下面开始放狗!!! 作文是讲citrus fruit price has been increased substantially over the last decade. 然后说一个Megamart卖的Lemon从几年前的5cent/pound涨到了25cents/pound. 作者提出这十年间只有一年的气候特别差,所以排除了天气影响产量的factor, 然后作者说citrus fruit growers have been responsible for the price increase and some strict regulations are needed to prevent the inflation from continuing to increase. 题目到此为止。
语法特别让我无语...我复习verbal花功夫最多的就是在语法上,但这次我复习那么久好不容易积攒下来的一些知识点都没有怎么用上,其实句子不复杂,但就是感觉考法和平时我们做OG和GWD和PREP的不一样,很多题五个选项长五个样子,也就是没有我们常见的很多个split。唯一能较完整的回忆起来的一道,The cost of heating the house has become difficult for many householders, since the gas price has increased. 其他三个好排除,我纠结在两个选项,The heating payment of the house 和 paying the heat for the house ...我貌似选的第二个
最后套用我在微博上的一句话作为结尾吧,Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 生活依旧,继续前行。作者: Marina1989 时间: 2013-1-24 04:40 作者: certman 时间: 2013-1-24 04:50
多谢提供信息!寂静口诀很赞!作者: sinrayzhao 时间: 2013-1-24 05:05
lz跟我的题差不多,我有4道秒的。 The cost of heating the house has become difficult for many householders, since the gas price has increased. 这道题应该是paying the heat for the house ... 这个做主语才可以是 become difficult.作者: treacy 时间: 2013-1-24 05:09
cong. 能说说阅读考的是哪几篇吗作者: citrus橘子 时间: 2013-1-24 10:12
谢谢数学狗狗~~作者: hty2658 时间: 2013-1-25 01:04
阅读全是寂静上的!3.沼泽中的化石 9.法国印刷 34. high corporate tax 19.focus group 寂静都很全,我基本上都是秒选。 唯一有一点值得说的就是这次我遇到一道逻辑题是阅读寂静里面的...但忘了是哪一篇了..作者: athenawujj 时间: 2013-1-25 02:20
沾沾喜气~~恭喜恭喜!作者: 黑白森林 时间: 2013-1-25 04:11
楼主 要是IR能回忆起来记得短消息我啊!