标题: 问个句子~~~麻烦半个忙~~~~ [打印本页] 作者: AmoHolmes 时间: 2013-1-29 00:59 标题: 问个句子~~~麻烦半个忙~~~~ Geroge Washington Carver dedicated his life to <the economic strengthening of the South with improvement of soil and diversification fo crops>. B. strengthening the economy in the South with soil improvement and the diversification of crops. C. strengthening the economy of the South through soil improvement and crop deversification D. the strenthening of the economy of the South through imroving soil and crop diversifying E. the economic strenthening in the South with imrpovong soil and diversifying crops.
答案选C,请问下这TO后面接的是要理解为一个clause 么? 怎么判断啊?作者: sisichen666 时间: 2013-1-29 01:28
句子的结构是:George dedicated his life to (doing) something through A and B作者: AmoHolmes 时间: 2013-1-29 02:53
句子的结构是:George dedicated his life to (doing) something through A and B
-- by 会员 sisichen666 (2013/1/29 1:28:07)
谢谢,结构能明白但是to后面不是一般原型么?作者: sisichen666 时间: 2013-1-29 02:59
这里是dedicate N to doing的固定用法,是少数的to doing的固定搭配用法,记住就好作者: AmoHolmes 时间: 2013-1-29 03:04
这里是dedicate N to doing的固定用法,是少数的to doing的固定搭配用法,记住就好