我结识了一个大我不少在DC工作的美国大叔,本科Duke/杜克大学的Accounting,考到了CPA,我出生的那个80年代末,他在University of Pittsburgh/匹兹堡大学读经济学的研究生,后来一直在四大或美国大使馆做相关工作。我们俩共同爱好之一就是吐槽bullshit grad school,他对我的感受感同身受,不时拿自己研究生时遭遇的狗屎学术经历来将吐槽推向高潮,还经常讲给我一些对付教授和作业省时省力又不伤人伤己的小窍门。。。这个例子告诉我们,美国的研究生教育不是在21世纪,或者留学生如春潮般涌现的时候才如此商业化,而是在久远的80年代,甚至办学以来,它的本质就一直是一所执着的盈利机构。
关于工作,管理行业仍然无比看重工作经验。就我这半年在美国的经验来看,不是某个专业根本上不好找工作,而是国际生的起点比美国学生低很多,如语言能力、对大环境的了解、工作能力,etc。所以在同等的情况下,公司为什么要聘用国际生?所以要就业,要不有一技之长,如IT,heavy marketing courses,MBA degree in Magic 7 school which is highly preferred; 要不就潜心做学术读PHD,选一些在研究上有一定建树和知名度的学校。
这篇文章几天才写完,在此期间,我听到了来自评论里不同的声音。这让我不禁想到Seth Godin先生的一篇博文:Being judged is uncomfortable. The alternative, of course, is much safer, to be ignored —up to you.
之前有在ChaseDream看过很多人写从从整个MBA program里获得的takeaways。 商学院教给我们,keep everything close to our vest. 也教会我们,接受来自不同世界的思想,永远保持客观与公正,不轻易judge别人,不说绝对的话,不做极端的人。 在与商学院相处的两年,我希望它于我,是一次transaction,更是一场transformation。
几周前MBA的课堂上,老师讲了一个消费观: When you buy something cheap and bad, the best you are going to feel about it is when you buy it; When you buy something expensive and good, the worst you are going feel about it is when you buy it.
Scratch your own itch, and…make a dent in the universe.
因为自己有考虑过phd这条路,但是就犹豫,一个是因为辛苦,一个是觉得自己没有实践,究竟能不能研究。希望后面和prof再咨询下。作者: toshio 时间: 2013-3-28 15:42
受教了,楼主!!!!!!1作者: DHC517 时间: 2013-3-31 22:18
你的文章让我想起了Killing Them Softly 里的Brad Pitts的一段话:
“My friend, Thomas Jefferson is an American saint. Because he wrote the words all men are created equal, words he clearly didn't believe since he allowed his own children to live in slavery. He's a rich wine snob who's sick of paying taxes to the brits. So, yeah, he writes some lovely words and aroused the rabble and they went and died for for those words. This guy wants to tell me we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh. I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business." 作者: zhidou 时间: 2013-4-3 10:12
感谢楼主分享~受益了~作者: jjessiewang 时间: 2013-4-5 07:55
DHC517 发表于 2013-3-31 22:18
你的文章让我想起了Killing Them Softly 里的Brad Pitts的一段话:
“My friend, Thomas Jefferson is an A ...
Interesting, my not-so-famous American friend also told me, "America is not a country, if not now, very soon"作者: jjessiewang 时间: 2013-4-5 07:58
I like your words and thoughts. "...骄傲,走向质疑,迷失,最后慢慢回到清醒和坚定" That might be a process many students experienced, but you described it vividly.
I am thankful for your sharing and glad to sense the positive attitude in your words.