第二段给6个月大的儿童做那些个图形实验证明已经会分辨谁好谁坏 第三段给8个月大的儿童做实验,证明他们喜欢保护弱者的一方啥的 第四段说儿童自己都有道德观,哪还要父母教?其实infant尽管天生能分辨,父母都要传输正确的moral value 第五段说为什么 问题一:有一个考题问weaken第二段的选项-选择没看这个video还是喜欢方形 问题二:第四段的作用是啥?我选:提出一个conclusion是接下来的段落会explain的 问题三:针对第五段考了一个,就选最贴近原句的那个,貌似是limited在比较小的group里啥的 第二篇美国鸡 主旨选错了……TOT大家记得选“鸡怎么到美洲的“,本来犹豫了一下,还是没选,越做到后面越记得主旨这题就是JJ里的那个答案 第三篇手工作坊到工厂 差不多都是JJ上的题目,加一题吧 The factory of the future is not aplace where computers, robots, and flexible machines do the drudge work. Thatis the factory of the present, which, with money and brains, any manufacturingbusiness can build. Of course, any competitor can build one too—which is why itis becoming harder and harder to compete on manufacturing excellence alone.Lower costs, higher quality, and greater product variety are like table stakesin poker—the price that companies pay to enter the game. Most products can bequickly and easily imitated; and the most automated design and productionprocesses cannot decisively beat the second most automated. Who wins and wholoses will be determined by how companies play, not simply by the product orprocess technologies that qualify them to compete. 这一段精炼了一下就是原文第一段啦, 问题是The factory of the present是怎样的?答案:不能仅仅靠产品的quality来compete了(因为第一段最后一句很明显地说,靠提供更好的customerservice才是大热)