5.如图,求小圆半径和正方形边长的比(好像是某道jj的变体,还是原题?)[attachimg=362,357]114424[/attachimg]作者: 晨依Jacqueline 时间: 2013-2-18 21:13
恭喜楼主!!谢谢图文并茂的IR狗狗,大爱!!作者: pigman007 时间: 2013-2-18 21:22
胡乱看都720,LZ必须好好看一次再战啊作者: 莫失莫忘yr 时间: 2013-2-18 21:25
第三题逻辑JJ是10月机经里的。。。。。我也看过!作者: 盐水柠檬 时间: 2013-2-18 21:27
我大阅读呢!狗主!作者: m222jennifer 时间: 2013-2-18 21:29
恭喜!作者: freddxy 时间: 2013-2-18 21:44
楼主是不是这题罗基: Kitchen magazine plans to license the use of its name by a line of cookware. For a magazine, licensing the use of its name for products involves some danger, since if the products disappoint consumers, the magazine's reputation suffers, with consequent reductions in circulation and advertising. However, experts have evaluated the cookware and found it superior to all other cookware advertised in Kitchen. Therefore, Kitchen can collect its licensing fee without endangering its other revenues. The argument above assumes which of the following? A. No other line of cookware is superior to that which will carry the Kitchen name. B. Kitchen will not license the use of its name for any products other than the line of cookware. C. Makers of cookware will not find Kitchen a less attractive advertising vehicle because the magazine's name is associated with a competing product. D. Consumers who are not regular readers of Kitchen magazine will be attracted to the cookware by the Kitchen name. E. Kitchen is one of the most prestigious cooking-related magazines.作者: delicateng 时间: 2013-2-18 21:47
谢狗主!作者: moimio 时间: 2013-2-18 21:54
这。。。大神,我今天就是靠着您的大阅读乱蒙的,文章都没仔细看。。。我努力回忆看看噢。。。 我考到了有机械钟,前两段很像,后面好像都讲什么发现,潮汐什么的,科学现象。搞得我不知道文章主旨是啥了,机械原理和科学现象对半开,主旨题里选项好像有讲机械钟原理,科学现象。。。失忆。。。 噢!对,那个加拿大好基友的,我记得主旨我在substantiate a claim和explain the formulation of a hypothesis当中纠结了很久,因为我觉得文章讲的不是这个hypothesis的形成啊,但是claim又显得太不专业。。。所以最后还是选的hypothesis那个 有social movement,嗯。。。然后。。。就木有然后了。。。实在想不起来了。。。对你不起啊。。。作者: moimio 时间: 2013-2-18 21:59
前半段很像,有一点点不一样,后面从however开始都不一样了,选项也不一样,题目的大意我记得还是挺清楚的,就选项记不大清了,只知道自己选的那个。。。作者: 秋晨小仔 时间: 2013-2-18 22:38
亲爱的各种强悍!吼吼~~谢谢狗狗~作者: tzhou7 时间: 2013-2-19 11:33
12月有考过cookware嘛? 我也考过,没考到这个逻辑jj