想读MBA的话要有一个好借口,“我想拿文凭,我想多赚钱,我想做career switch,我想呆在US/HK”这些你想的别人也会想,what makes you so special? 自己一定要构思一个无懈可击的理由(不管你自己是不是这么想都好,只要别人相信你是这么想的就行了!) 如果你能拿到面试,表示你至少成功了一半,学校给你面试代表对你有兴趣,你吸引了他们。面试是关键,一定要好好准备!LZ是把所有问题和答案都写下来,反复的看,熟能生巧,面UST的时候有快20页纸。睡觉前也不停的想,人家可能问你的问题,就算是“what’s your favorite book/leader/teacher, why?”这种问题也要回答的无懈可击。
这个问题出现的频率太高了,就算essay里面没有问你,面试的时候也有很大几率会问。我特意说这个题目是因为它还是个“万金油”,这个example和说法你想好了,经过你的临场应变还能演变为challenge\conflict\how you pursuade others 等等。如果你有一个很好的solution,还可以变为the most successful decision/impressive thing happen at work.
Once I decided to replace and demote a senior employee Shui, who failed to finish his objectives in six consecutive months according to our penalty system. However, Shui explained to me that his wife got laid off and his salary has become the only income source of his family of six. If he got demoted, his salary will be no longer sufficient to sustain his family expenditure. I cannot let him hold his position because our company will suffer loss if he fails again. However, Shui has been serving for our company for more than six years. It will be relentless for us to demote a senior employee without considering the hardship of his family. Finally I still demoted Shui but remained his salary level for one year. We will train him to enhance his management skills, help him to overcome his weaknesses, teach him the efficient way to finish his work during the following year. In this way, our company earned a reputation of being kind to senior employees; moreover, we retained him with little cost comparing with the potential loss and we can expect a more capable manager next year.
由于200字的字数限制,这篇文章给我删减的不成样子,但是本意还是在的。面试时prof问我:“what does ethics mean to you?” 我说“doing the right things.” 他笑了,说是simple但是无可挑剔的回答。然后问我,这件事情过去多久了,现在这个员工怎么样了。我说过去六个月了,他的状态还不是很好。他问我,那你准备怎么办呢,一年快到了哦。我说,Former subordinates became his colleagues,it has alreay been a hard time for him. We don’t want to be harsh on him. For our company, we appreciate his contribution and we think it is acceptable for us to have him, even if he will no longer be qualified as a manager again. Maybe this is something we gonna worry about in the next period. (大概是这么说的,口语也没细想)