标题: 叁约悦读寂静之白蚁筑巢 [打印本页] 作者: zxfjacob 时间: 2013-3-5 22:16 标题: 叁约悦读寂静之白蚁筑巢 23. Termite u termite在underground建立nest的事情。地下的nest结构复杂,互相连通,为什么会这样呢?有两个观点。 观点1:为了保持constant tempature. 观点2: 为了使nest 的 atmosphere 更加适宜,比如氧气,湿度,还为了可以抑制its food competitor 的生长。 u 第一段,说非洲的一个动物(忘了什么了),在地下挖洞作自己的窝,但地上还有一个内部结构复杂的土堆。一个人解释说,这是为了排出热气,洞内温度。第二段,有人反对,说是洞里的温度是不变得。这个土堆主要是为了将新鲜空气带进来,使得洞内的环境,包括空气组成、湿度等等都利于动物的生存。还有一个重要的是,这些空气有助于洞内的fungus菌的生长,那种动物就是靠这个菌生活的。740 Wiki背景资料补充:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termite Termites build neststo house their colonies. Nests are commonly located in larger timber or in thesoil in locations such as growing trees, inside fallen trees, underground, andin above-ground mounds which they construct, commonly called"anthills" in Africa and Australia , despite the technicalincorrectness of that name. Mounds occur when the nest grows beyond itsinitially concealing surface. In tropical savannas the mounds may be verylarge, with an extreme of 9 metres (30 ft)high in the case of large conical mounds constructed by some Macrotermesspecies in well-wooded areas in Africa,[3].Two to three metres, however, would be typical for the largest mounds in most savannas.The shape ranges from somewhat amorphous domes or cones usually covered ingrass and/or woody shrubs, to sculptured hard earth mounds, or a mixture of thetwo. Despite the irregular mound shapes, the different species in an area canusually be identified by simply looking at the mounds. The sculpturedmounds sometimes have elaborate and distinctive forms, such as those of thecompass termite (Amitermes meridionalis & A. laurensis) which build tallwedge-shaped mounds with the long axis oriented approximately north-south. Thisorientation has been experimentally shown to help in thermoregulation.
The column of hotair rising in the above ground mounds helps drive air circulation currentsinside the subterranean network. The structure of these mounds can be quitecomplex. The temperature control is essential for those species that cultivatefungal gardens and even for those that don't, much effort and energy is spentmaintaining the brood within a narrow temperature range, often only plus orminus one degree C over a day.
In some parts of theAfrican savanna, a high density of above-ground mounds dominates the landscape.For instance, in some parts of the Busanga Plain area of Zambia, small moundsof about 1 m diameter with adensity of about 100 per hectare can be seen on grassland between larger tree-and bush-covered mounds about 25 m in diameter with a density around 1 per hectare, and both show up well onhigh-resolution satellite images taken in the wet season.
53、白蚁穴 V1:by sirenfish (8.25 23:30) p1: 说非洲termite mound有个特别的结构包括一个chimney和若干tunnels,一专家假设说(有题)这个结构是用来给undergroundnest保温的。 p2: 但是又发现chambers的temperature control能力不足,于是又有专家提出了another explanation,说breeze啥的,让inside atmosphere可以mixed with outside air tokeep certain humidity, ...(有题)。但这样atmosphere也利于competitor——fungus的存活,if allowed to grow,xxxx。 问题: 专家假设啥? 还有一题是推论,if the mound is sealed,会怎么样? 背景知识 (8.27 13:45) 白蚁穴,太傻上有类似的介绍,希望可以帮到一点 termite在underground建立nest的事情。地下的nest结构复杂,互相连通,为什么会这样呢?有两个观点。 观点1:为了保持constant tempature. 观点2: 为了使 nest 的 atmosphere 更加适宜,比如氧气,湿度,还为了可以抑制 its food competitor 的生长。 第一段,说非洲的一个动物(忘了什么了),在地下挖洞作自己的窝,但地上还有一个内部结构复杂的土堆。一个人解释说,这是为了排出热气,洞内温度。第二段,有人反对,说是洞里的温度是不变得。这个土堆主要是为了将新鲜空气带进来,使得洞内的环境,包括空气组成、湿度等等都利于动物的生存。还有一个重要的是,这些空气有助于洞内的fungus菌的生长,那种动物就是靠这个菌生活的。