
标题: 【求助】G13_SC #71 [打印本页]

作者: freeingdu    时间: 2013-1-26 08:15
标题: 【求助】G13_SC #71

71. Alongthe major rivers that traverse the deserts of
northeast Africa, the Middle East, and northwest
India, the combination of a reliable supply of water
and good growing conditions both encouraged
farming traditions that, in places, endure in
at least
6,000 years.

(A) good growing conditions both encouraged
farming traditions that, in places, endure in

(B) good growing conditions encouraged farming
traditions that have, in places, endured for

(C) of good growing conditions have encouraged
farming traditions that, in places, endured for

(D) of good growing conditions both encouraged
farming traditions that have, in places, endured

(E) of good growing conditions encouraged farming
traditions that have, in places, been enduring


OG:The time line of this sentence, captred by the use of verb tenses, is of utmost importance.
A combination of factors(in the past) encouraged farming traditions that are still with us today.
The conditions for the use of the present perfect tense have endured are in place.

在此不理解为什么have会放在",in places,"的前面啊?

作者: freeingdu    时间: 2013-1-27 03:37

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