所以我很羡慕。
作者: maxiyu0    时间: 2015-3-16 10:00


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